8,-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY.25th, 1977 Orono, Horticultural 'Spring Ffower Show The Junior Gardeners wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Delling of Bowmanville for juding the show and for their helpfuil hints on preparation and arrangement of exhibits. Special awards, donated by Mrs. Isabelle C hallice, were awarded for most points in thie show to Wayne Atkins in Junior group and Sheila Boughen in the senior group. A large group of enthusias- tic gardeners attended the1 ý nring Flower Show of the Orono Horticultural Society on Thursday evening. Presi- dent Isabelle Challice wel- comned the 13rge crowd and introduced the judges, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dilling, Bowmanville. The Provincial Convention will be held this year in Windsor, June,15, 16 and 17. and the delegates were auth- orized to enter an exhibit on behiaif of the Orono Society. The voting delegates to this year's convention will be Isabelle Challice, Minnie Zeg- ers, Adele McGill and Joan Couivier. t was also decided to accept an invitation fromýi the Kinsmen Club to enter a float in the parade to be held in Oronio Fair Grounds on June 29. The proceeds from this event will be applied towards the cost of the new Sports Arena. A bus trip will be arranged in September toL take in the International Chirysanthemnum and Dahlia Show which is being held this year in Toronto. Further information will be announ- ced before the show. Apart from the beautiful floral display of tulips, daffo- dils, narcissi, house plants and flower arrangements ent- ered for competition, a most interesting feature of the spring show was a display of crafts set up by Marion Zegers and a selection of hand-hooked rugs arranged by Isabelle Challice. The plant sale was also a great success and members had the opporturlity of picking Up some rare and unusual items at a very moderate cost. Af ter the business meeting an excellent programme of entertaînment was provided by James Lowery on the saxaphone and violin, accom- panied by Doreen Lowery on the piano. Mr. Dilling gave a most interesting and instinctive commentary on the exhibits and the prize winners were -i O0. Chatterton Elctrical Cotracting phonle 983-i546 or 983-5940 Oro'no-, ntario announcE of the sh, tha Touc]t treasurer List of Class 1- 1. Everi 2.John 3.Jenni 4. Wes' Class 2 - 1. Fred 2. Jean 3. Hil1da 4. Jenni Class 3 - 1. Myrt] 2. Dorol 3. Wes ' 4. DoreE Class 4 - 1. Myrti 2. Wes1 3. Glady Class 5 3 Mixed 1. 'Theli 2. Myrti 3. Ever< 4. Glad~ Class 6 Tulip 1.Glady 2. Wes 1 3. Cyril 4. Eileei Class 7 - 1. Alma 2. Bern ,3- John 4. Minni Class 8 - 1. Fran] 2. M\,inn. 3, Lorni Class 9 - (One J.Dorol 2, Hilda 3. Wes1 4. Cyril Class 10 Narci 1. Myrtl( 2. Wes M 3. Dale The Durham County Forest will be the scene of a guided nature hike on Sunday, May 29, 1977 at 2:00 p.m. Dave Gibson, working for the Ganaraska Region Conserv- ation Authority on the Exper- ience '77 summer program, will lead hikers througlh upland bush, consisting of, mixed hardwood forest and coniferous plantations. The oniie and a haîf to two hour hike will explore various plant communities and the hikers will discover the relat- ionships among the many kinds of wildflowers and other plants that make up the late spring scene within each habitat. Comfortable walking shoes are a must, and binoculars and a keen sense of interest will add to your pleasure. Corne prepared, ramn or shine, but don't forget that the bugs are out. The hike and the cold refreshments served aftér- A foliage display at the Spring flower show dby the burn assbý 1Adele 1M prizes: 3 Red Tu] tt Brown ,Moffat e Bowins Wood 3 Yellow ýVagg ,Lewis Coatham ,e Bowins 3 Pink Tu le Wood :hy Bailey ýVood ýn Lowery 3 White ýe Wood ý?ood ës Brown Ecolours ýia Vagg ,e Wood tt Brown ýs Brown 3 Lily1 7s Brown V ood 'Baird ri Billlings 3Parrot Watson ce Moffat Hodge ie Zegers 3 Double SZegersJ ie Zegers EAtkins 3 any otf variety) by Branci Coatham iVood Baird 2 Dal ssi cWood Vood ývans chairman ittee, Ber- sted by the Ilips 4. Don Evans Class il - 3 of any other flower grown from buib or rhizone 1Myrtle Wood 2. Doreen Lowery 3. Lorne Atkins Class 12 - Collection of any other spring flowers 1. Myrtle Wood Tulps 2. Everett Brown 3. Minnie Zegers 4. Fred Vagg Class 13 - African Violet, uîips Single 1. Lorne Atkîns 2. Alma Watson 3. Everett Brown Class 14 - African Violet, 7 Tulps : Double Tulipsj. Millie Rainey 2. Ervan Rainey .3. Alice Cobbledick Class 15 - 1 House Plant 1. Adele McGill 2. Doreen Lowery 3. Minnie Zegers 4. Fred Vagg Class 16 - 1 house plant, Flowring foliage or fancy leaf Floern9 1. Ann Evans 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Frank Zegers, Jr. 4. Jean Lewis Class 17 - 1 branch of Tulipsflowering shrub or tree Thlips 1. Cyril Baird 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Nellie Baird Class 18, - "A Tisket a Tasket"-using any spring Tulips flowers in a basket [r. 1. Isabelle Challice 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Eileen Bîllings her colour Class 19 - Arrangement using h 3 tulips, with foliage and accessories 1.Isabelle Challice 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Gladys Brown fodils or lass 20 - "Memories", an old-fashioned arrange- ment using any spring flowers in an old-fashion- ed container 1. Nellie Baird 2. Thelma Vagg 3. Gladys Brown 4. Jennie Bowins ORONO JUNIOR GARDENERS Resuits of the Spring Flow- er Show held on May 19 -are as follows: Senior (Age il - 16) Class 1. 1. Brenda Buntîng 2. Sheila Boughen 3. -Patty Blaschke Class 2 1. Sheila Boughen 2. Brenda Bunting Class 3 1. Patty Blaschke Class 4 1. Denise Challice 2. Sheila Boughen' Class 5 1. Denise Challice 2. Sheila Boughen Class 6 1. Sheila Boughen 2. Patty Blaschke Junior (Age 5 - 10) Class 1. 1. Wayne Atkins 2. Brent Hutton 3. Corinne Boekee 4. Wendy Hutton lass 2 1. Corinne Boekee 2. Wendy Hutton 3. Wanda Hutton Class 3 1. Wayne Atkins 2. Wanda Hutton 3-. Wendy Hutton Class 4 1. Wendy Hutton 2. Wanda Hutton 3. Wayne Atkins Class 5 1. Wayne Atkins 2. Nancy Tamblyn 3. David Tamblyn wards will be free to ail wb participate. In order to coi, serve our natural resources, please bring your own reus- able cup. To reach the Durham County Forest, turn right at the Durham Forest sign off Hwy. 115 north of Kirby and follow the rond for nine-tenths of a mile to the forest parking lot on the right. Orono E Iectric Herb and Gerry Duval] 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T. V. - COLOUR T.V., SRADIO -HI-FI WESTINGHOUsE - RCA ELECTROHOME Guar an teed JService THE COMMISSION ON Freedc>m of Information and Individual Privacy The Commission on Freedom of Information and, mdi- vidual Privacy by authoriiy vested in it by the Govern-. ment of Ontario will undertake an enquiry ta examine: 1. Public information practices of other jurisdlictions in order ta consider possible changes which are compatible with the parliamentary traditions of the Government of Ontario and complementary ta the mechanisms that presently exist for the protection of the rights of individuals; . 2. The individual's right of access and appeal in relation to the use of Govern ment information. 3. The categories of Government information which should be treated as confidential in order ta protect.the public interest; 4. The effectiveness of present procedures for the disse mination of Govem ment information to the public; 5. The protection of indlividual privacy and the right of recourse in regard to the use of Goveroment records. One aspect of the Study will include the acceptance of wriften Briefs and the teceipt of Submissions as well as a seriies of public meetings throughout the Province. Persons orgroups wishing to make representations to the Commission on any aspect of the Study are re- quested to write to the Counsel, Commission of Freedomn of Information and Individual Privacy, 444 Waterloo Street, London,,Ontario N6B 2P3 or to submit written Briefs wvith the undersigned not later than August 1, 1977. Public hearings will be held at times and places in Ontario ta be announced later and those filîng Briefs or letters who wish ta appear personally will be advised as ta the time and place when they i be heard. Please address ail correspondence ta: Counsel, Commission on Freedom of Information and Individual PrivaCI> 444 Waterloo Street, London, Ontaria N6B2P3. D.C. Williams, Ph.D, LLD. Chairman WR. Poole, Q.C. 1Counsel Plan walk in forest 1