i ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1977-11 eovers Wood, t, matai and masonry easily. DMies quiozkly tGa rjch, flit finish ma t rasts bllsterlng, peeling, k chalkîrsg and fading.Pâlotng 5 tonls wash dlean wlth $oap and watar. 0we 260 earty "Shvlter Tons" colora. -uem label 1, contenua. a galon Qpr 10a Éasyi-to-apply JLIla'tax paint dirie Ip a rlch Satin glose finlfsh. Cavers Wood, Stucco, mitai and maSünry. Retains Its color and~ glosas beàutl- fuly. Resias chalklng, bllsterlng, 'PeetIng - no lead huzards. Quîck soap and water ctle'-p. choose from over 260 tuec.dltd colora ln the "Shakter Tons» co(llecion. amgallont I~ or bas Appllasaaslliy to Wood end matai surfaes. Dries toià rich, ?glossy flnWsI that retains lis lustre and ceoïor Protecta for years. Choose from an out- standing seWectn of coloraeI the "ShweaTone" cOlý.ectIpn. AIl productslMay notb.availel in ad stores. the guarante is on the label. Rolph DOMINION îHARDWAUÂRE 983-5207 Orono