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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1977, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1l,977-3 Good parade shapîng up for June 29th Theresa VanHaverbeke proùdly stands beside the 2nd Orono Girl Guide flag after joining the guides at a recent ceremony. St. Saviours ANGLICAN Regular Su7nday Worship Servic e - 10: 00 a. m. Rev. Ilan Haldenby B.A.L.TH. Organist Mrs. Joan Cashin Sunaay unurcn acnool Anni- versary Il: 15a. m. Annual Church Picnic - Orono Par k SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1977 Old Time Family Night - Main Hall KIRBY UNITED CHURCH. Morning Worship 9:45a.m. Sunday Church School il a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 Bob Veomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializingin Hot Water Hleating Forced Air Heating Septic TnkWork R.R. 1, Oroflo 983-5624 According to Mir. Charles Gray, xho on behaîf of thed nGreat Pine Ridge Kinsmen, isY Sheading up the organization v ~ ~ of a parade for Wednesday,v June 29th states that a good number of floats have already been entered in the parade and ail looks as if the parade will be a good one. Mr. Gray points out that the Kawartha Shrine Patrol will enter the parade as well as a number of local organization and individuals taking part. The parade is being held in connection with the annual Orono Athletic carnival which is to be held in the exhibition grounds in Orono. The parade is to start at the Orono Park ending at the fair gr-outids. Mr. Gray states he is really encouraged with the interest e*in the parade. It has been a number of yvears since such a parade was held in Orono and this one should create plenty of interest. The parade is being organ- ized to draw attention to the annual banquet which this year is being held to aid the fun d for a new arena. If you would like to add to the parade please contact Mr. Charles Gray, Orono. Full-day kindergarten cou Id save The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Edu- cation wilf set up a small study committee to considerý and to report to the board the possible merits of conductng Taping-Spray Ceilings Plaster Repafr Painting LWVaIIy Lucyk 983-51 RONO VENEZIA Restaurant HWY 115anid:35 12Mile South of 01rono OPEN C-DAYS AWEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials Water Delivery SWIMIMING POOLS, WE'LLS & CISTERNS 2000o Galion Tank TAYLOR Sand & Gravel 983-5003: $156OOO full-day kindergartens in the school area. A report from the adminis- tration on Thursday poînted out that $156,000 could have been eut from, this year's budget if fûll-day kindergar- ten was in operation on alternate days rather than the haîf day kindergartens on a daily basis. It was pointed out that a number of boards do conduct full-day kindergarten on alterna te days in 'rural areas while providing daily half-day kindergarten ia the urban areas of their juris- diction. Although there was a noon- SKATE-A-THON (Continued from page 1) Wayne Atkins, Earl Atkins, Ria Hamre, Duffy Hamre, Mark Stapleton, Stephen Ly- cett, Stephen Murree, Steven Stec, Derek Mumford, Jim Moffatt, Marcia Lowery, Lynn Lowery, Greg Vey, Keith Vey, Brent Gatcheil, Brad Roberts, Don Stevens, Beth Gatcheli, Steven Gra- ham, Rodney Storsbergen, Bil ly Storsbergen, RaymoiiU Ripley, Jeff Gray, Nick Van Segglen Sr., Blaine Bruton, Steven Merrick, Steven Saw- yer, Geoffrey Green, Mark Sargent, Wayne Zoschke, Chris Langford, Karen Lang- ford, Michelle, Henry, Paul Henry, David Groskopp,, Shayne Adams, Jeff West- brook, Rick Patterson, Barb- ara Endicott, G9,rd Lowery, Paul Rosseau, Darrel Zos- chke, Terry Watson, Derek Newman, Robert French, David Little, Karen Atkins, Lisa Hamre, Teddy Gaudet. Thaý you again. Gord Lowery and Gord Atkins, day transportation savings ý,Vith the full-day schemne it ,vas not known what effect it would have on education. It was also pointed out that there would be a problemn with noon-hour supervision with the full-day program on alternate çdays. Robert Mloorcroft, super- intendent of instruction, said he had neyer personally observed a full-day kinder- garten. The board favoured a study committee being set-up to studvr the educational reprecussions, if such do exist. The matter has been set over untlil September wheni the corinmittee could be esta- blished. Chairman Ian Wilson said the matter did not corne fo the board at this time for discussion but rather as information. NOTICE 0F 'a GRANT 40F àA POLL 407 FOR THE ELECTION NOW PENDING TO ELEOT A PERSON TO REPRESENT THE VOTERS N THE LEGIS LATIVE ASSEMBLY 0F ONTARIO FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM EAST SUJCl POIL TO SE HELO, AT THE POLLING PLACES ÜETAILED ON THE ATTACHEU PAGES. THURSDAY J une 9th, 1977 9 a.m.Io 8p. m. (Dayl ight Saving Ti me) THE FOLLOWING PERSONS, NAMED IN HaLO TYPE, HAVE BEEN DULY NOMINATËE0 AS CAND)IDATES . 1. CUREATZ, SAM 'Progressive.Conservative Party 2. DOWNEY, JOAN M. Liberal Party 3. LEITCH, LLOYD ýl 4. MOFFATT, DOUG New Demnocratic Party *Pltclpary egistened wltlnthe Ontario Commission on Election CnrbtosadExpenses. GIVENUIN DER MY NANO DATE RETURNiNGOOFFICE ADDRESS --T-------O-F-C- MAY 26th, 1977 MAIN ST.. ORONO ERG .POLT 00DOTHEIR FOGD-SHO)PPINC HEM..E .1; e,. e. For the Grill Regular Groundl Cut from Canada k LD Grade "A" Bef BeeIlb,,e.68 Ground Beef Top Quality4IEAN lb 99C Cnt frons Canada Grade "A" Beef Blade Roasts- l bo .98C Maple Leaf Chieken, Bologna. Pickle and Pimento, Luncheon, Mac and Cheese Lunch Meats 12 oz, .88c Maple Leaf Swett Pickled Cottage Rolîs CRYOVAC lb. $1.28 Frozen Imported New Zeaiand La'mb Legts WHOLE OR HALF lb, $1.39 Perfect for the Barbecue 12 to 14 lb. average - Cut and Wrapped Whole Loin of Pork lb. $1.38 CORN ISHIS

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