2-01rono Weekly Times, We dnesday, June 22nd, 1977 Oirono Weekly Times Second Class Mail Regstra tien Number 6368 Publhshed Every Wednesday at the etfficeeof Publication Main Street. Orono ROy, C. Forrester. Editer Eric Pattersen. AdviertiLiiiL Durham East recounvtmundemrway Basing his decision on the fact that he fet the applicant (Dong Moffatt) had shown it was in the public interest to do so, Judge Joseph Kelly of the County Court has calied for a judical recount of votes which were cast in the election of June 9th in the Durham East riding. The recount was started on Tuesday of this week. Deug Moffatt sought the recount following his defeat at the pois on June 9th when Sarm Cureatz won the riding by 115 votes. Moffatt fîled a - notice of motion seeking the recount claimiflg inconsisten- dies between the officiai poil books and statements by poili cerks. Coânfirmation service Confirmation Service was held at St. Georges, Newcas- tle on Sunday, June lth, with Bishop Marsh retired Bishop of thje Yukon nlow living in C'obourg taking the service. TIhe follwing young people from St. Saviours were con- firmed: Paddy Breen, Julie Gray, Shelley Gray, Roger Proctor, Paul Reed and Janette Tansley. There was a reception af ter fin. the Parish Hall for al parents and godparents when they had a chance to meet with the Bishop. These young people have been taking instruction for the past 4 mponths. Trhey wîll take their first communion on Wednes- day, June 22nd a t the Wednes- djay night service at St. Georges, Newcastle. St. Saviours and St. Geor- ges will have their Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 26th ai the Oronio Park. There was a fine rail' On, Saturday, June l8th Which saved our gardens. On Sunday the Orangomen from the surrounding jodges a3nd from Kendal LOb No. 405 as wel as the L.O.B.A. and the Kendal Browvnie Troup.led by the Kendal fife and drumn band paraded to the morning service. Special music was provided by MVr. Mark Wagar and his brother Mr. Dan Wagar of Collingwood who sang, "The Eastern Gate" before the service and after thie service, 1,1 wili mneet you in the morning over there," assisted by Mrs. A. Foster and accompanied by Mrs. K. Wood. The scripture reading was Il Kings 8:1-10 and Judge.s 7:1-23. It was rend by D.M. Mir. Frank Drinkie. Rev. A, Tizzard spoke on "The Known and the Unknown". The Lord said te Gideon, go out there. We are ail concerned about the future. Lt will bring us things of joy' but also things not seý good. We must come in contact with the evil as well as the good, but we can triumph. Jesus said go out ,into the future and I arn with I know not what the future holds, of marvel or surprise 1 only kniow I 1cannot drift Beyond his love and care. Cla rke Museum Corner You could say that three et our most recernt acquisitions have been almost Providen-, tial in the way they immed- iateiy fitted into our 1977 dispînys. The first was from Mrs. Pat MacKay - a deligihtful wicker doll's stroller, complete with aj saw-dust stuffed doil and her elaborate eyelet dress, m--atcýhing that on the little girl we already had on r the 'bord-walk' et our 'streetX. Secondly, amnong the m-any items given to us by Mrs. Bertha Teuchburn, were sev- eral newspaper articles and special supplemnents celebrat- ing thie 1939 visit of the King and Qucen te Canada - and of course thiese are just in irne fer our Jubilee display. Another prtt rs. Touch- burn's donation - three -Ont- arjie Writing Courses" book- lets', and a large collection of exam njpapers - wvere a ecoeaddition te our grewing collection of school memnorabilia. And the most necessary item te complement these camne a -week inter - thanks to Mirs. R.W. Swan's generous donation of a most welcome gasdisplay case, we now have thie space te show them off Museum Heurs: Every afternoen except Wèd-' nesdays and Saltrdays, 2 - 5 p.mn.. T'hursday evenings, 6 - 8,30 The Wagar family and Mrs. K. Wood had assisted on Saturday' evening with the Orono Jamboree in the hall of the Orono United Church to aid the C.G.I.T. group. Sev- eral from here attended. The funeral of Mr. Carman Bell look place in Port Hope on June 1lth, 1977 from the Ross Funeral Parlours. Car- man was born at Kendal sixty-three years ago on his father's far-m north of Kendal and now owned by Mr. Deug Moffatt. He attended Mc- Leans sehool. Later he mar- ried Dorothy McMullen of Kendal and went to live in Garden Hill. 1He farmed and later drove an oul truck in Port Hope. Sympathy is extended to his wife Dorothy, his daugthers Jean (Mrs. L. Mater) and Joyce (Mrs. J. Ferguson) and son John Bell as well as to his sisters Aima, Margarete and Hilda 'and his brother Mr. Clarence Bell. Miss Della Cheeney of Toronto is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Rlliott. Somne of the Kendal f olk attende,] Shiloh anniversary on Sunday afternoon. The Kendal Women's Insti- tute met at the homne of IMrs. Del Gosson on Wednesday evening, June 15th wvith nine mremnbers present. UIp&Dlï-own the Book Stacks ADULT Bothersome Bodies by Max Haines (true stories of 17 killers and how thiey got rid of the evidence) That was the LIFE, by Dora Janle Hamyblin (the behind the doors story, of Amerý- ica 's favourite magazine) Anyone can make Big Money Buying Art by MortOn Shulmian Miopeds by Paul DuPre (the complete guide to the fun and fun-ctio)n of America's neweSt vehicle) Overboard by Hank Searis (a dreami of sailing the South Seas turns into a ighotmnare of suspense) Ea!st Wý7ind c, Ramn by N. Richard Nash (a novel set dur ing the wvar years i Haaii) Table D'Hlote by Douglas (ilark (an English mnedical detective story ) 'thle Virilty Fa,,cter by, Robert Merle (a skililful biend oi science fiction and fact) JUNIOR News Travels by Cynthia Chapin (local comnmuni- cations) Paper for Play by G. Roland Smith (crafts) World's Dîaredevil: Evel Knievel by P3. Taylor Paperbacks for sumnmer reading. EASY READING AND) PICTURE BOOKS Tail Titr by Aileen Fish- el, And Io Think 1 Saw Ilton Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuiss The GenerousCo by Bijou LeTord M-, -Aeleine al,yA Kendal News * Important * Have you had your furnace cleaned * Ibis year. Willam . Hll;B. comm. Chartered Accountant Phone N~ewcastle 987-4240 L~ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATLJRDAY TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TENDIERS FO4: GASOLINE, DIESE L FUEL, HEATING FUEL, GREASES AND GEAR LUBRICANTS Specification No. 77 - 4-1 Sealed Tenders, clear-ly marked as to Content, will be received by the uindersigned unil 5:00 p.m., local time, on Wedinesday, July 6;th, 1977. 1. Regula r Gasoline: 62,000 gallons per year. 2. Diesel Fuel: '25,000 gallons per year. 3. Heating Fuel: 80,000 gallons per year. 1. Greases & Lubricants: 1,500 lbs. per- year. AIl tenders miust be submnittedl on tenders forms which miay be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Ente tenders not accepted. Lowest, or any, tender not necessarily accepted. Director of Publie Works, Town oýf Newcastle Hampt1),on, Onta rio. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NO0TI CE To Dog Owners in the Town of Newcastle FFEFCTI VE, JU1LY , 1977, THE FOLLOW1ING SCALE OFLCE E FEES WILL BE IN EFFECT For the fit-si and seconid dog ............. $1.o each For the third dog....................2. 0ea Ch For the fouirth and each additional dlog ...5.0 each Kennel of puire-bred dg registered la thie Canadan Kenel lub Icorp...........$50 The hlder of a kennel icencýe shaîl not be hiable tg pay, irespect o"f suchprebddgs anyý licence fee isted above except the, Kennel licenice tee. 1977 or mnore than fifteen (15> days after becoinig the wner, a fee of $2.00 will be cbargýed in additioni to the above 1m-enitîinedfee. An em1ploy ee et the Animial Control Departinent of the Towvn of Newýýcastle will be checking oht unlicenced dogs after JuIy 1, 1977, and is authorized to collect licence tees plus the above mientîoned extra cbarge. If paid before JuIy 1, 1977 there will be no extra charge imposed. Licence t ees mnay be paid at the following locations: Municipal Hall, Hampton Town Ha 1, 40 Tempera nce St., Bowmanvi lie TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE .PUBLIC MEETING The Council of the Town of Newcastle wiIl hold a Public Information meeting at 8-00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 29th, 1977. The meeting wiI be attended by the Council, Legal and Consuling Adlvisors- and also memnbers of Ontario Hydro Staff for the purpose of discussing the' possible îimpacts and implications attached fo the proposai to build a Nuclear Generatin'g Station west of Bowmanville. Members of the Public are cordially invited 10o attend the meeting to be brought up to date on the status of the proposailand ask quesions. The meeting will be, held in the Council Chambers, Police and Fire Building, 132 Chut-ch Street, Bowmanvi île. Garnet B. Rickard Mayor J. M.Mcllroy, Town Clerk Ml.