Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 22nd, 1977-3 The regular meeting of Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, June l4th with Sîster Betty Major, Noble Grand presiding and Sister Hazel Stapieton acting as Vice Grand in the absence of Sister Maude Cooper, Vice Grand. The Noble Grand welcomed ail and said how pleased she was to have so many out. The charter was reverently drap- ed for two Past Presidents who had passed away during the past year, Sister Sue Leacock, and Sister Caroine Cutier. Minutes were read of the last regular meeting by Sister Mae Allen, thec Recording Secretary. Sister Betty Ma jor reported on catering to a wedding recentiy and thianked ail those who had donated food and the Sisters who went and helped. Sister Doreen Swan report- ed that the committee of Rebekahs.were working with a committee from the Oddfei- lows and had pianned a float for the parade Wednesday, June 29th. Sister Watson was put -in charge of ordering an arran- gement of flowers to be placed at the Oddfeliow and Rebekah stone at the cerne- tery for decoration day. There was a motion that the District Fee be paid at the next District meeting. A silver charm wili be purchas- ed for another Guide who has aained the highest honour in Guiding. Sister Major wiil be on band to present this to the Guide when the date bas been set. Af ter discussion it was decided to have a pot luck supper before the last regular Rebekah meeting, dune 28th. The supper to commence at 6:30 p.m. Ten dollars was donated towards the pr izes for the Jr. section 0f Durham Central Agricuitur al Fa!] Fair. Sister Rainey, Presidentl of C'lub) 62 announced that a pot luck picnic supper wouid be held Monday, dune 27 at the homie of Sister lia Martin, Leskard. A short meeting will folow the picnic A beautiful arrangement of fiowers was placed on the altar by Sister Violet Dunlop in memnory of ail the Sisters and Brothers wýho have pas- sed away during the thirty years since the Lodge was instituted. Sister Mae Allen, Sister Lia Martin, Sister Olive Milîson and Sister Gladys Gamsby had appropriate readings. These Sisters and Brothers are ever remem- bered for their good deeds and wil always 1e misscd. Ten Sisters are leaving on Sunday to attend the sessions ÎDX SERVICE STATION. Highway 35 and 115, just noî th of Newcastle Premium Quality Prýoduct.9 At the Most Reasonablej Prices __ Stove 0O1 &.m 7 Diesel 011 * AvailabIe i any quantity, Phione 987-4215 SPhonle 623-3377 "FLO0WERS WITH 133 Church St'reet Bowmanville FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS f or WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME Be%. and Al Andierson, prop. Rmeasonable Prices. on SAVE ON SDiesel Fuiel SMotor 011 SGasoinpe Phone 668-3381 - Collect IDXFUEnLOIL For Prompt Courteous Service I CALL US TODAY Cila rke taxes Hieather Rebekah Lodge Conne Woodyard at the councîl meeting on Monday pounted out that taxes in Clarke Township were stili the highest in the Town of Newcastle. He made this reference when Mrs. A. Cowman said that taxes were the ,highest iDarlington Township. At the time Mr$. Cowman was pointing out to the ,lack of services in the Courtice area (if the Rebekah Assembly, Wednesday night ,vill be thec banquet after wih the Sîsters ,vill be back, home and the Brothers will proceed with their sessions of Grand Lodge. (Continued from page 1) is to be 30 x 80 feet and will run south fromi the track. The new horse barn will replace the twenty stalîs that are now located at the west of the property with ten stalîs on eithier side of an alley-way. Much of the mnaterial for the barn wili be obtained from the dismantling of the presenit arena. AUCTION SALE RAINED OUT - TO BE HELD THIIS SATURDAY (Continued from page 1) pancake breakfast was being held in the firehalî the proposed auction sale could not be moved inside.' The wide range of items go up for auction this Saturday mnorning at the firehaîl with the opening chant of the auctioneer at 11:00 a.m. If you have articles to donate be sure to contact the fir .e department and they will be only too willing to pick them Up. Ail proceeds from the sale to go 'towards the Orono Arena fund. mmmmm TAXES INCREASE 4.7 PER CENT IN C'LAR,ýKE (Conitiiîd from page 1) million for educational pur- poses along with $2.16 million for road purposes within the ow.Recreation has been allotted a sumu of $734,810 to cover costs of arenas, pro- grains and administration. $426,7,50 was allotted for general governmient expen- ses, $489_595 for protection to persons and property, $202,- 440 for sanitation and waste, $16,540 for planning and $5-2,020 for community ser- vices. Grants from tLhe province for the department 0f public works amnounted to $936,000 along with a $343,300 grant from the lot levy reserve to pay off dents regarding roads, Bowmanville High School and municipal fire halls. The increase this year is lower than that of 1976 when increases across the munici- pality amounted between 13 and 25 per cent. It has been pointed out that during the year the gcrowth factor for the Town hias been estimated at five per cent which contri- buted greatly in keeping the rise in taxation less than eight pr cent. The averaglehic- The fact that Clarke this year has the smaliest inc- rease in taxes has flot changed the position that it stili pays the most for services provided. .here taxes were on the ,verage running as high as $1,000.00. "Why should we pay more for the least", she said. It was also pointed out to council that the Courtice area stili did not have their fire pumper. t.Saviours ANGLICAN Rý .,ular Suniday MWurship Service - 10: 041a. m. Rev. Allan H1ldenbý B. A. L.TH. 1 SUNDAY. JUNE l9th, No Service. Confirmation service at St. George's, Newcas- tic. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister *Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 19(7 ORONO UNITED CHURCH *MorningWorship 11:15a.m. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Mlorning WorshiD 9:45 a,. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 SCHEDULE 0F SUMMER SERVICES Ail services are at 10Oa.m. July 3 Kirby Centeninial July 10 Orono United Church July 17 Kirby Centennial July 24 Orono United Church July 31 Kirby Centenniai School eORONO AMATEUR ATH LET IC ASSOCIATION 1 êsI N * J Ae L *AR ev PARADE&DIRe Paad ermOooPrka .0p e A E OFCACBNO IDE iE FRE ADISOeERSNET Cut fromi Canada Grade A Beef B0"lade uSteaks Cut fromn Canada Garde à Beef Short Rib RKoasts Maple Leaf Swept Pickled Co,%ttag-e Roils lb. 68C CRYOVAC "Devon" Brand Rindless Bacon 'Bulrns" Beef and Pork Sa usag--e SmnaII Link Freshi Minced - Perfect for the Barbecue Grounld tBeef Regular Mlaple Leaf -6 ozý pkg. C--ooke---d Hamn Bone in lb. 55C IL $1.09 lbo $1.44 lb. 88c lb. 68C 6 oz. $1.18 mmmmmmuCORNISH'S oIs,'t Leave ILt. oChance Be sure your homte is truly protected by a good policy Cail us nlow Milison Insurance Agency O>ffice: Coorner of Church and Cobpbledick Street :J.