>%aceSDO4,o *OXFORD I * Brick layer-Stonemasons Ltd. à ORO)NO,0 NýTAHIO Ph one 983-5606I UZm MM mm mm m mmmm NOTICE TO THE PROPERTY OWN4ERS 0F The CÏ,Ity of Oshawa The Towý,nship of Scugog The Townsip of Manvers The Townirýship of Hope Teattenion cf Property awners of the ab>ove myentioied Municipalities is directed ta a Notice pubiished elsewhere on this page regarding ar application ta the Ontario Municipal Board' by the Corporaion af th'e Town of Newcastle for approval of a By-law ta regulate land use. J.ýM. Mcl11ray, A. M. C.T. Clerk, Tawn of Newcastle. Its that touch that counted so much at the Pancake breakfast. Error fund in Town building charges It was revealed at enuncil meeting on Monday by Mayor Rickard that an error had been found in the tabulation of the building permit fee by the Town of Newcastle for the proposed forty unit, Senior Citizen comrplex in Orono. The error dropped the cost of the 'building permit from $40.00C. to $4,000. rhie lot levy cosits and cost of water- maintîo the site stili am'ounts to $90,000. The Town of Newcastle levies amiount, to $20000, lot levies "b) the Region amount, to $36,500 wvith the cost of' the watýevrmain costing $000plus :a building permit for$40. it was alsoreaed t council that other muniIcipal- ities had no sýpecial! policies for suchdeeo ens Coun- cil took f0o action to make any change to their policies in this regard w( ,%hichi cail for lot leivies of $500.Oo( for each living unit. Counc. Woo~dard did state that if the Town granted a sumn of $25,000 to the Senior Citizens Lodge group it would only cost the Towni a sumn of $1,00 as the Towni would be getting back $24,000 in lot levies and building permits. AmericanExpress"presenits ~thie greatest travel bargain ever offeoed to Fror7t ;2 9 -C~~~EARTU.RES NIA»GARAASNEW PORK Just imagine ... two weeks including return airfare, the luxurîous Hyatt Regency or the H1-ong Kong Hilton, plus transfers, baggage handlîing and more. * qotund tp OC-10 jet via Trans Internaiounal Airlin"s . a Accom'modations, fer 14 nfigWs i ltitlier tii. luxurjeas Hyat Regency or te Hong Kotig Hiltonl. 0 Weicome rujin punch party. aWeIiie din. e arewell cockafil pariy *e peciai farewéelt Chinese banquet, e Transtera between airport and itaielS. e Weicns Chaqipagne breakIuasl. e Elaggage banding. e liratulifýti belime, maids, rooma. e >loplahty îaol on hand te assiat yoo aI ail imes. Dosit make sense to settle for less BowanvlleTravel Centre Orono Weekly Times. Wedaesday, June 22nd, 1977-7 NOTICE 0f Application, f0 the Ontario Municipal Board by fhe Corporation 0f thse TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE for approval of a By-law,4 to regulate land use paSsed pursuant to Section 35 Of The Planning Acf. TAKE NOTICE tha the Council 0f the Corporation of the Town 0f Newcast le intends to apply f0 the Ontario Municipal Board pursuarif fo the provisions Of Section 350f The Planning Acf for approval of By-law No. 77-28 passed by the Town of Newcastle on the 2nd day of May, 1977. Any person may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this Notice senci by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town 0f'Newsastle notice of his obj.ection foa approval1 0f the said By-law together with a statement osf the groundsof such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the BY-law may within fourteent (14) days atter the date of this Notice se nd by regisfered ma il or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together wlth a requesi- for notice of any hearing thaf may be held giving also the name and address fa which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law. but before doing sa if may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law wîll be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be held will be given only ta persans who have filied an objection-or notice of support, and who have left wlth or delivered to t he Clerk undersigned the address ta which notice of hearing Is to be sent. The last day for filing will be the 24th.day of June, 1977 DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 8th day of JuRe, 1977 J.M. MAcliroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario. LlC 3A6 Purpose and Effect of By-Iaw NO. '77-28 The purpose and effect of By-law No. 77-28 is ta change the relevant sections of By-law 2111 ta permit the inclus;ion of the entire habitable area contained within the exterior walls of a dwelling when the minimum floor area for any zone is calculated. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-Iaw Number 717-28 A By-law ta amend Zoning By-law Numnber 2111 of the former Township osf Darlingfon WHEREAS, thie Counicil of lt-e Corporation of the Town 0f Newcastle dkeems it advisabletoamnend By-lawi Numrber 2111 of the formrer Township of Darlîngtan, as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town 0ýf Newcasf le ENACTS as follows: 1. Section 2, subsection. (m) "GROUJND FLOOCR AREF:A" of 1Rv-law 2111 is hereby dleted and the following revised subsecf on iîs submit-ted therefor - (m) "GROSS FLOOR AREA" mneans týhe habitable area contained wit1hin the eýxterior wal isof a dwel igutecling ngVay.pivat4e garage, carport, porch, verandiah, unfiniished atic, ceilar or- sun roomn unless such sun room i s habitablie in ail seasons 0f the yeýar; a«nd excluding commonr hallw,ays--, commioni stairways or other common areas, the thickneýss of exte.rior walls, and any portion cf anry floor wherein the height between finished flbar and fiish.ed ceiling is less than seven feet, six inches." 2. Section 2, subsection (z) (e) '-STOREY, ONE HALF" 0f By-law 2111 is hereby deleted. 3. Section 12 "ZONE REQUIREMENTS TABLE" is hereby amended by dleieting the columns headed 'Minimnum Ground Floor Area' and subst!tuting therefor the fallowving columrn headed 'Minimrum Grass Floor Area': minimum 0,-osa Zone Use Lot Type Fion,- Area Square Feet ALL ZONES Recreationai lenstilal Residential Resiclential R-2 R-3 c-i c-1 c 2 c-2 M-1 MA-l M-2 G Aand D Commercial Residential co.mmerciail uxceptlng autofrobile servise stations and public garage0 Commercial Automobile Service stations and public garages oniy Industrial Commercial Residentiai Open Storage Agriculture Residential lother than persans empioyed on same loi A, D ard OS Residentiai for persons empioyed on the same lot A and D A- Interi'or 13"0 Corner 1350 Inturior Corner Interior Corner' 1200 120 1150 Interlor 1750 Corner 1750 Interior 120 1200 Agriculturai Summer Cottages 4. This by-law shahl become effective on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Onitarico Mvunicipal Board. THIS BY-LAW read aà first fime this 2nd day of May A.Q., 1977. THIS BY-LAW read a second tfiime this 2nd day of May AD., 1977. THIS B8Y-LAW read ia third tme and finally passed this 2nd day ofAMay A. D., 1977, G.B. Rickard Maor J.MO.M cl1lroy Clrk -P-1 .1. - Pll- ..- 47 King StW. BowmànVille Phone 623-3182