Expect completion date end of '79 Ontario, a cording to a recent release expects to complete the western section of the 500 KVA transmission âne fromà Lennox to -Oshawa by theend of 1979. Inquiry hearings l4ave been held in Port Hope concerning expropriations and 'specific route and it is expected by Hydro that a decision from the Minister of Energy will be forth comning as an outcomne of hearings sometime in Oct- ober of 1977. According to the release notices of expropriation will be served in December when îiegotiations will start and continue through to April of 1978. Construction of the line is expected to start in March of 1978 with restoration and final dlean-up completed in Dec- ember of 1979. on saturday evening the above Great Pine Rdige Kînettes were installed as the new officers of the clubfor the coming year. Above (lef t to right) Sue Davie, Judy Reid, Connie Puk, Charlotte Ander - son, Madelaine Hadley, Viçky Mrrison, Rose Hartwing, presidient and Jan Hyland, past president. Pictured above is the new siate of officers for the Great Pine Ridle Kinsmen Club who were insatlled on Saturd- - . ,~..... day evening at the annual f .v.'.night held in the Acres .....................................e. I ~ rMurray Taylor, Keith Ander- son, Boyce Anderson, Dave Puk, Don Hyland, Tom Barry ~ president, Will Davidson, Bill . . Stapleton and Bill Reid, ~ past-president. es Ridge Kinsmen club as presi- incoming president Tom ue, dent for the past year. The Barry. 'ie plaque is presented to Bill by Willia10m C. Hall, B. comm. Chartered, Accouitant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESD.AY and SATURDAY Announcemient Carman PLUMBING & HEATING wili cease to operate on Juiy1Ft, -1977 The business has been sold to MAr. Russell Major, an'employee for 18 years, who wili operate it under the name of Russ Majîor PLUMBING & HEATING Mt. We thank our many customers for their past patronage and assure them that they will receive the same excellent service from the new company. *ORONO AMATrEUR ATH LETIC ASSOCIATION. * JOIN US FOR "CANADAWEEK- Proceeds to N Arena Fund N ue * m ednsayJue2t L etrn u--ara 0pm Pa eed omOr ar l :3 .m e AEO HNE INO IDE IE DrwPAS7 PlRAiDE &dakDaWGatPna ORN1AR RUD W2 I oaedne tusa, une29t