Junior'Rangers F~ Iorest C This summ-rer should prove to be both exciting and an experience to remnember for twenty -four, 17 year old boys fromi cities and towns in Northern Ontario. Thle boys wilbe stationed in a Junior Ranger Camip in the Ganar- aska Forest for a period of 8, weeks in July and August. The campsite is the for-mer Cold Springs C amnpwhich was administered by the Mijnistry of Correctional Services a nd is now owned and operated by the Ganaraska Conservation Authority. The Junior Rang- ers Programme is adminis- tered under the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Junior Ranger Pro- gramme was started back in the 19.3's with the intro- ,.entre dJuction of the Dor Provincial Y ou th grammne. In Ontari formier Departmnent of andi Forests was 9v task of carrying ou programme. The progi was to prov 'ide work an, air for many young mi would otberwîse havE unemployed.* Tbrough the year: programme has chang is now directed ti empl oying the youth( sehool age for the si season. 'At the preseni there are 1,600 pi offered te both mal female 17 yea r old big] students. Tbe objective of th gramme is to offe A good tbing to remember, A better thing to do Is work with the construction gang, And not the wrecking crew. The "Three in One" couples club enjoyed a strawberry supper in the Kendal churcb on Friday evening, June 24th. There was about forty in attendance. It was much later that night that a tree was struck by lightning near the Brewer home in the village. The ramn that came at the same time was a help to the village gardens. Sunday mnorning was Com- munion service at Kendal. Then at two in the af ter- noon it was decoration serv- ice at the Orono cemetery. The minister will be taking bis holidays during the month of July. We were glad to welcome Mrs. R, Ricketts of Clover, Virginia at the tnorni- ing service. She was visiting the Foster familles. Mîr. and Mrs. Doug Cath- cart entertained lier parents MÉ. and Mrs. R. Bell o'f Omemee and hier brother Mr- Gordon Bell on Sunday. lHe is St. Saviours ANGLICAN Rý ,ular Sunday Wý%orshîp Service - 10: 00 a.mi. Rev. Alan Ho lden.bN B.A. L.TII. Orono Pastoral Charge - Minister Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. OrGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Deweil SUNDAY, JULY 3,1977 SCHEDULE 0op 'SUMMER SERVICES NEWCASTLE, ORONO AND KIRBY AIl Services at 10:00o a.m. Jtily 3 Kirby Centennial Jt4y if Orono Unted Church, jtl' 7 Kirby Centennial JU ý Orono United Church July 31 Kirby Centennial School Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 leaving for construction work in far nortb at Fort MeMl\ur- ray. Mliss C. Stewart, Mrs. E. Dobson, M\/rs. C. Fonk and Peter went to the George Lofthouse picnic at the Hay- den Shore Pavillion on Sun- day afternoon. On June 15th, Kendal Womn- en's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Dell Gosson with nine members present. Mrs. K. Dykeman, the president, opened the meeting with the Ode and the Mary Stewart collect. Tbe roll caîl was, 'Nanie a skill you would like to have.' One lady said that she would like to be able to repair a car if it stopped, she would like to bc able to make it go again;ý another had always longed to be able to play the piano; one wanted to, make silver jewellery; one boped to be able to paint and one even wished she could ride a bicycle. Now, Mrs. Cathcart said make plans to. learn that skill as soon as possible. There are people that will help you as well as books along your line. The minutes were read by Mrs. Wm. Turansky and thE treasurer's report given. Moyed by Mrs. D. Gosson, sec. by Mrs. J. Stapleton that we bave a free guessing contest as to the number of tickets sold on the WL.. quilt. The one whose guess is the nearest will be given ten dollars. Mrs. G. Catbcart, convenor for Education and Cultural Activities gave as the Motto: Hitch your wagon to a star Sit tigbt and there you are. The topie was an article entitled, The Tomato Lady - by Tillie Lewis. "God gave me a dream". Tillie Lewis, a girl of sixteen taking stock in a large grocery warehouse in New York city took down a small can of tomatoes. The label said, "Pomnodori imported from Italy." She bougbt a can on the way home and loved their tangy flavour. She dreamed she would grow and seil pomodori in the United States. She tells bow God belped ber make ber dream come true. A delicious lunch was served by MArs. K. Dykeman and Mrs. A. Low. Next month the ladies will go to the Couroux cottage, students an opportunity to gain know1edge of resource mianagemient through a work anid learning experience. The junfior rangers station- mninion- ed(]al the Ganaraska Camp Pro- will gain their experience by -io the participating 'in the various d Lands programmes that are being ven the carried out by the Ministry of eut this Natural- Resources in the ramme Lindsay District this sum- nd fresh mer. ien who, e been Eldorado a pplies rs this ged and for dump use owards of high extension ummer nt time, ositions Eldorado Nuclear Limited le and has applied for an extensio'n Y school to its licence to operate the Port Granby waste-manage- ýhe pro- ment area. The present Fer the licence expires on July 3lst. The request was laid before thef Atomic Energy Control Board. The Board now car- ries out regular site inspect- ions and latest reports find the area in an acceptable state. A new water treatment plant. and associated settling ponds and reservoirs are nearing completion which were undertaken this year. Orono Weekly Timies, Wýedniesdayý, June 29tb, 1977-3; Canada Grade 'A' Ri bStea ks' Cana da Grade 'A' Beef 6th and 7th'Ribs Prime Rib @Roasts- For the Grill- Fully Cooked Ham Steaks Campf ire - by the piece Bo logna Frozen - Imported from New Zealand - Shoulder La mb Cho-ps Maple Leaf Lunch Meats CHICKEN-BOLOGNA-. MIAC & CHEESE- PICKLE & PIMENTO ea ch .9 LUNCHEON CORN ISHIS l.$1,28 lb. $1.48 lb. e49ç lb. .98C WHIT Dominion Hardware has some cool ideas for Dominion Day ELECTROHOME AIR CON DITIONER Smooth quiet operation cools approx. 315 sq ft.0f floorarea. Hi nged door conceals control panel. Snap-out grille allows easy remnoval 0 f filter. Includes windowi mounting kit for easy installation. ELECTROHOME1 9 9- DEHUMIDIFIER Automnatic humidistal TORCAN maintaîns desired 20" FAN* humnidity---- level. Rust 'E±i ::: i 2 speed motor. 5-fi n proof water container plscbaesTi has slf molded1977 model has safet y handie , non-spill topgrl and hose connection grill----------es front and back for autornatic enit- ':t:J~ :n to meet CSA specifi- cations. Light green in. utatrcnhtainer i. with white grilles. :::~s:rn::r~~ $2 88 OSCILLATIN A 3 speed motor. Fully - OSCILLATING LAWN SPRINKLER PORTABL.E 8y Meînor 24q.Cpcîy Ew Waters lawns Up to 34, x 65' 24 qI capcity New(approx. 2200 sq. ft.). Adjustable to raised lid and mould- 4 difterent watering patterns. -ed handies in base. $1 7specks. mll-h e*ýk,* *+wit h oscillation con- trol knob and adjuat- abe tlting. Safety grille surrounds fan blade in accordance w th CSA 1977 specfications ~ TABLE PLASTIC ~CLIPS TABLE COVER Forho For pïcnic tables etc.*6)'~V tablec Available in assorted *fL LU' table. colours. 54" x 72". packa. 87~ .57 Kendal News $3788* iL CLOT$$ holding plastic 2ctoth to picn ic z 4 large clips per ýge. White only. DOMINION HARDWVARE