Ganaraska approves Forest Centre plan Awards of Excellence were on Friday. (Back row) Mike (Front row) Mary Taîsma, presented to the above Kirby- Vooys, Scott Richards, Meg- Rhonda Parker, Bill Vooys, Kendal students at the school an1 Hurst, Donna Wagar; Sue Forth and Robin Munro. The Ganaraska Region : Conservation Authority gaveJ approval to a concept devel-1 opment plan for the Ganar-, aska Forest Centre last1 Thursday. The meeting was4 held at the forest centre and1 preceeded with a barbecue1 for the memnbers and guest including Russell Rowe, MPP Northumberland as well as representatives from the Con- servation Branch office. Miss Kelly Ballantyne pre- sented a concept plan for the Camp which formed the basis for a development plan later presented byMary Jo Hewýitt. In ber presentation Miss Ballantyne outlined the three areas in which the Forest Centre would be involved including outdoor education,i recreation and interpretation. Many of the plans are now well underway regarding win- ter recreation as operated last winter. The outdoor educational development starts this November on a monthly basis for a number of schools in the area as a pilot porject with more schools using the camp as o the first of 1978. In September of 1978 the forest centre will be operational on a weekly basis for classes of up) to forty students on a residential basis. Miss Ballantyne stated that the outdoor educational pro- gram at the Forest Centre will be made up of thirty per cent learning conservation, thirty per cent for physical skills, thîrty per cent for environmental studies and ten per cent for, sociaizaton. This program is now in the works and has been supported by the area School Boards. t was also pointed out tha.t . Seneca College and Sir Sanr- ford Fleming College would be taking part in the programn with students from the Col- leges being part of the educational systemn on a learning basis from the col- lege. Mary Jo Hewitt then pre- sented a physical outline of what should take place at the Forest Centre within ten years. t was pointed out that the present buildings ai- though adequate at this time with some hindrances would be obsolete within ten years, and even now are costly to operate as to heating and other aspects. of operating costs. Hewitt proposed a new building fromn which the three areas of concern at the Centre could be managed without interference from one another. From these plans a more_ specific plan will be devel- oped by the staff of the Authority for future present- ation to the Board. Prior to the meeting every- one was given a tour of the present buildings and facil- ities which are now ready for the Junior Rangers camp commencing the first week of July and continuing for a seven veek period. New facilities include new kitchen equipment, grill, dishes, fre- ezer,~ refrigerator, sleeping accommodation of new beds dressers, mattresses and ren.1-' ovated washrooms. A second washroom for females is to be constructed'early in Septem- ber for use early in Novem- ber. ORONO GAR DEN CENTRE PLANTS, SHRUBS, EVERGREENS LANDSCAPING 983 -9308 Evenings 623-4669 oDXSER VICE STATION.à Hlighway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle * Featuring I ~ Pre'mium Quality Product., * At the Most Reasanable Prices * Stove 011 un Diesel 011 I Available in any quantity àmPhione 997~-4215I These students were awar- ded the letter "K" for high ail-round achievement at the içendal-Kirby School. (Back row) bisa Brewer, Edna Wybetiga, Mike Vooys, Bill Adams, Michelle Quantrill Friday at the school to Mrs. (Front row) Janet Koras, Watson and Mrs. M. Adams, Jacky Turansky, Michele two volunteeers, who have Banisey, Donna Lowery and assisted the staff and students boni Yeo. Recognition was at the school in many ways given at a brief ceremony on during the year. greatest improvement in a a thlete;ý Robin Munro, top girl student in grade six; Caroline athiete and tied for top girl in Opoka, top ahl-round student Tabloid school meet, Sue in room 109; Megan Hurst, Forth tied witb Robin Munro top all-round student in room as top student in Tabloid area 10)6; Mike Vooys, top boy school meet. PATIO SPECIALS Plastic Panels Each Nylon Reinforced Ga rden Hose 50, 100, White, Green or YeIIow $5.95 $9,95' Orono FuelU Lumber Ltd. Lumber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - Oi Furnaces iým"m"M!mm , m 'l 1.1 , Mr «ý'l ".7-M . 79MIIIIII, Il oi siàýe li l et &- Hwy. 'l 15, Orono 983-9167