WORK %W;'NTED 'Eaýr piercing e Plhone 6;2")--747 fo, iappoint- ment and information. *Hooper's Jewellers LI,' Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our quaiity and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 On tario Street PORT HOPE Phonle collect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Homie - 885-5522 jFRANK! For prompt, -eous, efficient service when buymng or sellng and for the largest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONOAREA REPRESENTATIVES Bi 11Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhe If 983-5465 Charlie Reid 9813-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 wl Paf Yeo FRANK REAL ESTATE LI MITED 234 King St. E. j OWMIANVILLE ;23-3393 WORK WANTED Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Suffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings, '623-4398 For Free Estimate Nom, Handling Vinyl Siding. FURNITURE ANDý 1 I-fOLSTERY REPAIRS STE VE'S FIlINITURE SHOP R,R 1 Orono, On! Complete furniture refinish- ii. Antique and modern. STFV JONSON 983-9630 SWIMMING POOLS TO IRENT Swimming pools to rent, will lease and instaîl for home owners, family size, alumin- um swimming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting ail fencing regulations, 1-2-3 yr. rentai basis with option to own. Try before you buy, cali coilect 416-663-9508 any time. tf ANTIQUE CLOCK COLLECTOR Antique Clock Coliector -requires old dlocks, parts or pocketwatches in any con- dition. Phone 983-9634. tf. SWIMMING POOLS FOR SALE 1977 Models, slightiy scrat- ched in transport, fully war- ranted, complete with punlp, motur, filter, fence walk-way, and deck. , Suggested retail price $2,- 295.00, avalable at in- seasun speclal ot $1,288-00. Caîl now for early installat ion, Collect, 416-661-9508. ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE CLOCKS Modemn watches, and 400_ day dlocks repaired. Ail work. guàranteed. Repairs done by Swiss-trained watchmnakers. Free estimates avaiiable. Hloopers Jeweiiers Ltd., Bow- manville. 623-5747. WORKWANTED Excavating, grading, barns cleaned, driveways, fonce removai, trucking, gravol, sand. Paul Benneft, Orono, 983- 9610. 22, 29.6, 13, 20, 27, ac., FOR SALE Hanging baskets, house plants. The Manders Farm, Phone 983-5179. 22,29,6, FOR SALE 2 Horses; 1 saddiej and 1 colt. Phone 983-5( FOR SALE 1970 Chevelle Hard Automatic, Power bi power steering, radio. $E Phone 983-5931. FOR RENT 1 small truck camper, and, 1 small tent ti Phone 983-5974. 1 WORK WANTED Will babysit, cut grass odd jobs. Phone 983-5711 NOTICE ORONO NURSERY SCH REGISTP1ATION We are now registerni September, 1977. Hall enrichment program for schoolers. Phone 987-40i LOST one boys jean jacket, Canada Fitness awar shoulder, Panther on Please cali 983-9549. COMING EVENTS McCreas Cemetery I: ation Service wili be Sunday, July 10, 1977 a t S5peaker Mr. Wilme'r ham-. COMIING EVEINTS CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY Free films and crafti children. On Monday, 11lth, 18th a.nd 25th films 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. On T' day, July l4th, 2lst and crafts from 2:00 p.m. tc p.m. ;,13,ac i673. 6, ac. CARI) OF THANKS The Orono Firefightcrs As- sociation would iike to thank those people who attended the pancake breakfast, donated to, and attended the auction sale. A special thanks to Charlie Reid for his services. The sum of $80000 was raised f or the Arena Fund, 6, ap. 1 Lup, CARD OF THANKS rakes,' Thank you f or the many ;800.messages of cheer and inspir- 6, ap. ation, acts of kindness, flow- ers, etc.,, which I received ft.; whiie i BwmanvilleHospi- railer. tai and since my return. 1 6,ac. wish, 10 express my sincere thanks to organizations, t groups and friends and to or do assure youi that your concern 16. and thoughtffulness is- deeply 6, ac. appreciated. Ruby Stapies. OOL CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my ig for sincere thanks and appreciat- f-day ion to my many friends for the rpro- loveiy cards, flowers, cable 12 grams and phone cails which 1 received during rny stay in Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bni- gold stol, England. Words cannoit .d on express the deep appreciation back. of Yvonne amd myseif for al the kfindness shjown t o us 6, ap. du-i-irin y illness. S ~Alec Carruthiers. )ecor- CAR D 0F THIANKS hed We wish to say "Thank 3p.m. you" to ail our friends, rltvsand neighbours for making our 25th Anniversary 6, ap. suchl a happy occasion for us. The mnany good wishes, gifts, floral arrangements and mnoney are deepiy ap- ts for preciated. July A speciai "Thank you"' to from Our' family for planning this 7hurs- suirprise celobration for us J 28th and Unit 4, Orono U.C.W. for a 3:00 Catering. Kennedy and Joyce Gray. opffm M nM Um Um mm mu * OXFORD I Brick la yer- Sfonemraso .s Ld. * Ol~~\O, OTARIOPhone983-5606 Let us suft thruugh the CHAFF and corne out with the ,)GRAIN - -- the house you want lu buy or seli. Cail us today. No obligations. VENEZIA Resta ura nt HWY 115 and 35 'ý2 Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 OPEN ýDAYS A WEEK We Special ize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials BYýAMS PLUMBING - HEATI NG Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Q Charles Reid Oronos Lioensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates P ho ne 0Orono 983-5914 ÇIjrry WallI Taping-spray Ceilings Piaster Repair Painting WaIIy Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO Thursday and Fri dav 2-30 lu 8:30 P.M. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Orono, Ontario Orono Electric., Herband.Gerry Duvali ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATINO Electricai Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 PUMPINGOUT SEPTIC TANKS C LA UDE HARNESS, (Formerly Bert Tomkirls Phone 786-23552 Building a House?. or remodelling your present une? Then contacet: Floyd Nicholson Orono 983-5049 Don't Leave h t. ochance Be sure your home is truiy protected by a good puiicy Cali us now Mihison Insurance 1. Agency Office: Corner of Church. and Cobbiedick Street 983-5032 Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Wurk Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono jFmmcamm mm m mmmm m Mm Strawberry Time, IPick Your Own *from 9a.m. - 8p.m. * or buy them f resh at the stand * Drive tothe field foràa you rcon ven ience F FRE DS i 'I e IHighwayl115 South of Orono U &mmmm mummu mm n