Times, Wednesday, July 13th, 1977 Clarke Museum Corner 1In thle miis t -of ail the flowers we had a t the Mduseum li ast week, -what could have been more approp- riatle as donatled than the two flowei vases w 'e received. The one given to us by mrs. Isabelle ChalIce has an, in-triguin;-g raised de-sjin- rte AtNouveau i style - of leaves and bernies and vine stems;ý the inside is glazed to hol,)d water, but the outside is uniglazed terracotta, which was prob!ably paijnted origin- ally. Gai. $7.95 Cedar or Redwood Rolph Orono Dom inion Hard ware Phone 983-5207 C7 7 7 TOWIN 0F N EWCAST LE District Plan for the- 7: 30Opm. 2l7trh Ju ,17 ofThe Towna of Newcastl-e basi prepared a number îfdevelopmenît options for tne Hamle.ýt nfSona The Thie other vase was donated purpose of this meeting is to slctpubicý input prior to to the MNuseumi by Mvrs . Eîleen the foi'rmulatmof a Disit Plan or tde Hamlt. Leort in the memory of ber in addition, the public- is invitedJ to view; an grandparents M. and iM. infrmation dispay at the Hampton MIVunicipal Office Roert Gmodof Orono; it is between the hours of 8:30 a.mýr. ;and 5:010 p.mr. cobalt blue with ani inset Further information woncerning this meeting plcture of the Orono Mvetho- and informnation display may be obý-tained bGy calling dist Church onithe fron)t. The Mr.1.Bet Secretaryv, Planning Avsr Committee, cinidence of Mlrs. Lefort Town 0-f lNewcastle, Hamnpton, Ont,!armio. (416) 263-2231. bringinig 1this to0us from Toronto during Our 'flower .. clry pocwer>' week was a lovely of rk surprise - out 0if the blue, youTw fNwate might Say. mmmm - MNM mËm - m mua mmm mmm WANTED Etr * APPLYITIP SCOAH & FUR Retaurat &Tavernk C*v H wy1,5 & 35 3 MilesNo -hf Kirby unumsa a mmmmm s usU M m A-Ëàrm m flm lM M, e Pitrdabove is Janet Armistrong and Duffy Hamnre whoc received the top atleptic Oro~i Elect ric Hierb and G'erry D ili 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. .. COLOUR TV. RADIO -I-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA awrsat the Orono Puýblic Schoin a recent ceremiony-ý held at theý school. .Xt~ction Service Farmn & Estate Sales Flurniture Mlodern and Antique LNORMIFAULKNEý-R Stouffville 640-5691 EAR L GAUSLIN StouffviIle 640-3079 WATER DELIVERY SWIMOMI'NG POOLS,, WELLS& CISTERNS 2000 Gallon Tank TAYLOR, Sand & Gravel i f -J lass H LICENSED DEý'IÎELIIMECHANIC Me c haln ic ai anê,d General Repairs to al vehicles including Cars, Trucks, Tractors Tunie-Ups - E ngîinefs Valves - Brakes - Transmission E lectrica I WVE ARE A LICENSED SAFETY INSPECTION STATION FOR BOTH LIGHT AND HEAVY VEHIICLES B3odywork end Painting MANGAY«ýRS GA RAGE 983-5130 MILL STREET, ORONO XV * 8-Oror lA ~UE LflfloJpoaau g1vamin a uto zoom wq.,rr -rf, DO WeTK... 1 ji- Orcrec lowînq GENIE'RAL REPAIRS VE, m %., i A',E,ý R S ,'ýe 1 KI