<i I 4111;Ji @ O1'ono Weeklv 'rimes, Wednesday, July 20th, 1977 F-orest centre pflan - fOW booke Miss Kelly Ballantyne, co- erdinater of the Ganaraska Forest Centre, informed the executive committee hast week that aIl fourteen weeks proposed fer resideattal use at the Centre had been taken up by classes frem the public andI separate scheel areas. The co-ordinator outlined the program to the executive stating thaf beginniag in *Octeber there woulçl be one class amonth for a period ef a week te the end of the year. At the beginrting 0f 1978 two classes a monfh would be usiag the centre wïth a jump te three classes a month in May and four classes in June. She aise said the pregram eof instruction is well along the road te being prepared end' will include trips te the forest, film andI slide presentations as well aýý classromr sessiens. Miss Ballantyne said she was more than pleased with the reception frem the seheol boards and the teachers and could see ne reasen why la September 1978 the program would take up every week of the year excepting semee around Christmas and New (Continued pàge 5) Caling for plans and tenders Arrangemnents were made MNIr Jim Rickard said the last week with the engineer- conmîttee must know now Ùng firm of Tetten Simsý and how much mn,ý)-ey thiey req- H-ubieki by týhe Orono Arena uire. He aise statedi that they cýomittee for the callýig of could well have fo eut semee tenders for the niew prop)ose-d thnsouf te make the projeet Orono arena. The commîtt,'ýee feasible finaincially. prior to-- caling upený- the frm He ei that tLhe eabu for to nîake theeurvee the plans and eeosts weuild 'be pribýect with the1- engine.ers. m~ethis wekand that such tenDders couldï be opened The comimittee is seeking'-1 thi' three weeks. On býeing L pans andI cests for an aeaaslhed w1hat c0sfs theyv mayý beT ~ b4kÎn cntinngth sef looldig at he said he wud' fera cmmutyroem -as weî k i after w'hat, hia happeni- as fo a grndstad attched e( in thle Village ofNea- tthe building. The tenders tie. are engcalletIý ir, a wýay that. Orgnlyhs nterested uni prices willl be aaabete ateaea uligwr ~ tiecomitte ad eniners. talkiJng of $5000as the- cost In this way it mnay be de-cided of the buýï,*iig. just r-ecently that af the time the seats mnay that figure jumped to $6,10,000 be~ left out of the ctrtor but no-w kaow 0one i s prepared tnýe painting or even the to quote an estimated figure grrandstand.0ftecs. CUCLELIMNAYES T910 MEFETINGS The Coûneil of thfe Tenof Newèasitle has, fOr t-he time, Siiminated tw,,o regular mneetings during July and August. The aext council meetinrg has beeni schedue fo Monay August l5th, if need arises thle Mayor- may catIaspca Žmeetinyg 0f counlci. SNEARINIG OBJE-,CTIVE Like most centr-e, ia this area includiag Orenio, Newcastle and Bowmanville, Port Hlope is la the midst of a fund-raisingc campaigai whereý the objective is $700,000 for a Cominunity Centre complex. The complex will include an arena, swimmning pool etc. Last week it was reported that $485,000 of the $700,000 had already been raised and -confidenice, was expressedfthat the goal from public dona-tions would be reached. A SLIM CROWD A slimi crowd of dancers, 50 te 60, tuliried up last Safurday for the final dance of the Just Ia 'rime Stage Band of Clarke High Sehool. The dance was heltI in the school gym f. This however did Pot discourage the young musicians who have greatly improved over the past number of montbs in providing the big band sound andI rhythms of yestervears. IT WAS MIXED NOT MEN'S DOUBLES Lasft week we reported that the Orono'Tennis Club was holdingc a men's double tournam-ent on Wednesday evening. Il turns eut it was a mixed doubles tournament whicb af ter a numiber Of he0urs Of play the winning couple were Mrs. Wayne Baiky andI Mr. John Cornish. There were twelve couples in. cc tiqon for a great ni2ht of tennis. WANT STRICTER SEAT BELT ENFORCEMENT Trhe Ontario Medical Association noinrg -a decline in the use of seat beits bas petitioned the Provincial Governmreit. fer greater enforcement of the law foi the use of seat beits. its your life andI it cests notiýng te hiuckle-up. Make offer for 265 acres The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority bas offered te purchase two parcels of landI, one being a marsh area between Port Hope and Cobourg with the second parcel heing adjacent te tee Ganaraska Forests in the former Tewnshîp of Clarke. The offer te purchase 225 acres in Clarke Tewnship bas been accepted by the owner of the property and wiIl now go te the Ministry of Natural Resources for the Ministers approval. The land bas had development for wMllife by the present owner and this the Auithority would hope would continue under agreement witb the Ministry. This wiIl be the first lands added te the forest in a good number of yea1rs. Purchase price $125,- 000.00. No reply bas yet been received on tbe offer fer the miarsb area but it is felit tbat Orono man killed John Rebert Kulcher R.R. 1, Oreno was Saturday evening in a t bead-on collision one south ef Burketon on RE Road 57. The accident red a round 11:45 p.m. Aise dead is Everelt art, 48, ef R.R. 5, Sund( driver of the car in Kuicher was a pass Both were pronouncec on arrival at the h fellowing the accident. The second car inve the accident was dri Richard Ridout, 22,o sbire, England who ha visiting la Canada for ti two weeks. He is la 4C General Hospital ir condition. the offer will be accel It was aise revealed receat meeting of the aska that final .arrangA -ad beea made with th staff of the Minisl (Coatinued pagce 2) I Society approves acre sIte for arena * At a general meeting of the Durham Central Agricultural Society on Monday evening the Seciety agreed te allow one acre of land te be uised fer construction of a new arena in ýr, 48, of Oreno. killed Prier te stipulating terms two-car for the agreernent Mr. Jim je mile Rickard, who has been a 1egional member ef Society's negotiat- teccur- ing cemmittee, outlined pro- Ë. gress in negotiatiens with the t Stew- Town of Newcastle. He peint- Lerland, ed eut that agreement had iwhich been reached as te the ;senger. location of the new arena and tI dead had cleared the way for the hospital construction on lands former- t. ly occupied by the old arena. olved in In reporting te the meeting yen by Mr. Rickard said the Society of Wilt- had supported the idea of as been leasing the land te the Town he past but that this had run into Oshawa epposing from sree council in fair mnembers who favoured a deed se that the Town would *, actually ewn the land on which the arena was teo be pted. bilît. Hie said council had d at the pointed eut that this was the SGanar- procedure that wjas being gements followed in regýards tri the he legal construction of the new indeor Stry Of swimmîng pool in Bowmnan- ville. Mr. Riekard aise informed the meeting that siace meet- ing with the Town council it was found that if the land was te be deeded iti wÀould require the whole of the Agricultural lands being deeded te the Town. He said it se happens that a Township of Clarke by-law had designated the Agricultural lands as open Space and as such it required thaf buildings net cever more than five per cent of the lands. It appeared the general concensus of the meeting that they were net prepared te enter into a deeding arrange- ment with the Town for the whole of the property. "Leok what happened in Oshawa", said one member. Af ter considerable discus- sion a motion was passed authorizing the Society's neg- etiating committee teo finalize an agreemnent with the Town of Newcasfle for the construc- tion of a structure te replace the fermner Orono arena. The Seciety bas agreed te either deed or lease one acre ef landI for the structure andI agreed to aîlow egress and ingress -,te the building. They aIse agr- (Cortinued page -,) A pleasant heur was spent Holmes is the main push summnierac early fali. have fleurished in their new with Mr. and Mrs. S.D. behind the developmient of the MIr, Helmes, a former location. The nature area is, Hlmes in Leskard Saturday Mies andI bas seme ever one betany teacher, bas devel- further enhaneed with the evening viewing their huies as bundred varieties in the ope-d througheut the two acre flow of the Wilmet creek wel as being cenducted on a gardens. The Ilolmes find nature area sniall plantations through the property. tour of a t-wo to three acre great enjoyment in grewing of a wide varîety of weod- Pathways through the area nature area develepment the liles as well as attendiag lands, marsb and field plants. makes easy access te the aloag the Wlmot creek which varieus shows as exhibiters MVany of the plants and numerous wildhlife growths runs througb the Hiolme's throughout the Province. flowers have been transplan- that exist. property. ted in the nature area frSm It is quite evideat thiat both The abo-ve is a view of but a It was peinted e-ut that hles other areas and being able te the huies and the nature area Portion of thle Ilies eout la do, according to variety, do create the proper conditions is a labour of love for both Mix. blom t tistie. rs blomthougou th srig, the wild plants andI flowers andI Mrs. Ho-imes.