2-Oron.o Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 20th, 1977 Orono Weekly Timies Second Class Mail Registration Number 6W6 Published Every Wednesday at the offtce- of Publication Main Street. Orono Roy C. Forrester. Editor Fric Patterson. Advertimine PARK VERSUS COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT An apparent agreement between the Town of Newcastle council and Home Smith to swap ]and ini the Orono Estates development and to allow the developer to construct a convenience store, restaurant and residential unit has stirred up some disagreement with the residents of the subdivision, This disagreement with counil's action bas resulted in the majority of residents in the subdivision supporting a petition ta couneil objecting to the action. The petition also asks that the area proposed for commercial development by designated a park area for the children of Orono Estates. In the first place it does seem poor planning to allow commercial development i the designated area. It would seemn logical that any commercial development in this particular spot would require not only support from those i the Orono Estates but by others outside of the subdivision. This would necessitate greater traffic flow onto the entrance to and froni the Taunton road, and no doubt increase traffic mu tbe subdivision itself. Orono Estates is a residential development and should thus remaîn. A great deal of environmental damage bas already been doue in tbe area of the proposed commercial development. At the outset of the Orono Estates development it was settled and agreed upon that 66 foot road allowance would be constructed for entrances to the Estates from Taunton Rçad. Both road allowances, and especially the western one, passed over a wet area wich bas been a recharge area for the Orono creek. Over the passed three years this wetland area bas been used as a dumping site for f11 froin the subdivision to the point that much of the recharge qualities have been destroyed. This cas only have a diverse effect upon the continuous flow of the Orono creek through the rest of the Village and Orono Park. If sucb la te lie allowed i other areas we could soon find the Orono creek to be a dry streartn during certain times of the year. Furtber development such as the commercial project would only tend to bring greater pressures upon the quality and quantity of flow of the Orono Creek. Litte will now ever be doue about this damage but there la no reason to, compound the problem as it does have many down-streamn implications. The area west of the west entrance to Orono Estates niay not be the best location as a playgrouind area but surely tbat is much better tban a commercial developmnent. Council sbould certainly take steps te stop the area being a dumping site and should, we believe, give serlous consideration to the petition of the residents of the area. The creation of a playground with some remedial planting could improve the appearance of this entrance to the Orono Estates and provide a service to the community. GOOD NEWS IS REDUCED INCREASES We had to chuckle a little to ourselves thîs week when reading a news release fromi Ontarioo Hydro. It was good news for Hydro users as the increase in rates, baring unexpected costs, is to be haif f that proposed earlier. Weil good news used to be 'no increase in- rates', now the good news comés from the fact that there is to be a decrease ini the increase. It appears that Ontario Hydro is now forecasting that 1977 revenue may exceéd the anti-inflation guidelines by $109 million rather than the previous forecast of $16 million. This has resultedîin Hydro considering a 11.3 per cent increase to municipal utility customers whicb may possibly be somewihat reduced when it contes to the local user in some cases. Hydro does point to lower than expected administrat- ion costs, better than expected performance of the Pickering generating'plant as well as hi gher export power sales and savings in interest as the reason for exceeding the anti -inflation guidelines. We will accept the news as good news and possibly put iii another plug for the anti-inflation guidelines. A GOOD DEAL FOR THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The demiand by the province of Ontario for the demolition of the oki Orno Arena building may well be a blessing for everyone, and especially so for the Durhaiti Central A4gricultural Society. To say the least it was not ojnly the arena that was in ,bad shape but the old grandstand could well be put ini the same category. It certainly needed replacement and we would not like !,o- have bet on its safety facetor when packed wlth spectators. The present horse barius are not a thing of beauty and add niotinrg to the appearance of the grounds being covered The Agricultural Soclety gets a good deal when it is cousidered new horse barns and grandstand is to be included in the financing of the neWý arena. And with the donation of land for a new arena there is littie doubt that, this (and would have to be used for a simlar building for fair purposes sù there is lîttle loss here as far as the Society is concerned. The Athletic Association is gaining the best location in the Village for the arena being central and accessable from three streets. But ail said and doue the Society bas the best of ail deals. The Town being involved and iu a position wbere they have comnmitted the municipality to pick up the cost of interim financing must seriously consider tis public venture. Interim financing could run well into the $10,000S especially if the funds are slow in coming in and total takes years to collect. Also the Town becomes eligible for any shortfall relating to the project and must here again proteet the interest of the public at large. [t would seemn that there is little to choose between leasing or deediug the one acre piot but if it comes to a lease the time period should be much more than 21 to 30 years. The Town should demand a 99 year lease to protect their interest in tee complex. SHARPEN YOUR PENCILS Darcy Mceeough in speaking ta tee Association of Clerks and Treasurers stated that preliminary figures for municipal spending in 1977 "are downright discouraging", when compared ta teose in 1976 when local spending increased 11.5 per cent. He forecasts 1977 to be similar to 1976, as states he la dismayed. McJeough also points out that the province assisted- tee local municipalities i 1977 with a 14.5 per cent increase iu grants over 1976 yet municipal expenditures continue te rise at the same rate as 1976. "Sbarpen your pencils because restraint will be with us for a while yet'", he said. e... cees es Letters to Editor July 14, 1977. Members of the Council, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Sirs: Af ter meeting with a repre- sentative from tee Orono Estates subdivision, the Oro- no and Area Chamber of Commerce wouid like to go on record as being in complete agreement with the request being presented by these people te' the Town of New- castle council. Namely the petition opposing a store and restaurant at the North West entrance ot the Subdivision. A playgrouud for the children of this Subdivision is certainly ntuch more sensible aud of a far greater ueed, than a commercial enterprise. Other subdivisions iu the Town have been given a playground area and these people should be given the same consider- ation. Home Smith bas mnade sufficieut from this are and should be more concerned with providiug a recreation area for the people in the Subdivision above make more personal gain. Furthermore the former Trustees of. the Village of Oronio, the Former, Clarke Township counil and former Road Departmnent of the United Counties were al opposed te a commercial business lu tels location. The former Trustees and Council were of the opinion that it wvould be detrimenital to the existing local business as well as placîng a dividing hune between the 'Village and the Subdivision. It bas been stated by people in bot h areas that il is tlinte that the Orono Estates anid the former Vil- lage of Orono be considered as one aud fthe sante and a business of tis type lu this area woulfoly be harmful te, the feeling of contmunity spirit whicbh now exîsts . Also a survey previously made by the former Road Department said 'in effect that witb the antounit of traffic on Taunton Road, there is sufficient prohlems with two entrances presently emerging onto this road, that any type of business situated here would only cause traffic probleins with people stopping and could result lu serious acci- dents. Be¶cause of tels they definitely opposed any consid- eration of this type. Because tee people of the area are opposed te a commercial development, because the people in thee Subdivision are requestiug a playground for tbeir children, bacause the former municipal bodies were opposed to it, and because tee property the Town is getting lu exchange will not in anyway be bene- ficial te the people involved who pay taxes to get the services they ueed, the Orono and Area Chamiber of Com- merce urge the members of Council to approve and sup- port the request of the people through their petition and this supporting letter. To do otherwise would be to reject the wishes of the people who placed you on council to represent thent. Yours very truly, Executiveand Members, Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce. P.S. The required setback front the Taunton Road and the rond into the Subdivision plus the proximity of the existiug water cause would not support the commercial establishments. Ma k ies Offe r Continued front Page ï Natural Resource,-,s for the turu-over of 1400 acres of the Durhant Forest to the Ganiar- aska. The agrJieemient is ii0w being signed by all interested parties. Th,,e entire acreage for the Authority now rests over 10,000 acres. TOWN 0 F N EWCASTL E District Plan for the Hamietof Solina Public Meeting Solîna Comm unity Centre 7:30p.m. 27th JuIy, 1977 Th e Town of Newcastle bas prepared a number of development options for the Hamiet of Solina. The purpose of this meeting is to solicit public input prior to the formulation of a District Plan for the Haxlet. In addition, the public is invited to view an information display at the Hampton Municipal Office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Further information concerning tis, meeting and information dispiay may be obtained by calling Mr. H. Best, Secretary,. Planning Advisory Committee, Town of Newcastle, Hampton, Ontario. (416) 263-2231. J.M. Mcllroy, Clerk, Town of Newcastle. Reasonable Prices DXieFUELFuIl For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY * l3tEastern Ontario Stea m and Antique Show *FR I., SAT.,.SU N. J JULY 22, 23, and 24I Norwood Fair Grounds *cross-Cult Saw ing Conitest Traction, Englunes *Model Steant Eng'ines Musical Entertainiment gAntique Cars- RIt and Miss Engne~1 Articles of the Era Gas Tractors Balloon Race wlth Steaml Souveulers for Sale E * Food and Refreshment available on Grounds llm , MM979 7