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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1977, p. 7

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Town playgrounds' '-in fuil swing- July 8th brought to a close were the first week of playgrounds facilitie about the town. and stil Playgrounds, in Bawmnan- AttirE ville, for children ages five and w] and up are held at Soper given1 -Creek Park, Memiorial Park, people. Waverly Rd. School, East First Beach, West Beach, Lord Brown Elgin ScIsool, Lions Centre, Third Ontario Street Sehool, Martin Cindy Rd., Vincent Massey and Beach Knox Christian School. As receive well there are programmes in prize. Iendal, Orano, Newcastle, As ' N"ewtonville, Lockhart, Maple costumn Grove, Zion, Enniskillen, "spot" North Courtice, 'South Cour- by: Lai tice, Hampton and Tyrone. Partrît The first week was spent K(im Bi mostly with everyone getting Pameli to know each ather and tIse Elgin;. chîldren trying their bande at Road;I new games and crafts. Diana1 The cimax of their activi- Andrea ties came on Thursday (July Wellmi 7) as tIse first of seven special Laura events was held. With ail Eydie parks participating approx. Richar three hundred children) the Sere of playgrounds held a "Belated Bonsni Birthday Party for Canada". gaast, AthougIs the ramn cancelled Alice 1% plans for tIse basebail games ian Sct through the generousity o! the ter of1 Bowmanville Jaycees we A go I PL 14 ORONO GARDEN CENTRE NTSHRUDS, ;VERGREENS ANDSCAPING L.,Z 1.17 23-46 8ý9 VENEZIA Restaurant Hwy. 115 and 35 'k2 Mile SeutIs o! Orono Phone 983-5651 OPEN 6DAYS AWEEK We Specialize ta: Pizza - MealIs ALSO WEEK-END SPECIALS Ha mitons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency Ail Personal and Comme., ;cial Insurance Sue.Sawyer For Deýpeiable Serviceý 9 1-5115 during special Bowmî pîng us This variou onily ti able to use their ls at Soper Creek Park III hold the dance. .- for the day was red ite and prizes were to the best dressed tprize went to Doug 1Of Ontario Street. prize was given to Jilpatrick of West and Miralee Brown .d a special consolation well as prizes for tes there were special prizes which were won aura Mullin and- Sarahi [Ige from Lions Centre; uns, Lori Luxton and la Osborne of Lord Jay Brooks of Waverly Cynthia Vanstrom and Butler o! East Beach; ,% Olah and I<athy ian of Martins Road; iLunn, Lyn Lunn and 1Davies of Lockhart; td Wilken and Dawn ýf Soper Creek; Angela na, Sharon Vander- SJoana Mulder and iiulder of Knox Christ- ýhool and Darlene Car- Memorial Park. od time was had by all gthse afternoon with a il vote of thanks to the anville Jaycees for hel- ito make it all possible. sweek's events at thse s playgrounds promise to 13 better. A1I3 news in brief -AIB specials wvill be appear- ing, soon on menus at Ponderosa and Harvey MI. Wallbanger steak houses and other restaurants op- erated by Foodex Systems Ltd. of Toronto, says K. Roberts, Company chairm-an and chief executive officer. The discount meals will ensure that the firm has no excess revenue problims with the Anti-Inflation Board this year, he said after the annual meeting of Foodex's parent com- pany, Hambro Canada Ltd. of Toronto." News item in the Montreal Gazette, June 27, 1977. Board approves SPLASH project The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion has approved in principal an agreement with the Town of Newcastle concerning an indoor swimming pool and squash courts to be built onto the Bowmanville High Sehool. 1The Bowmanville complex bas been supported by what is known as the SPLASH comz mittee of Bowmanville who have agreed to provide local funds to carry the capital cost of the proposai. The group have committed themselves to raise an amount of $600,00 when matched with Wintario The AIB' s Weekly Retaîl Food Index for the week of July 1 showed its smallest advance yet for the year 1977, an increase of 1.5 per cent over the previous month. Rising prices for pork, potatoes and shortening contri- buted to the mnodest increase on the overaîl index. Harvesting of early potatoes could begin as early as mid-July in Québec. Prîces for toniatoes, lettuce, cab- bage and canrots have generally declined, and gardeners and con- sumers can soon look forward to home-grown produce. A Royal Trust survey indicateà that the price of an average house dropped last year in almost haif the major cities surveyed. House prices fell by as much as 10 per cent in somne areas in Montreai, and by varying amnounts in Re- ginla, Fredericton, and somne areas of Toronto. Prices either dropped or showed no change in 33 locations andincreased in 35 others. Statistics Canada reports-that corporate profits grew 15.6 per cent in the first quarter of 1977 over the last quarter of 1976. This compares with a 39 per cent decline in the previous three months. Inflation slowed in the major industrial demiocracies during May, according to the Organiza- tion for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The organization said consumer prices rose 0.7 per cent on average in the 24 member na- tions, compared with 1. 1 per cent in April. The OECD said a slackening of food and comrmod- ity prices contributed to the slowdown. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHU RCH BOWMANV ILLE, Requ ires an Organist for Septem ber 1, 1977 Two manual pipe organ. One Service most Sundays. Students are wel corne ta apply. For. further Information contact: The Wardens, 124 Queen St., Bowmanville, Ontario. 1111111111 m 1m jm mE i DXSEMRVICIE STATION. Illghway 35 and 115, just nol th of, Newcastle I Featuro": à Prremium QuaIiLy Pe,oduct.- I I At the Most Reasonable à *à' Stove 011 &ù DleStel 011I grants and Community cen- tres grantswill pay the entire capital cost of the proposai. The Town bas agreed to operate the complex when completed and wîll support the operation costs at 75 per cent. The Board of Education has agreed to fund 25 per cent of the operation of the complex. Also under the agreement the Board of Education will donate the land to the Town for the construction of the pool and squash courts., Lawn care insum mer Hot Ju1y weather needn't turn well kept- lawns into wastelands. Although sum- mer lawns tend to lose their sprîng green colour, regular summer care will help them survive with minimum growth loss. The Kentucky bluegrasses and fescues used in Ontario's lawns won't grow unless watered regularly during the summer months. t is recorn' mended that one to one and a quarter inches of water weekly be applied. Deep watering encourages deep rooting, whic is essential in counitering dryness. Lawn owners should water early in the mnorning so the grass will dry before evening. Watering at night increase the risk of varlous fungus diseases that affect lawn grasses. Weekly watering should be done slowly,'to prevent wasted runoff. Yard activities should be avoided during dry periods. Grass, should be eut a littie higher than ususal usual during the summer months, but as often as is necessary; this will help prevent burning and raost people will flot have to worry about insect problemns. If well kept lawns become insect-infested, they're prob- ably plagued by insects such as chinch bugs, white grubs or sod webworms, which cari be chemically controlled quite easily. Furtiter infor- mation on proper summrer Iawn care and preparing your lawn for fall and winter season can 13e obtained by contacting the agriculturai. office. 87 pe-r cent of drivers, in accidents - sober, road TORONTO - "In 1975, eight out of 10 accidents occurred in broad daylight, under normal driving, con- ditions," Mmnister of Tran- sportation and Communica- tions James Snow reports. "And these drivers were sober. Our researchers feel that driver pre-occupation is the prime suspect in thse mystery of 'why' these acci- dents happened. "Thse driver is going along, and maybe hie mind begins wandering off thse road and traffic and into business problems, or social activities. Or maybe somne- thing distracts his attention visually for just a second. "That's ail it takes. A moment's distraction and the driver îsn't really in -charge. An accident follows. We believe that this is what puts 87.2 Per cent of thse conditions normal drivers into our collision statistics.",, This summer, MTC is mounting a public service radio and billboard cam- paign- throughout the pro- vince to get the message to drivers that they shoul d keep their concentration on their driving every second. Thse themne beîng used is "When yoii drive . .. stay alert ta stay alive!" Mr. Snow expressed hope' that the campaign will help cut the accident statistics brought about by this sus- pected driver pre-occupa- tion. The radio messages will also act as reminders to Ontario drivers that "seat belts do save lives." And according to a study made by the Ministry, they are saving the public mioney, too. Research findings indi- cate that last year, there were over 200 fewer vehicle- related deaths and 12,000 fewer inju-ries during thse first full year of the man- datory seat beit legislation. During the samne peniod, fewer people were hospital- ized~ as a result of driving accidents. As accident injuries came down 14 per cent, the cost o! traffic accident treat- ment came down cor- respondingly. "There was also a drap in the severity of traffic accident injuries treated in Ontario hospîtals." said Snow. "These statistics give one the feeling that seat belts are working by saving lives, and serions injuries, and saving nmedical-expense money at the samne time," he concluided. --m-4a.eSO.eO..S INSIECTROLITE ELECTRONIC BUG KILLER Now, frein Insectronlc International IncerPOrated, a division of Gasilte Comeany et Canada cornes the Insectrolite electrealc bug killer whlch will give you pest-free evenlags around thse pool, patio or garden ali uanmer long. The Insectrolite 1 controls pesta over an area oet e ait acre-, insectrolite 2 usiag two fiitered black lights centrels pesta o:ver au area of eue acre. Beaùty a nd economy are comblned lin these two niedeis,; the styiing ir, Colonial, the power needed te run thse ILsectrolite 1islanot mach more than used by a 15 watt ight bulIs, while lnseetrolite 2 deesn't u se much more power than twe 15 watt bulba. Sixnply bang the unita frein a peutor tree and plug inte a standard 115 volt outiet and they tart worklng immediately. The units are easily installed, safe, malntenaiice-tree and weather-piroofed. Te centrol extremely lnfested areas yen may have te add on thse Power Booster which la optional for elther model. Dimensions: Apprex. 16 square incIses 1x25 inches-tal INS ECTROÏIT E c INSECTROLITE ÈQ) $F:82.95 U .'V - IOrono Fuel Lubrtd Lum ber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - O i Furnaces 983-9167 Station Sre i' 1,Oroxîn

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