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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1977, p. 1

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'i I I ~4III I (J Two shades of Blue for Orono Fair Oron; UWeky Timesý , Wednesday, Auagust 3, 1977 Cou Id need $6,O from public for Orono Arena Ace-cordingtofigrs outlin- general public, ed at a, recent Orono Hydro Tîhe Mayor pointed out th meei ng by Ma-yor Rickard aîomnt ete r somne $263,000. imay be needed aforn nthe ent es5,OO. from subscriptions from th r t havaialeadotie$75000.d general public in the Orono deducted froan ams ount o area for the proposed new noedhIperfo n niounnt oi No money for S, E.A. P. group Last week Mr. John Veld- huis, president of -Save the Ernirnent ifrom iiAtomic Pol lution (SEAF) was given a, sympathetic hearing by staff of the Ontario branch of the Secretary Staff but was told thlere w~as noct enough money available to grant to SEAP to hire qualified persons to prepare studies for the public hearings being held Septem- ber 25th to consider the construction of a Nulear refineýry by Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. at Port Granby. Mr. Veldhuist said he was told there was onlJy $2,000 lef t in the budget and that this was not enoujgh for their purpos-es. H1e sa)id hewod try agaàin to mieet with the Secretary 0f State. Sign contract for Newcastle arena *STILL -,,NO DE(1SE0N The fomto f the Region of Dur-ham came to pa-ss almnost four years ago by an act of the Province. At that tine areas to the east, Hope and Port Hope, wanted out and wvere so left oet. The two municipaites along with qthwys un Northiumb1-erland County started out to agre e to a new restructuring of the county system., That plan of attack is stil! under way and reports indicat ed that they are nio doser today than four years ago. The four ceni-tres of Cobourg, Port Hlope, Hlamilton Townshi and Hope Township had agreed to boundaries sometîme ago but ony ast ,veek Port Hlope wa asking a change in the budries toa which Ham-ilton Town-ship would not agree and Hope Townr.ship saitey wudntattend the nmeig as agrement had alreay been reached. Modynight the Oronio Fire Departmient ecîvda fire caîl to the tobaçco farm 0î f Mr. John Zoelmnan, wst0f Orono. A kiln had t'aken fire caused by an, oil humner which had stwithd on and which had been paced against a ide of the buding during clean-u prior tooerton0 the kiln. Part of oneIde and a portion of the roof was damnaged. The local fire departmTent wasý able toabiing the blae under control. BUiLDING TAKING SHAPE On Tuesday th)e frameork of the newhos barns atý the Orono Fair fgrounds bad tknshape and it is expectedt that within a week or Mwo de new buildingwil be woipleted in Us ne mloatioinr the sout-îh-east'o the grounds. ovse-BANXIOus Some now contend that the Agri,' Sciety was somiewhat?,(over anxious ïin imnln the gran;ýdstand Pt the fair grouids. They point out that it could have been used this Septemnber withut'i interferin.,g with the cntuto of a niew arena. KILE D AT RWCE LAIE A bWatig accidntAt Rice Lake has heen termed the cause of death of Joseph A. F. Mantie, 75 of Waeverley Road, Bwa n v,,'iýi.'It s undAerst ood tha t Mantîle an d a secondmna n were fhing atithe timne ani.r,-l boat driven- by a Torot mnan îstruck theiýrboatÎ. FORi THE LA ST TiMEW Thpre have beenîa nmbrof 'last times' o-rthep-, months forthe JustI 'nine Stage Band of larke and as one player said it is here agin when the band pînys at the annua Newcastle night in Crono at the Beef Barbecue. T'he band is toýplaY for some tonus commencing at 5.30.The annua -barbecue is being held iii thîe Orono Park on August l7th-, ith th- egýular mienu pliusetraiet by thebn, a ladies -crin'l LOBB- baýilgam-,e as well as games and races for -tIWzéild'cren. The Vent is sosrdby the -Orono Chamber and the Dpatm t0fParks and Rceto for the Town 0. f Newcastle. Last Friday afternioon the Town of Newcastle courdil with four present awarded the contract for the construction ofthne Newcastle arena at a. cost of $460,630.00. It was poin-ted out at the time this contractý did not include the cost of insta'lling a sprinkler systemi in the arena as, it was flot lknown if such would be called "or by the goveri.nment,. Councill'or Gray pointed out u3 flther meetiing - thbt the engineering firm 0of Totten Sims Hubicki had cleared The Queen of Canayda's with the Trenton construction Country Music, Diane Leigh, firm and that tlhe Newcastle will perform at the Orono Arena Building Committee Fair on Saturday and play for had recommi-ended that the the annuàl faîl fair dance to contract be signed by the be held this year in the Town so that the works could Newcastle Town Hall. Leîgh get, underway. Councillor lias been a five time Gold Gray also said that th'e Leaf Award wînner as top additional money was requir- Canadian Femiale Couptry ed for additional work on the singer and is firmliy establ- footings for the building. The ished as the reigning Queen original tender price was oni the country music scene mn $445.77U.bu hi-wsinres-Cnada. ýCOninud nfi- 2)She is 0f ten billed as "Two (Coninue nag 2) Shades of Blue" aad is a Need chÊldren for native of Toronto. Somne o ler bits include "Make It Over the Hill", ."Blindl Jonathon" and "Si*ng Hlappy". Leigh bas performied for stage, radio and telJevisioni and a-ttained a good followig in thýe country mrusic field. Th'le dance is being heId this year in the Newcastle Cern- ritunity Hall due to the demnolition of the O)ro3no arenaP, where dances ini the past have miet wi;th great success and with large crowds. Shirley AluNecste Bt sprvsrs wr Shirley waàs prepaI-ng to aud is fr chidren four years who ià now lookhing ufte.- th-e sOmewhar frustated on Tues- devise a sign for the pay- of age and up. Orono playground programi day, their firsýt day in Orono3,grudpgamut to let the ItR was also Poind out ha aIsstedon Tuesday by Rod over thle lak fitestb kids ko I'm i ere, she said. special eents ays are held MAIel are liooking fr Cng he youngsters of the om She ahilsoloS afer thp in Rowmnanville once a week, sters te take pari in lthe'unit.The wo were armed Kenal progra whichshe anid îif sufficienýt chî ,d-ed program Ove he pSt few wîvth halla and bats, garnes starstis week àin te tk part in thieloa prog-a Mmes the program hasand ecolouring sheetsas wli aftrnoons.arnemnscan be made ground to a hannd to create as bing prepared to amsitatn thesze special1 events, ne, interest the Recreation '" pay at the sig, The 0Orono program iwill be povdn arent1s will arrn Department han brought Miss tetter-totters and atithe underway five days of the getaàotto nd gv AUlmn t handie the progrm. wading pool but wqith no w"eek for the n fext three wee-ks their approval for attnac takes. rom9:3 a.. t 1200 oon at these events. Canvasing Town selliïng dog licences The Towfl of Newcastle is to make final arrangcements to, hire at, least three personïs to sell dog licences in thie Town 0f Newcastle. The matter was brought before counicil on Frîday by Councillor Woodyard who said the-y had înterviewed persons interested in selling the licences door to door and that a-Il had agreed the Town should -be divided into three areas. 1It was also pointed out that the canvas of the Town could be completed by the end of Septemnber. Councillor Holiday asked! how, those seling licences would be paid? Counceillor Woodyard said they were paid two dollars fromi each licence sold.

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