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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1977, p. 7

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W0OIlN WANTED WORKNWANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5717 for appoint- Peter Sutherlandi mient aiid informantion, Hooper's Jewellers LtU. Monuments and FamiIy MemoriaIs, Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought fromi us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Comlpany 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V.W. UYTTER Office - 885-5216Ir Home - 885-5522 For Prompt, ý'eouS, efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONOAREA REPRESENTATIVES BHI Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Paf Yeo 983-5725 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 23.4 King St. E. .%Xuminunl Prod. sidýiingf- Soffit - Fasia Tlrougli - Shutters Windom s - I)oOrS - Awnings t-139 For- Free Estimate ovlia ndling Vinyl1 Siding FUiRNITU'RE AND JPHlltîSTERY REPAIES STE VE'S FURNITURE SHIOP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Comiplete furniture refinish- ing. Antique and modemn. STEVE JOHNSON 983;-9630 ANTIQUE CLOCK COLLECTOR AiqeClock Col1lector requires oid cdocks, parts or p0cketwýatches iii any ccndi- Liun. Phone 98,3-96341. tf. FOR SALE New 24 foot aluminium extension ladder - $45. Phone 983-5479. 3, ap SWIMMING POOLS FOR SALE 1977 Models, slightly scrat- ched i transport, fully war- ranted, complete witb pump, motor, filter, fence walk-way and deck. Suggested -retail price $2,- 295.00, available at in-season special of $1,288.00, Cal now for early iîIstalla- tion, Collet, 416-663-9508. SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT Swimmning pools to rent, will lease and instaîl for home owners, family size, alumi- num swvimming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting ail fencing regulations, i-2-3 yr. rental basis with option to own. Try before you buy, cal collect 466390 any time. tf ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE CLOCKS Modern watches, and 400l- day dlocks repaired. Ail work guaraniteed. Repairs done by Swiss-tr-aifled watchmakers. Free estimates aivailable. Hoopers Jewellers Ltd., Bow- maniville. 623-5747. LOST 2 Hierefordi yearlings, tag- ged, viinity of 4th ulne Clarke, phone 983-5853. 3, ac HUEFOR SALE 2 s torey, 6 room frane house, centrally located in Orono, new roof, and dry basement. This bouse may- be purchased with 10w down paymi-,en-t. Vendor will hold mortgage. Less than 50 feet frontage. No agents please. Please write P. O. Box 200, Orono. ac IHELP WANTED Waitresses, over 18 years of age. Apply to 983-5536. NOTICE <)I N( N SERtY SCHOOL REGISTRATION 'Wc are now registering for Septemblerý, 1977. Half-day enirichmenr' program for pre- sch tlers. Phone 987-4012. TENDER The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion - Applications will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. August 12, 1977 at the Board Office for a school bus transportation route. The successfu.l appli- cant will be required to supply a 66 passenger school bus and driver for the transportation of students from the Village of Coborne and area to the East North-, umberland Secondary School, Brighton, Ontario. Specifications regarding the school bus route must be received frorn Mr. M. A. Macbeod, Business Admini- strator and Treasurer, The Northumnberland and New- castle Board of Educatidn, P. O. Box 470, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario,.J<9A 4L2. 3, ac, 36219 INFORMATION CENTRE Proposed Widening of Highway 401 in the Regional1 Municipa lity of Durham Fromn East Lîmits of City of Oshawa to Highway 35-115, in the Town of The Ministry of Transporation and Communications invites you to attend an Information Centre on the proposed widening 0f llighway 401. This Information Centre has been arrangea on an informai basis l'0 provide interested citizens an opportunity f0 review and discuss the preliminary designs for the proposed widening and associated interchange improvements. The INFORMATION CENTRE wilI be Field for iwo consecutive days at the Police and Fire Building, 132 Church Street in BOWMANViLLE on: Wedesdy, ugut 1, 1772:00- 5: 00 p. m. Wedrieday, ugil 1,19777:00 -9: Thursday, August 18, 1977 2:00-5:0Op.m. 7: 00 - 9:00f p. m. For further information please contact: Mr. L. Dutchak, Senior Pro ject Manager. Minstry of Transportations and Com mun ications, 3501 Dufferin Street, Dowvnsview, Ontario, M3K 1N6 248-3415 Il , I a CIII Manly th; whio helped anniversar, carda, cal club, 'e Geachs for Mary CAR My, si friends, ni and my fa cards, ni kindness hospital home. PUN SEP" c (Forme Pho Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, Au2ust 3,1977-7 ENGA4GEMIENT ANNOUNCEMIENT James and Doreen Lowery ftof Kirby are happy to announce the engagement of ~Aa ~ cheir daughter Sharon Joan to W Iiandy Lee Blake, son of ......... Ernie and Beatrice Bl1ake, Bowmanville. The wedding to take place in Orono United on 0F TH-ANKS October 22nid, 1977 at 3 p,. ianks to ail those BIRTI! ANNOUNCEMIENT d to celebrateour WRIGHT - Wesley & Debbie -y July 22, for gifts, <nee Heard), are happy to ke fromn couples announce the birth of their ighbours, Ralph daughter, Kandi-Jo. Born on r famnily reunion. *July 26, 1977, a new sister for &t Jack Carscadden Denise. 3,,ap BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT D,0F THANKS COONS - Wayne and Marilyn neere thanks to (nee Tamblyn) of Wood- eighbours, relatives bridge are happy to announce mily for their Iovely the arrivai of their son, iotes and acts of Jeremny Wayn, 8 lbs. 2 oz. on during my stay. in July 28th, 1977 at Northwest- and since comning ern General Hospital, Toronto. Proud grandparents Mary Tamblyn. are: Gordon and Shirley Coons, Port Hope, Jim ýand HfIda Tamblyn, Orono, also great-grandparents, Chartes and Ruth Coons. Brinston. 4PINGOUT eFl TIC TANKS î t Processing LAU DE CUSTOM ARNESS FRAMING Camneras and nry Bert Tomkins) Sutgppie 78 King Si. W., BowmanvIlle ne 786-2552 1 623-2404, Building a House? or remodelfling your present one? Then conitact: Floyd Nicholson Orono 983-59] IJ.n'tLeave it te chance WaIIy Lucyk 983 5518 OÎRONO Or... Building Contractor Bi ck - Block- Concrete Stonle work Be Sure your home is truly protected by a good policyCrpar-Cait Cati us now Milison Insurance Wr Agenicy ors-Tite Office: Corner of Churceh and Cobbledick Street 98-44 roiîo U mmmummm mmflmmm~mu *Fr es hfromthfe Cga rden * and orchard * arly App les à F R E D'S * Fruit Market * Highway 115 Southo-fOrono '

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