2-Orono Weekly Times, August 16, 1977 Orono Weekly Times Second Clasýs Mail Registratio n Numiber 636ï; Published Every Wedniesday at the ,offce of Publication Main Street, Oropio Roy C. Forrester. E-ditokr Eric Patterson, Adi ertising TROUBLE IN THE HIOME Professor M.V.C. Jeffreys, an English educationist uttered this lamnent a few years ago: -Housing, however imperfect, has neyer been better; but for miany people home lias neyer meant lss." It does seemn that, many homes today are prîmarily dormnitories and private restaurants and places to stay while thec car is being repaired. Part of the trouble is the pace at which s0 many of us try to live. Frantic busyniess is a widespread afflicaion these days: we are frantic in our work, in our play, even in our relaxation. And ail this frenzy does menace home and family: many parents find it difficuit to take suffîcient imie for sustaining good relations with their children. Some parents today seem to be more the proprietors of their children than parents. Lt is not realiy a home if there ;s not much time for easy and spontaneous relations, if there are flot expressions of real interest in the concerns and problems and idiosyncrasies of alI, if there are deficiencies in expressions of the love which is a concern, sometimes a sacrificiai concern, for the good of others. No occasional and slickly synthesized togetherness, even when helped by modern conveniences and ornamented by the Iatest gimmicks, can compensate for the personal qualities which make a home really a home. As Dr. Kari Menninger, one of the most influential psychiatrists of our time, hias warned, "Swamping a child with advantages is often a substitute for giving him tie, interest, companionship, and love." There is much evidence that the influence of the home in the development of personality and character is far more significant than the combined influence of the sehool and the church and ahl the community agencies with which children have contact. And children do not develop values mainly from their being told. about them: it is the, values which parents embody and express in the ordinary course of their lives that influence their children. STUDY INCONCLUSIVE Phil Levine, a planning consultant with the IBI group has been reported to have said during a recent meeting of the Courtice Task Force that it was impossible to discover whether or not the Murray V. Jones report on Courtice were correct. This waý due to the lack of background information. The Town of Newcastle had the Courtice plan prepared by Murray V. Jones and following this the Region of Durham carried out a similar stuady of the same area. Yet at this-point and after two ýtudies the cost of developmnent of the soft services is not known. The Murray Jones report states that there would be no major financiai impact on regional, educational and local taxes within thàe Town of Newcastle if the developmnent should go ahead. But Levine said hie could not agree or disagree with these conclusions. Mayor Rickard has been xeported to predict that there would be no financial impact on existing residents or ill-effects. This would hardly prove to be enough at this point especially when a planning consultant could not determnine thec effect of the pnoposed development. People certainly do have the need for services. Education facilities are alwavs a requirement of new developmen,,ts and it hias been stated that in 'the Courtice area the Ministry 0f Education il ave to approve grants for a new school as outined by the IMinistry of Housing. The local cost of this project miust tenfaîl back on ail taxpayens in the school anea. The Waverley developmient in Bowmanville is a prime example and the Minister thnough pressure has giveni his approval for a newv 19 room- elementary schooL. It is simple mathemnatics that education costs must ise with sizeable, new developmnent. one could not expect to bring in a new community of 1000 homes without -adequate fine protection, adequate librany service and adequate recreational services. These ail have a substantial capital cost attached] to them along with the cost of operation. And what about a community hall and an arena for the Courtice area. Is council to await the appeanance of one thousand families and then tell themi that in the ther parts of the Town each centre constructed tcheir own community centre and arena. The burlapped tobacco ar- conveyor being stitched aro- Helen Coureaux (in the (right), have the operation rives at the preparation table und a lath-like pièce of wood, back), Kasha Pheeorka, weîî under control. where it is placed on a short, for hanging in thedcrying kiin. (left), and Laurie Carol, Corridor express, for-Canada unity by Helen schmnid A tew weeks ago this family member[ newspaper published a copy only pensons, on of a letter written by resi- myself, husband dents of the hamilet of Yirby. ghters Laurie, HE The original letter, translated and son-in-law Roi into French, was conveyed to The Forestry ga- Prime Minister Trudeau's Orono will remer office so that it could be Ron was transferr forwarded to a similar corn- to die largesti mnunity in Quebec for reply. Canada as Assista The purpose was "to set up a tendent. Elaine iç small, thin line of communi- as secretary to cation which would improve Planiner. some understanding of our Weahl felt like.' two cultures". To date a reply bus headed along1 has not been forthcoming. main street locaf Other communities are also to as the 'Mileo promoting Canadian unity. seems that gold 1 This we found out on the first was used to form t run of the "Corridor Ex- and when parts we press", a two-day Bi-Provin- couple of years cial bus trip from Kirkland interested persons Lake, Ontario to the twin ding by. Kirkland cities of Rouyn-Noranda in outgrown the .g Quebec. Tours run every image of pioneer Tuesdlýy and Thursday until when our guide1 August 26th. the location in th The Corridor concept was section where Ro presented to Prime Minister shack once stood, Trudeau in Rouyn at the end former days fiash of April. Týhis tourist project my mi. Roza wa offers major attractions from area's most eol(i both the Anglophone and acters. She wore Francophone communities. tatty old fur cos Initial funding was from the round, had ana Ministry of Northern Affairs. soap and water Other interested parties in- surrounded by do clude the Chamber of Corn- passed Charlie's merce. Kirkland Lake's Eco- nomic Developmnent office and the varlous tourist coun- YE~OMAN cils. Twe inaugural runs took SONS LIMi place for very important 1 I-IN persons such, as municipal, PUBN provincial and federal offic- 24 Hour Ser, ils, alongwith the media. New Instaili Thle local press reported these Alterations -P runs which were followed by a Specia lizip feature flm on a northern Hot Water HE television show. Forced Air i On Tuesday morning we 1 Orono, met the air conditioned Non- thland bus at the ]Museum of7 Northerni History. The mnus- eumr is situated on the site of a % now closed gold mine, and offers displays that lead the T en n,, visitor to an understanding of the north country with the Fuels story of the hiard rock miner and bygone years. One can expect to see somne memora- bilia connected with hockey Phone as Kirkland's contribution to 9359 the NHL hias been 35 players. 9359 Be3ides the bus driver, the tour guide Miss Susan Pen- dor, and a geologist, oUr *swerE )n the 1Emil, .eidi, E onald R ang he ember rred up nurser tant Sul is emp ithe VIP's the wi lly ref of Gol bearlin the roa jere toi 3ago1 s were A Lakt ;old ir ýr year point the bu iza Bn 1a pîci shed ti vas one lurful re the oat ai] aversi( r- and lgs. W H otel NIS ITFI first owner, Charlie Chow, became wealthy by purchas- ing shares in lieu of hotel and food bills. Another attraction viewed was the 32 - room mansion (now an old folks ýe -the home) of multi-millionaire Sbus: gold mine owner Sir Harry 1dau- Oakes. People wondered how Elaine this man lived as long as he Reffle. did for in 1943 Harry was ere in murdered in the Bahamas when where he had settled only four north years previously. Mr. Oakes ýry in had 'a gif t for antagonizing [penin- people and was murdered in a ployed mock Voodoo manner, his Town body being drenched with gas, set alight and sprinked as the with feathers. 7inding Now our bus headed for the ferred Adams iron miné where we ld'. t were to receive a superb ng ore presentation and tour by a ad bed university student. Brad Mc- n up a Kay. For my husband this mnany was a great learning experi- e stan- e has nîining rs but tVa11 ed out siness TaPinig-Spray Ceilings rown 's urc of Plaster Repair lirough Pitn of the char- WaII u y same w 1- u y year 983-5518 ORONO ion to c was e also l. The Mn 1 ?rvice lations Repairs rig in Heating Heatiflg ,983-5624 ence especially as his work at the- Bowmanville Foundry involves the melting of iron. It was quite a thrill, when standing on the observation platform, to look far below to the open pit mine where giant trucks looked like dinky toys. We then witnessed the large chuncks of ore being crusbed and foliowed the various . processes to the finished product -- small marble sized pellets. These are shipped by train daily to the Dofaso plants in Hamilton. The ore body was discovered in 1902 but it was not until 1964 that the first pellets were produe- ed. In 1971 the mine became a wholly-owned Canadian Com- pany when it was purchased by Dofasco (Dominion Foun- dries and Steel Limitecl of Hamilton). The environment has not been forgotten. by this company who carefully con- (Continued page 3) BULIG.4 //FW /,O(? FPleW/P///e PIPISr O. Chatterton- ElerclContracting Phone 9. 83-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Complete Service for CARS - TRUCKS - FARM TRACTORS AND FORE iGN CARS Arc and Acetylene Welding Licenced Mechanic on duty at ail limes Class A Mechanic - Class B Bodyman Ciass H Licenced Deisel Mechanic Safety checks on Cars, Dump Trucks and Motorcycles HOU RS: 8: 00 a.m. --.00 p.m. (Weekdays 8: 00 a.m. - 2: 00 p.m. (Saturdays> Closed Sundays MANGARS GARAGE 983-5130 Milii St., Oronoj BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOURJ BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone:. ~ . Tyrone 263-2650 pffl à 1 !.. 1