Orono'Weekly Times,' 0unorGardeners An interesting and SUccess- fui annual flowver and vege- table show, was hield on August 9th. The ieibers collected $52.7.5 in prizes. Miss Marion Zegers was the judge and awarded the prizes. After the prizes wvere given, MIrs. Zegers spoke Io the contestants expiaining how points hiad been lost on entries - such as gardens not labelled, plastie used in arrangements where naturai mnateriai was preferable, and the entry of an arrangement wîhen the class called for a bouquet. Mrs. Zegers asked the win- ners to use their prize money to buy a special item of horticuitural interest, and to bring to the Septemnber meet- ing their prize sunflower beads and large javex hotties. Huge sunflower beads from the Tamblyn garden and a lovely seed plaque by Steph- anie Hlood were on display. Special prizes were: Best enr nshow: Junior - Jackie Hood, Senior- - Denise Chai- lice. Mlost points in show: Junior - Caria Vander Hey- den, 14, Senior - Denise Challice, 26. Youngest contes- tant- Todd Hutton.. Most entries: Junior - Caria Van- der lcyden, Senior - Patty Biaschke. Arrangement- Kathy Zych. Vegetable Characters- Nan- cy Tamnblyn, Janne Tamblyn, David Tamblyn, Loraine Dy- kstra, Caria Vander Heyden, Todd Hutton. r _ 1'loa , &î- 133 ChüIrcfl Street Bowmanvile FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS. HOSPITAL and HOMIE Bya-d \1 Xnderson William C. Hall, B om PhonieNiewCaStlge 987-4240 ALLDAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAy *Our FI-replaces DO NOT SmokeI à I i-4 àOXFORDI * Brick la yer-Stonemason.s Ltd. *ORONO,ONTARIO Phone983-5606I ~mmmmmmmmmmmmUm Attention Farnues! CCeasonable Prices on ÀAV-E ON - ~' Diesel Fuel ~ ~ Motor Oil ~ J - ~Gasoliné Phone 668-3381 -Collect 1517 DundaslSt. E., Whitby ,DX FUEL OIL For PromPt C'Ourteous Service CALL US TOI)AY Gardens, Junior - . Caria Vander Heyden, lst; Janne Tamnblyn, 2nd; Corinne Boc- e . rdý Wayne Atkins, 3rd; David Tamblyn, 4th. Senior - Patty Blasc hke, lst; Wayne Inade, Paul Van Leth, 3rd.< Dish Gardens, Junior - Caria Vander Heyden, lst; Loraine Dykstra, 2nd; Corinne Boe- kee, 3rd. Senior - Kathy Zych, lst; Denise Challice, 2nd; Patty Blaschke. 3rd. Three Stocks (3 stems), Junior - Nancy Tamblyn, lst; Japne Tamblyn, 2nd; Caria Vander Heyden, 3rd. Senior - Patty Blaschke, lst. Mixed Bouquet, Junior - Jackie Hood, ist; Corinne Boekee, 2nd; Caria Vander Heyden, 3rd; David Ta-.blyn, 4th. Senior - Denise Challice, ist; Brenda Bunting, 2nd; Sheila Boughen, 3rd. Picnic in Park, Junior- Wendy. Hutton, lst; Brent Hutton, 2nd; Wanda Hutton, 3rd. Senior - Denise Challice, lst, Sheila Bougchen, 2nd; Kathy Zych, 3rd. Characters, Junior - Brent Hlutton, 1st; Wanda Hutton, 2nd; Corinne Boekee, 3rd; Wendy Hutton, 4th. Senior - Denise Challice, lst; Patty Blaschke, 2nd; Sheila Boughien, 3rd. Collection of Leaves, Junior - Caria Vanderý Heyden, lst; Corinne Boekee, 2nd; Wanda Hutton, 3ird; Wendy Hutton, 41th. 5Senior- Denise Challice, lst; Patty Blaschke, 2nd; Sheila Boughený, 3rd. I 1 Field Flower Arrangment, Itior- - Brent Hutton, lst; Caria Vander Heyden, '2nd;: Wendy Hutton, 3rd. Senior - Denise Chailice, ist; Sheila Boughen, 2nd; Patty Blaschke, 3rd. Three Carrots, Junior- Cor- inne Boekee, ist;, Caria Van- der Heyden, 2nd; Janne Tamblyn, 3rd. Senior - Patty Blaschke, ist; Sheila Boughen, 2nd; Brenda Butiping, 3rd. Three Beets, Junior - Corinne Boekee, lst; Caria Vander Heyden, 2nd; David Tam- blyn, 3rd. Senior - Brendà Bunting, lst; Patty Blaschke, 2nd; Denise Challice, 3rd. Vegetable Collection, Junior - Janne Tamblyn. lst:-1Corinne Boekee, 2nd. Senior - Patty Blaschke, lst; Sheila Boughen, 2nd; Denise Challice, 3rd. In July, twelve mnembers had a picnic at the Zeger house. They enjoyed a picnic super, corn on the coh and ice cream. There was much fun and excitement being a scav- enger hunt and sack races. VENE ZI1A Resta urant iv, 1 --and35 12 Mile South Of Orono OPEN 6 1 AYS AWEEK We speckalîze in: A resident of Orono for 32 years, Elsie Isabel Jones, aged 66, passed away Mon- day, July 25th, 1977, in Princess Margaret Hospital, Torontio, following anl illness of approximately one year. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Ellen) McHoim, she was born in Hope Town- ship, educated at Zion Public School and 'Port Hope High School. She was marrîed January l6th, 193J2 to Cecil B. Jones, who predeceased ber in 1976. A devoted wifý'e and mother, she was a mnemrber of Orono United Church, of which she was a former choir r9ember, and a member of Heather Rebekah Lodge No» 334 Participa ting in commýtiy affairs, she was a woman of many talents, most noted for, making wedding cakes. Lef t to mourn lber passing are bier family, George, Bowmanville, Carolyn (Mrs. B. Priestly)- Oshawa, Eileen (Mrs. D. Stephens), Joyce (Mrs. F. Cowan), Patsy (Mrs. F, Storsbergen), al of Orono, Paul of Edmonton, Julie (Mrs. R. Worr), Gardenhili, her mother, Mrs. Ellen Mie- holm of Regency Manor, Port Hope, sisters Hazel (Mrs. E. Jones) Port Hope, Muriel (MVrs. A. Ritchie) Orono, and brother Donald MlcHolmi, Mlrs. Jones restedi at the Mor'ris Funerai Chapel with funieral services conducted at Orono United Church Thurs- day, July28tMh. . B. Long officiated Mwith Stelia Mortonl presiding at the organ. Paîl-bearers were Mýessrýs. Kelvin Jones, Maurice O'Neil, Ross Jones, Orville Chatterton, Glen Allun and Brooks Cowan. Many floral tokens were received in ber mnemory among which were ones from the Heather Rebekahi Lodge,' the Golden Legionnaiies and the Kendal Eagles Basebal Club. A price for energy How much are you wiliing to pay for electricity? Is it worth your child's good health, for instance? Scientîfic studies show a strong association between air polluted by coal combus- lion emnissions and adverse health effects, and suggest that,wiou further controls, our children could suffer up to 90M00 mrore acute respiratory disease episodes each year. These extra hurdens of iii health canî be avoided, by the provision and enforcemnent of more stringent Federal air quality standards. Inevitably, such controls will increase costs, but baianced against the health of our eilîdren, who wiIl say that the price is too high? NEW YORK CITY VERMONT Foliage Tour Depart Oct. 7th. NASH VILLE Grand Oie Opry Depart Oct. -7th.. AGAWA CANYON Depart Oct. &Wh Quebec City Depart Oct. 8th. .Tmi B Engsd of season * SPECIAL Toro Rear Engi.ne Riders *Req. $765.00 *O No$649.00 h p Electr-i7Start Premiumi. M ore pwrfor lireiawns o (r for Wus e in other yard "chores. .5 hp1 Prernmiml ind fider. Reg. $930.00 25", swath, with i (Tun il 't inig dleck and bagging )lopi. Now $799.00 ROuLPH ,Domninilon HA RDWARE Orono#,Ontario Phone 9835W2: Interment Orono Cemetery. * e e * s e,.,e.* *, * IOntario's Finest ' Red HavenI *Ideal for Freezing, *Canning, Eating....... ........... 4 Qt. Basket Red & White *You can depend on Red & White *For theFieSt Steaks s Ià a and selection of Freshly Slîced Cold Meats