f-frao Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 318t, 1977 UP ANDDOWN THE BOOKSTACKS ADULT Psychic Summer by Arnold Copper (a true account of a rnenacing experience on Fire Island) Walking through the Fire by Laurel Lee ( a young wom- an's thoughts and feelingsI aýs she fighl-ts Hodgkins dfisease) Growing Pains the Shaping of a witeir by Daphnie Du Maurier (biography) Hinialayas photographed by Voshlikazu Sirakawa (awe inspiring photographs of these well kniow.ý nmount- Waýý jIltig for Cordelia by Herber t Gold Last pitch by Ngaio Marsh Time and Place by Bryan Wolley JUNIOR Aireraf t by K. Munson Decoupage Crafts by Flor- ence Temko He's My Baby Now by Jeanette Eyerley (a novel about today's young people) EASY READING EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Fox Eyes by Margaret Wise. Brown. On What a Noise! by Uri Shulevitz MoIýnty Mouse looks for Aven- ture by Esta de Fossa rd CAdiL ON S.. O0. Chattertoni Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario (delightful photographie story for young children) MUadeleine lHadley. PUMPING OUT SE PTIC TANKS C LAU DE HARNESS Fomrl ert Tom kins Phoe 82552 "W$/all Taping-Sp ray Ceiings Plaster Repair Painting' WaIIy Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO BYAMS PLUMBING E ATING Sales and Service 24110UR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyroae 263-2650 I Durham Central Agricuttural Society .et I Thursay Saurda * ea DrwngBeattleSo ThrdaFrdy Strdy Sna I colPrd S n a - Pe*ho n Cnept. 8-ilr Msi ShThursday SahudowI Farty lfShow HDiane LeighiSho Beginming Septemiber 6, 1977 ail Ontarlo speed and distance signs will go metric. This is how tolearn the system. Thanksgi*ving Weekend Specials to... NEW YORK CITY Depart Oct. 7th. VERMONT Foliage Tour Depart Oct. 7th. NASH VILLE Grand Oie Opry Depart Oct. 7th. AGAWA CANYON Depart Oct. 8th. Quebec City Depart Oct. 8th. Speed signs xx MAXIMUM MXMUM MPH X, M X MUM MUM MPH ývPH Distance sign (changeover already in effect> B- ltes a very easy system, and most countries around the world already use it. Ontario and other provinces are adopting it under a Canada- wide plan approved by Metric Commission Canada. Speed limits are measured in kilometres per hour (km/h). Dis- tances are measured in kilometres (km) and metres (m). One metre is approximately the length of a lonýg stride. One kilometre is 1000 metres or 5/8 mile (0. 625). (One mille = 1. 6 km) SAn easy way to familiarize yourself with kilometres is to consider the time factors involved -for exàmple, 80 km (50 miles) would take about 1 hour to drive at a speed of 80 km/Jh (50 mph) . Study the signs shown here and you'll get the picture quickly. To learn the systemfiaster, "think mnetric-don't convert back to the old Imperial unit of miles. And to measure your gas consumption in kilometres per gallon, divide the number of kilometres travelled by the number of gallons used. Get a free copy of the informa- tive bookiet "Ontario Roads Go ,Metrie" from any Ministry of Transportation and Communication)s office or LCBO outiet in Ontario. James Snow, Minister of Transportation ~wand Communications William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario r 1 Ik 1 ,Jjry ýl 'meý