. WORKWANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-57,47 for appoint- ment and information. Hlooper's Jewellers Ltd. Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our quallty and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person whoc bought front us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V.W. BUTTER Office - 885-5216 Homne - 885-5522 For prompt, rteous, efficient service when buyîng ornsellîng and for the largest selection of properties la the anea. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRE'SENTATIVES ,Bill Grady 983-5149 Williamn Turansky (kendal) 983-5420 Christa Wierhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid *983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo0 983-5725 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMÂITED 234 King St. E. 80WN VILLE t;23-3393; WORK W'ANTED Peter Sulh erlaild Aluýjmum Prod. sj(iig - so>ffit- Fasia T'roiughI - Shutters Windoms - Doors - Awnings F'onl Fiee Estimate Now 1 anding Vinyl Siding FURNITURE AND UPHOLISTERY REPAIRS STEIVE'SFURNITURE SHOP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Compiete furintiue nefinish,- ing. Antique iandimodern. STIEV'EIJOHNSON 983-9630 SWIMMIUNG POOLS FOR SALE 1977 Models sightly scnat- ci)ed in transport. Fully warnanted, complete with pumip, mnoton, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Suggested' 1-etail price $2,295. Now avait- able at $1,288. No payments until 1978. Immediate deliv- ery and installation. Cali collect anytimne 1-416-663-9508. SWjIMMING POOLS TO RENT >Will lease and instaîl for homeownen, family size with a]lminum swimming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting al fencing regulat- ions on a one, twO, or three year rentai basis with option to own. No payments tili 1978. Try before you buy! Cal] collect any time 1-416-663- 9508. ARTICLES FOR SALE AýNTIQUjE CLOCKS - Mýiodem w,,atchies, and 400- day dlocks nepained. Al work guananteed. Repains done by Swiss-trained watchmiakers. Free estimnates available. Hoopers Jew'ellers Ltd., Bow- manville. 623-5747. - FOR SALE 1977 Nova, perfect condi- tion, onily 12,000 miles. Bucket seats, floor con-sole, Custom interior, automnatic, power brakes and powen steerinig, etc. Phone 983-51322. FOR SALE Fneshi Honey, 70c. per pound in-,cuistomiers containi- ers. 104 Concession St W., Bow- manville, 623-5218. No Sunday sales. Fos %1"31,7, 'ap. 1972 Chrysier Customr Newv- port, 2, door hard top, power steering, powen brakes, elec- tnic trunk openen, near wind- ow defoggen, ,viiyJ top). 1 owner. Caîl after 6 p.mi. 983-9588. 7, ac. Orono E ectric Herb and Gerny Duvlal E1,E CTRe ,iCAL, Ce)NTRACýTiNG4( E1,E CTVRIC 1HîE A TINGC lectrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. WESTINGHOUSE RCA EL-ECTRtOHOM'%E Guaranteed Service FOR SALE 1973 Datsun 610, standard, 73,000 miles lin steel radiais,c Best offer. Phone days, 623-4957 evenir COMING EVENý 4 door, GIRL GUIDE S. Miche- REGISTRATICI ertified. The Girl Guide reg, 623-7322 will be held on X' igs. September 12th at 7:( 7, ac. First Onono Company FOR SALE 1967 450 Honda, new tires and battery, very good condi- tion. Will listen to any offer. Phone 705-277-2765.1 7, 14. HIELP WAN TED Pant-time help wanted to assemble matenial swatches and catalogues for mailing. Hours negotiable. Please con- tact Mrs. Debhie Johnson, Plydesigns, 98.3-9355. 7, ac. HELP WANTED Program co-ordinator ff>n Town of Newcastle Commun- ity Care. This is a pant-timne position for a co-ordinator to work with volunteeers who, will be provîding outneach services for senior citizenis. The object of this pnogram is to assist senior citizens to remnain in their own homes. Previous experience with volunteers or as a voluniteer is pnefenred. Car required. Salary range $5,000 - $6,000 plus mileage. Apply with resumne before September l6th, 1977 to: Town of Newcastle, Commnunity Care, Box 135, Bowmanville. HELP WIANTED Reliable babysit 'ter, and part-time housekeeper need- ed. To discuss details phone 983-9643. 7, ac. WORK WANTED Will watch pre-schoolens ini mny home. Lockhiart School area. Phione 983-940. 7, ac. HELP WANTED Apple pickers mite o area farmns. Please coni- tact C'an-ada Farmu La- bor Pool, 7A Division Orono Public Schoc Second Orono Comp Kirby Public School. COMING EVEN Cast and crew requ Bowmanville Drama shop's production of Suite",. Thursday, Sel 8th at 7:00 p.m., Lionx - Beechi Ave., Bown- Ail welcomne, no exl necessary. COMING EVI Kinsmen Bingo, Haill, Septemben 7:30 P.11. TS istration Vonday, LOST Blue and white bu Orono Estates area. I :00 P. M. COMING EVENTS ýy at the ORONO HORTICULTU o0l, the SOCIETY pany at Bus 'trip to the Internai Dahlia and Chnysanthe 17, ac. Show at the Edwardsi T5 ens, Toronto, on Satu uineT for September l7th. juire for Book your tickets eai [a Wonk- avoid disappointment: )f "Plaza per person includes a eptemnber sion to the show. ns Centre Phone Mns. Betha T nanville. burn 983-5245, or Cyril 1 perience 983-9101, for reservation will leave the Town 31,7, ac. Orono, at Il a.m. VENT S Oddfellows NOTICE 2th, 1977, ENTRIES ORONO FAIR 31,'7, 14, ac. Deadline Wed., Sept.7 Senior Citizens - Handwrx linied papen, with pen, pc( yotir choice. COMING EVENTS Registration for lst Onono Bnowînies will take place this yean on September 12th, 1977 at 7 to 8 p.m. in gym of Orono School- Girls of 7-10 welcomne. For further information caîl Mns. Kathleen Clark, 983-5137. 7, ac. COMING EVENTS Registration for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts on Monday, September l2th at Onono United Church at 8 p.m. (No openings for new Beavens or cubs). Ahl parents are asked to attend the Group Committee meeting followin.g regist- raion. 7, ac. NOTICE ORZONO NREYSHO R EGIPSTRA TIîON We areno registering for September, 1977. fHalf-dIay) enrîchment prognram for pre- schoolens. Phone 987-4012. Accouning Clerk * Reqiredan expeienced accouninug cenk, able to S assume complete responsibility for the Colnpany's Accounmts Receivables and Accourts Payable along* * with other duites nelated to the position. *The ;incumunbent will report directly to thie* Controiler and as some correspondence is required, * typinig would definitely be an asset. * Itenested parties please contact: -e *CURVPLY ýWOOD PRODUCTS a Orono 416-983-91710 *for an A,'pplication Formi Brick - Bloc k - Conscretle Stone Worki Floors - Tuei (irst fHarvest is fnom Sw\ýeut Cover)1 BIIING YOUR OW N * CONTAINER pu.7 PER LB. Containers available at cost ARN0TT RESlDENCE, Main Street, Or-n (Br-icýklouse, opst entrance to Plark) PHONE 983-9372 Grade 7. 8, 9, 10 - Scarei bnoom lIength, using matenial. Must be self su ted. Prizes $2,00, $.0 15 and $1.00, cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., B6wnanville 623-2404ý udgie, NOTICE Phone 1, Bruce Myles, will not be responsible for any debts 7, ac. incurred ila my namne by anyone on or after this datle, RAL Wednesday, September 7th, without my written consent. tional 7 à C. emum ENGAGEMENT Gard- Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- rday, lop are pîeased to announce the engagement of their ny to youngest daughter -Bonnie $4 .50 Sarah to William Frank Lane, dmis- eldest son ofM. and Mrs. Frank Lane, Nonth Onono. rouch- 7,ac. Baird, s. Bus SPECIAL Hall, Ali the fish and chips 7,a. you can eat, $1.85. 7,ac Éuesday and Wednes- days. Mom's Kitchen 7th Main St., Orono riting, k. 983-5310 em of ýcrow, any Lippon- 'l - kt to Chance ite sure your home is truly protected by a good policy CaIlius Inow Milison Insurance Agency Office:ý Corner oif Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 FOR BUYING or SELING Let us hielp you with our exýperience - it's ourbuies Anytime is the right timie, if you can get the price, your property' deserves. CaIl us to-day for a free consuiltation. Fail1 Apples Mac intosh Barlett Pears Fresh Vegetables Sweet Corn Pickling Cucum bers Peaches - Plums Ma pie Syrup - Honey F RE D'S Fruit Market Highway I1i5 Soutîj of OrGono