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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Sep 1977, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 7th, 1977 Orono Weeekly Times Second Cla'ss Mail Registraîion' Numbher 6368 Pubhshed Every Wednesday a! the offréceof Publicatin Maýin 1Sfreet. Oronio M0% C. Foî'reSti. Lit Eric Patterion, Adier1itiiw COME TO THE FAIR t happens once a year ... the Durham Central Fair in Orono and again this year it ail cornes about this week-end with activities commencîng Thursday evening and proceeding through until Sunday afternoon. 1 The fair in Orono has expanded over the years and according to ail reports the 1977 edition is to be no exception in fact the activities have been extended to include a family country music show on Sunday afternoon a time to relax after ail the hussie and bussle of two and a haif days of exhibition promotion folowed by a dance on Saturday evening. What can we say other than support the event and corne out for yourself to visit with your friends and view al the happenings as they take place right in Orono this week-end. See you at the fair corne Thursday and through until Sunday aftennoon. WHAT ABOUT BOWMý'NANVILL,1E BEACH? During the past month Town council was considering a request from a resident of the Bowmanvilie Beachi area for the lease or purchase of an unopened ?oad in the area. Council rightly took no action on the request being flot too sure of future needs in the area or the possible implications to other owners in the immediate area. It seems to this corner that council should give some serious consideration to the return of the Bowmraniville beach area to the generai public. At the present time the beach area, both sides of the Bowmanvilie creek, is less than enhancing for the Town of Bowmanville or the community at large. Surely it cannot continue in its present form for too long. We would suggest that the Town should set a policy of purchasing lands and buildings when) they become available in the beach area with the view of someYime in the future returning the area to public use. The longer such a policy is delayed the more complicated and more expensive such an undentaking will become. Many of the pnesent buildings are rundown and redevelopment of the area certainly would not go amniss. The lake area could weil become a real attraction for the Town of Bowmanville and for the Town of Newcastle as a whohe. It hs a good beach and with some development could serve the nesidents of the community Well over the years to corne. One only needs to look to inunicipalities to the west to find a resurgence of interest in the lakte- front and development for public use. It is timne for the Town of Newcastle to look atltis asset within the commuity and take some definite action to acquire the land before it becomres so involved'that it neally becomes a eccstly venture. Naturaliy ail are concerned over rising taxatiion but this plan need not nor should not he c'ompleted within a kw'A yeans. The project could be cannîed out over a period of many yeans if only a policy was established at this timie. Lets have some falk of the future and protect what should be a pubic area, the Bowmnanville lkfot Autumlinn'n the pro#%vincial wparks Ma ny of us -wouild n ot lïk e fto admit it, but recent cool temperatures and a few bightly colouned eaves indi- cate that autunm is just around the c-orner. Septem-ber and early Oct- ober is an excellent ime to visit oif camp in oun Provincial parks. Crowds and trouble- some insectswi have ail but disappeared. Thle weatfhen is eisp and faîl scenery is at its best. The Labour Day and Thanksgiving hoidays are traditionally busy camping weekends, and ahi of the Lindsay District Provincial panks will offen full facilities. Stil. visitons will be welcomie thnoughout the faîl and winter with minmal toilet and -water facilities available. This fail, as in years past, there are sevýeral special activitiïes piaiin-ed for Our parks anid public lands. Darlington Waïerfowl Day This year the anniual Sport- s-neni's Watenfowl Day will be held at Darlington Provinl- cial Park on Sunday, Septem- ber il. This is a day for thie entire family, as ai visitons are encouraiged to lýlearn and participate. Events iniclude decoy carving, 'valerfowl idenitification, n'etiever trails and dluck calling champion- ships. Dyueamsinwl be îree. Controlled Wtrol Hunt In 1Danington Poica Park, six huntfing bluinds wfil be aaabeduring ithe Sep tem;ber 24 to December 15 wateýrfowvl season. The blind permits are avaihable on a fin-st conne, first serve basis starting at 5:00) a.m. at the park. Hunting wh be permnit- ted on Moniday, Wednesdayl Friday and Saturday Thlere is a daily fee of $8.00 per blind and a maxim-um of two unters allowed in each blind. A boat is required to0 neach five 0f tChe six blinds. SWIMMING PROGRAIM (COnitinued from iipage]1) Srnith, Peter Fonk, Aima Hill,' Mark Hill, Wanda Huittoii, DebbieWakr Lesley Barrwl bail, Stephien Boyko, Kathryil Blaschike, Brent Gatcheli, Michelle Hartwig, Kyle Vir- tue,- Michael Virtue, Kelly Taylor, Sheri Sharp. Level Three - Danny Cowan, Cindy Den Hollander,- Erin Parker, Ivan Kettie, Sonya Brachvogel, Steve Graham, Normian Hunt, Kevin Taylor. Darlene Dennis, Tracey And- erson, Angela, West, Steve van Harverbeke.- Junior - Joe Seneco, Kim Mof fat, Karen Moffat, Sandra Dennis, Earl Atkins, Jim Snoek, Elaine Falls, Jirn Martin, Rhonda Parker, Tàr- ni Lee Carleton. Level Four - Kerry Grady, Irene Konzelmann, Lorni Hunt, Kendra Kemp, Sharon Simpson, Steve Sawyer, Nan- cy Bridges, Terry Beauvais, Patti Quantrili. Intermediate - Kevin Philip, Heidi Schmid, Scott Rich- ards, Conine "Long, Tanya Fonk, George Popadich, Bre-- nda Bunting, Lisa Zoelman. Senior - Karen Atkins, Jan- ette Armstrong, Patty Blas- chke,, Debbie Van Dorp, Marie Carr, Beth Hill. SECOND SESSION Novice - Andrew Gilray, Richard Bernimeester, Paul Simpson, Carolyn Wester- man, Garret Jones, Shane Faulkner, Mark Pringle, Breck- Van Shaik, Richard Stolk, Lisa Ferris. Pre-Beginnter - Sylvia Wester- man, Scot Riches, Andy Haines, Janice Williams, David Keetch, Cathy Hooper, Rina Carr, Wesley Werry, John Bumna, Kennleth Mercer, Chad Doiron, Tiffany Me- Knight, Cindy Lyn Tamblyn. Level Two - Leanne Marie Reed, David Beckmann, Todd Dorion, Joyce Bruinsma, Donnie- Keetchi, Kevin Mtum- ford, Start Irwin, Kenneth Vanhaverbeke. Bieginner - Steven Golden, P1amela Black, Chris Werry, Penny Bfoughen, Jackie Hoat, Robbie Haynes, Michael Bahl, Donrna Vanhaverbeke, Derek MufrDeanna Roughley, David Zoelmian, Ailan Hall, Blaine Býruton, Randy Allan Reidi, Sean Barry, Steven Barry, Lorraine lDykstrna, Lauie atsnJennifer Char- ke, Camreren Sunderland, Anita Teigen, Christine Rob- erts, KanI Beckmiann. Lvel Three - Chniss Hooper. La rke Public Monday, Tuesla,, Thurs, and Fi ý: 00t !W0.m Orono. Ontario YEOMANS &PI SONS LIMITED PLUtMBiNG& HEATIN G 24 Hour Service Nw Isalain Lisa Bumia, Stuart Simpson, Scott Irwin, Patti Irwin, ConneBoekee, Robent Sno- ek, Brent Gatcheli, Michiael Ferris, Jim Brown, i m Woo)dhey, Simon Bum-a, Fred Boevee. Survival - Michiael-Johin Char- land, Sharon Simpson, Lisa Zoelman, Marcel Chaland, Gail Bryn-Jones, Walter She- rwin, Arnold Mostent, Kim Irwin, Bonnie Irwin, Clare Werry. juni or - Lisa Hall, Chanlene Rodd, Duffy Hamne, Spencer Wiliams, Lori Simpson, Jan- ne Tamblyn, Paul Williams, Donna Lowery, Lorraine Westenman, XKirk Carr, Nan- cy Tamblyn, Cindy Nelson, Steven Adams, Christine Bru- ton, Kim Shierwin, Brenda Rodd, Shelley Gray, Jeff Gray. Intermediate - Michael-John Charland, Karen Irwin, Bon- nie Irwin, Kim Irwin. Senior - Coiheen Moffat, Kerny Grady, Lydia Cairman, Ross Stutt, Paisley Stutt, Brad Hockin, Paul Cooke, Jayne Bradley, Doug Dilling, -Lee Anne Hockin, Steven Clarke, Mark Charland, Shelley Ly- cett, Marcia Lowery, Cheny Anyan, Marcel Charland, Danlene Crotteau. Bronze - Steve Clark, Mark Charland, Shelley. Lycett, Mandia Lowery, Marcel Char-, land, 10e Anne Hockin, Col- leen Moffat, Kerny Gnady, Lydia-Carmanl, Ross Stutt, Paisley Stutt, Danlene Crot- teau, Tammy Preston. SALE 0F TOWN HALL (Continued from page Il has mnade it* known that they will mnatch 2 to 1 an amount nequined to construct an arena of today's needs and that anythling abo)ve\will beon a level of 1 for 1. Prevîously Wintario hiad said they would grant a 2 for 1 grant only o)n that portion of the cost of building a new arena that lhad been condemned to) the extent of the design and content of the condeimned arenia. Mayor Rickard pointed out that the new scheme would provide greater funds for the two new arenas being built in the Town from Wîntario- JUNIOR RANGERS ((ont inued from page 1) th e entire range of Ministry activities. As they prepare to return to their homes and schools in Northerni Ontario, mn",lyof the juior ranger's have expressed thiein interest in retuirning againi to work with thiýsMiity wet f the hiall stanting at 12:00 p.m. Food whlbe available - iot hweerthe Germnl ood as this is' sered nlyat fthe eveningp ýcfettîite,Tcktor- the ('\enling are hîited and sale's are goîng f -st e suggest vou geouns(i' now. Con1tact the mrhtson fthe mini street of Newcxastle Village We look forward to seeingi you at these festivities and # UNITED CHURCHI Orono Pastoral *Rev. BE. Lonq ýRGANIST& Sl DIRECTOR D'ouglas DemelI Building a House? ORO (NO UNITEÏDCHU v(ii o rr modellîng your Sunday, Sept. il, 1977 prsntù e Sunday Church Schooh 10 a. m Thennat For all departments. Floyd MorningWorship 15am N1Çicholson KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Oron 983049Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 UN mmm m m m m MMm * Orono Fair 6 ouegancou tr JamboreeS AND TH IONRYHT * oo Sundaty fSnet. 11, 1977 Iti o 2p.Str Mte.m_ * OrononaiGround I DURHAM EXTEICORTSES *~ ~ I A odvreyOSHtrAWAtcnisig0 IUSA'ET 13 * SingSng SEPTBnjo Com15 TaODncing Clow PT. dle19 * ~ 63090 ndhDadLBugssPress REM INDER'-

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