,k~& ~ 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 7th, 1977 DiffoereË%nt views on Dja rlngtofl Frorn reports in the Osh - awa Times it is rnost evident that Sam Cureatz, M.P. for, Durhamn East and former member for Durham East Doug Moffatt have- differentý views over- the neced for an environrnenitlhaigcon- cerning the Darlington Nuc- lear Power Sain Sam urat supports th-e Provincialgvenm mti their decision not to eall an environmental assess- ment hearing. He has been reported to state that he would be surprised if the government would change their mind in this matter. Hie also said he was unaware of a, petition frorn citizens in the Town of Newcastle asking for a hearing under the Environ- mental Assessment Act. Mr. Cureatz holds to is position during the election when he supported the gener- ating plant pointing that it will bring jobs to thearea for somne 3000 people during construction as well as 500 permanent jobs during its operation. He also states that the proposai for the plant was far ahead of the passing of the environmental Assessment Act. IP!0 FoR ky/pI//O PtMS plant Doug Moffatt nos beeni reported tLo state that a petition will be presented to thec goveramfent objecting to the fact that dh rne has excluded the D)arlington plantî fromth conditions under the En'vironmenItal Assessment' Act. Moftt aims the gover- !,ment apçproved tîhe conistrue- PUMPING OUT SE PTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS (Formerly Bert Tomïkins), Phone 786-2552 Tapling-Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting' Waily Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO BYA~MS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOun BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Entertst Rates phone: Tye2325 tion of several plants somne- have to corne under the five years ago and he could conditions of the Act. see no sounid reason to single out the Darlington plant not having to corne under the Environmentapl Assessment Act while others are going to Moffatt also referred to the Porter Commission investi- gatîng nuclear energy which has yet to report theJr findings. Rt was allso state-d that a select comm-it(tee of the government was also to report on thie samne subJect. He suggested that perhaps these bodies were to report on sornething that the governi- ment wants to avoid. Moffatt was reported to termr the exemption, "alrn Ost irrespon- sible". Yu ÈtooC Îan-1a13 moiUUmmmmmrnrmm mm mmUmmflmmU1 Durham Central Agilculfýural ScietyI .... .I. M M.I..... * at I il I m Thursday,, Friday, Saturday, Sunclay Sept. 8- il1 0 Thursday SaturdayI * aîtySo Horse Parade *Durhamr Black and Beaut-y ContestI * White Show Horse Show I ITeam Drawi-ng Beef Cattie Show * Comnpetitioni Diane Leigh Show DancingI FridaI *School Parade Sunday. IPet Show and Contest *Sheep Show So *Fat Caif Shno w 0 Harness Racing 0. Chatterton,, EleCrical contracting1 983-5546or 983-5940 WVe have more muffler shops than a nyone else in North America to serve you. (Over 800 in fact.) And every one of themn honou rs the Midas Guarantee. So no rnatter where you are, f rom North Bay to New Orleanis, you won't be far from a Midas Shop. Whysette for less? Get the MaidasToudi w, simcoe St. S., Oshawa Just less than a mile north of the 401.Pbone 576-8111 P 841 Lansdownle St. W., Peterborougb on the south side of the street across from the Ponderosa Phone 742-3408