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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1977, p. 1

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I I 4II~rý Ahi v l Hîsghway 115 chalks up another death Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Sepïember 21sf, 1977 0MB rec!é-eive final req,,uiremiens The final stage 0f planning before the actuel1 construction of the new Orano arena are presently being carried ouf by the Town Council. Presenit at a meeting on Monday affer- noon were Mike Sawyer of the arena commiîttee and Peter Flemming of Totten Sims Hubicki Assacietes Ltd. ta answer questions; council might have regarding delet- ions in the construction of the arena. The total amnount of deletions amounted to $22,- 300.00 bringing the cost of the arena down to $777,300.00 f romr $729,600.00. Contract must or re-negotiate Peter Fleming reminded council that unless fhe con- tract agreement was signed by September 29th t he con- tract was vaîd at the present price. At this time the boards would have to re-negotiate with the contractor or re-fen- der for another one. These figures wvere arrived at last Tuesdlay during a meeting held at the Orono Town Halal. The confrect price of the arena was studied and wvith the help of engineers f romn Bel-Con certain items were deleted f ram the con- struction. One area of deletions nar- rowed the length of the fimie ice would be available in the arena frorn twelve months clown to eight months. Doing this cut the cost by about $16,175.00. Other delet ions include graphic painting in the halls, lobby and canteen, glazed shape roof over ent- rance and emergency lighting inside. One disputed item which mey or may not be deleted is the sprinkler ,ystem. Accord- im. ta tlhe code, stated Mr. Flemming, the sprinklers are required, however depending on wiater pressure, and avaH-ý ability of water froni different sources you can get around the code and delete- the systems. Councillor Dykstra made if quite cllear that he would rather. pey in the beginning for mor i nstE con: the! be d agre coni for1 Hamiltons Insurance Ser- vice wishes fa announce the winners of the Lucky Drew, held at Orono Fair, Sepfem- ber 1th, 1977. There is however a verbal agreement with fhe confrac- tor to extend his deadline for an additional seven days. Councîllor Gray moved that thîs seven day extension be accepted and thet council should get the thing movi ng in the right channels. Large Fire Extinguisher - V.L. Anderson of Oshawa; Small Extinguisher - Stuart Simipson of Orono; Smoke Alarmn - Mrs. Rorie Woods, Newtonvil le. NEW BRIDGE OPEN For those people who in the pest few nionths travelling from Orona ta Bowmenville have had ta take dletours fa gef around the new bridge construction an Concession Street, yau cen sfart gaing the aid way as the roed is now open and the bridge seemns to be quite safe. WE HAVE HEARD IT BEFORE The first phase 0f the Millbrook arena has been campletedet a cosf 0f $1,20,000.00. MAillbrook is now looking et the second phase which includesý finishing the canimunity centre rooni, tiling the kitchen and other minar warks. The lowest bld for the warks wes $79,000 sane $10,000 mare than expected. It has been suggested thet possibly some of the warks will have ta be elimineted et this finie, A familier stary as fer as arenas are concernied. NEW RATES A WAY UP Boafers who rent spece et eifher Bewdley or Gore's Lnading niay find thet nexf year the rate will have risen- considerebly. In the past e yearly rate of $30.00 a year existed. In came cases such e rate may becamne $45.00 e monfth. A SEASON KICK-OFF On Saturday and Sunday the Visuel Arts Centre in Bawm-anville held e registration for their feui and winfer progreni. During the past few manths much has been, done att thie Centre ta bring the building under repeirs suiteble ta variaus departments of gavernm-ent. The Visuel Arts Centre now has exclusive use 0f the building with a 20 years leese from the Town of Newcastle. NEW PHONE BOOKS ON WAY Starting this week some 130,748 phone directaries will be distributed in the Durham area. This is an increase of 11,000 over that of lest year. \_,ONTO HAVE OSHAWA SITE The Ministry of Revenue for the Province af Ontario which in the future fa lacate in Oshawa is nearing complefion of the site acquisitiot,,. The location of the new offices will be in the King and Centre Street erea in the western section of the clowntown Oshawa care. Five ar'med men fied-.up and robbed two priets and a housekeeper early Mondey morning in St. Josephs Cetho- lic Church recfory., If was reported thef the break-în occurred af approxi- maiely 2:30 e.m. Monday _________ - During the heavy fog of last F riday the l6th at 11: 40 pm. two vehicles hit head-on 1/2 mile north of the 115'and 35 highway junction. One vehicle, an army truck, driven by John Gladowicz age the systern and save 25 of Toronto and accompani ey lin insurance costs led by Mark Litherland anid >ad of saving money in Rodney Best bath alsa of struction cosf and leaving Toronto were travelling nar- system out. This will not thbound at the timne. A 1970 lecided untîl the contract Maverick driven by Joseph ement is signed and the Walter Brook, 119, or Peter- ractor designs a system borough and accompanied by the arena. Donald Johnston and Frank With council now in agree- ment f0 aIl aspects of the arena it wes-decided ta get ttime bail rolling and send ouf the required information to the 0MB and Wintario Com- munity Centres grant found- ation for their final epproval. when Father James Sercely was awakened by a flash!light and a knife held af his face. The fhree victims were tied up and guerdled while the place was ransacked. The amount 0f money takrn was large but the exact figure. has not yet been determined. Underground cavern at Wesleyville G.S. ConstructiQ>iî of Cenada's first underg round ail starage facilities will' begin almost immediately at Ontario Hy-, dro's Wesleyville Generafing Station, six.miles west of Port Hope. The f irsi of a series of contracfs ta build the caverns has been awarded ta K.V.N. (Kilmer Van Nostrand) Con. sfruct ion Limited of Toronto. Under this initial $2.5 million contrecf K-V.N. will con- struct the access tunnel ta the caverns and build a bridge over the Lakeshore Roed for construction truck traffic. Approximately 60 workers employed by K,V.N. will ioin the approximate 340 people now working et the Wesley- ville project.* .During the new few years other firms illi have oppor- tunities ta bid on the construc- tion and excavation of under- ground tunnels andon instal- lation of the electrical and mpechanical systems required ta operafe the ail storage fa cil ity. Envîronmentally, this met- hod of ail storage is practîcal- îy pollution free and is. a major factor in Hydro's decisian fa select under- ground storage. Underground caverns for ail1 storage have been success- fully used in Sweden, Finland and 'France but have neyer been canstrucfed on this continent. To store fuel et Hydr's other ail-f ired gener- ating station et Lennox, near Bath, f ive above-ground tanks were constructed. Bath financial and environniental consideratons influenced Hy- drota go underground with fuel storage af Wesleyville.' Gealagical tests and studies conducted in 1974 and 1975 by Hydra and Mined Storage Limîted (a jointly owned subsidairyof Banister Contin- ental Limnited of Mississauga and Geostock of France) indicated the limestone bed- rock would be suiteble for this type 0f fuel storage. Two caverns will store residual ail for regular use in the generat- ing station bolIers and one cavern will contain crude ail as reserve fuel. Each cavern wvil consist of six intercon- nected tunnel segments 33 wîide by 53 feet high with e cepacity of 1.6 million barrels of ail. Although ail will be indirect contact wifh the lîmesfone walls of thie cavernis, no special lining wvill be requir- ed. The caverns wvill be lacated belaw the water table and, because ail is lighfer than wafer, the weter pres- sur-' in the surraunding rock will alwvays be greater than the ail pressure in the cavernis. The pressure dîffer- enfil will be maintained by pumping the water tram the bottoni 0f the cavern tai the surface, where if will be treeted ta remove ail bef are if returns ta the weter table. If has been determined thaf the underground method of ail storage will reduce the star- age cost per barrel of oil when compered ta the aboya- graund methoci. Savings wiil be realized in bath capital (Continued page 2) At 8:.30 p. m. Safurday 1 1night, a 'pedestrian walking westbound on Highway No. 2, 2-lthaf a mile west0f Martin Road, Bowmanville, was struck and killed by a-car elsa westbound. The temale ped- A favourable decision by Toronto and Metro municipal officiais cauld well see the end to Grand Prix racîng al Mosport in the Town 0f Newcastle. Thet decisian however has yet ta come from two bodies in the cify. Bofh Mosport Park, Lfd. and Lebatt's Breweries are seek- ing fa hold the annual Grand Prix, held on Thanksgiving weekend,- in the lakeshore area of the City of Toronto. This has been before council on another occasion wifhin the past three years which et that lime did not gef the green lighf from city officiaIs. The circuit would be 0f, 2.2' miles in length covering a portion of 'the Lakeshore Boulevard as welIl as travel- ling through the C. N. E. grounds. If has been sfated mwllodels in Yau might sey General Motars hed rear seat pessen- gers in mi d when it designed the new 1978 intermeilietes - the second generat ion of lighter, mare fuel efficient vehicles. Roamier, wifh a better- then-ever view and an all-new interior ventilation systeni, the reer passenger section of GMv's new-dimensioned inter- mediates lends e whole new feeling 0f pessenger camfort. To pravide passengers with more usuable seating space, GM's engineers have talken a number of innovative steps, such as slicing off the reer seat armirests and carvirig ouf specious pockef depressians, where elbows cen rest natur- ally and camfortably. This exclusive mid-size car feature provides rear seats in the coupes with mare usuable room than their 1977 counter- parts - 1.8 inches mare Grenier both of Peterborough were travelling south when they hit head-on. The driver of the Maverick, Joseph Walter Brooks was announced dead at the scene of the accident white his two passengers were taken ta hospital. The members of the army vehicle were taker, ta Bowmanville Memnorial Hosp- ital where they were treated and released. Na charges have been laid as of yet but are pending. estrian's nanie is being with- held until nexf of kmn are contacted. Cherged vvith leaving the, scene of an accident is Thomas Pflanzer age ý20 0of R.R. 2, Bowmenville. 1 that there is plenty of widfh for the freck over the city and Park streets and that the course wolild be fast wîfh drivers in such as the Grand Prix gaining speeds of up to 170 and 180 miles per hour. Locally there will no doubf be mixed react ion if the move takes place. Those living in the MAosportarea will be more than satisfied in the majorify ta see the move while local and area businessmen could well see a drap in business which this weekend over the past was baund ta generafe. If was noted a couple of weeks ago when a Van rally was held et Mosport many travelled into Orono for shopping for supplies over the weekend. Such promofions do help the local area business- men. 1978 hiproom and elbowraoom even though the exterior width dimension hîas beer trimimed by ani average of 5.! inches. The sedans also benef it froni this rear seat feature. GM engineers were able to recess armyresfs on 4-door moclels by f ixing the rear door glass window, or making if stationary - thius eliminating the need for the window crank and mechanism iln the dloor. Anlother benefit derived by fixing the rear door glas's in sedans is the eliminations of t he obstructing guide poýsts, The end resuit, a "'pcturE window big" kînd of view. lmproving the venfilatior was also part of the asign. ment, and here, foc,, GYM'ý engineers have been inno vative in t he design of the ne\ý mid size sedans anid statior (Continued page 2> Fatal hît and run in Bowmanville be signed sooArmed robbery at Bowmanville church LUCKY DRAW WINNERS Toronto, could dub local -promotion NewM Iook for G.M. 1 : 1 . 1

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