Canadas meat Production 2.3 p.c. of world total In 1976, Canadian red meat production of 1.7 million metric tons represented 2.3 per cent of the total product- ion of 53 major countries as compiled by the U.S.D.A. Canada ranked eleventh 'In total production, well behlind such producing gIants as the U.S., U.S.S.R., West Ger- manly, France, Argentina, in descending order of tonnage. World beef and veal pro- duoltion climbed toa record 41 million tons in 1976, up 4.5 per cent from year earlier. The U.S. is the leading producer- nearly 30 per cent of the world's beef output, followed by the U.S.S.R., Argentina, Brazil and Austra lia. Canada ranks eighth in beef output accounting for 2.8 per- cent of the world total. The U.S. led ail countries in 1976 in pork output. World pork production dropped 2 per cent f rom 1975 levels as large declines in Russia (-27 p.c.) and Eastern Europe (-11 p.c.) more than offset the 7 per cent increase in North Amer- ica and the 3 per cent gain in Western Europe. Canada ran- ked thirteenth among major pork producing nations last year., Region queries Eldorado proposai at Port Granby, Mr. Fred Winn of Kendai for the past two and a haîf months has been keeping a watchful eye on and caring for five hundred pheasants from their infancy to aduit birds at the Ganaraska For- est Centre. The birds are now ready to be released through- out Clarke and -Darlington Townships for the annual hunt later this month. The Chlarles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Va luator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for termns Sand da tes Phone Orono 983-.5914 birds are housea in a barn at the forest centre with spac- ious runways and under Mir. Winn's care the loss has been minimal with over 490 still surviving. Fred states that the success in raising the birds is to gîve themn plenty of space to run and not to crowd the birds at any age level. The feed consists of Turkey grower pellets with containers ai- ways -being full. Mr. Winn, using his ingenuity has a constant supply of water- always_ available provided féom parti'ally open taps dripping water into the con- tainers continually. The raising and releasing of the pheasant is sponsored by the Town of Newcastle Gam-e Commission financed through the sale of local hunting licenses., SThe Region 'of Durham is concerned just how well the proposed Port Granby site for the future Eldorado plant in, the Town of Newcastle has been studied. As a resulit they are to ask a primary review of the site as was carried out on fourteen other sites which were considered for the new plant. It has been pointed out that a review of the Port Granby site had not been carried out at the timne of the other fourteen and this infor- mation is to be sent to the Environmental Assessment Committee. This committee is to hold hearings in Bow- manville on September 27th and in Newcastle on October 4th. The region has also said Up and 'The Bool ADULT The Newscasters by Ron Powers (the news business as show business) The Collapsing Universe by Isaac Asimov (the story of black holes) 1978 Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins, Tokens and Paper Money by J.E. Charlton Sinc, Betty and the Morning Man by Donald l-ack (the story of CFRB) Black Dougal by David Walk- er The Honourable Schoolboy by John Le Carre (author's latest spy novel) Landfall by Juiius Horwitz New paperbacks. JUNIOR Cowboys by Philip Silcott The Sixties by A. Morey (music and songs 0f the 60's including musical scores) Farming by Frank Waters Secret of the Stone Face by Phyllis Whitney (mystery for Young aduits) For the Love of Beni! by L.E. Love (including photo- graphs from the movie) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Big Bad Bruce by Bill Peet (another delightful story and illustrations by the author) 1 Want to be a Storekeeper by Caria Greene that the study of the environ- mental impact for the area has been inadequate, as it pertains to, pollution control. The Region is also asking that the Durham official plan be considered. It points out that 170 acres is under major open space in the Eldorado exclusion are and a further 17 acres of land designated permanent agricultural res- erve. Eldorado is proposing a 1000 meter radius exclusion area out 'from the proposed refinery and in this area no housing or agricultural pur- poses could be carried out. Bruce Taylor a member of the Regional council also pointed out that distribution of information and reports in the Port Granby area was not adequate. Down ýksta cks The Cat who wanted f0 mnake friends by Jane McMichael. Madeleine Hadley. Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, September 21sf, 1977-3 Name 'Durham' becomes prominent For as long as one can remember the name Durham has taken second place to that of Northumberland. This dat- es back f0 the twin counties of Northumberland and Dur- hamn and the former school jurisdiction also known as the Northumberland and Dur- ham Board of Education. This is to reverse with the naming of, the new federal riding taking in an area from Reach Township and Scugog east to the eastern boundary of Cobourg and that area south of 401 highway between Port Hope and Cobourg. The northern section of this area goes to the Northumberland riding. The new riding in which Oroio is a part will be known as the Durham and. Northum- berland riding. This newý riding wilI take effect for the next federal election which can be anticipated sometime in the spring or late summer of 1978. To this date nonie of the three parties have held a nomination meeting and only the NDP have plans for one this year. The NDP expect they will hold their nomninat- - ion meeting sometime in late October. Neither the Conser- vatives or the Liberals have given any indication that they, wiIl be holding a nomination meeting this year. The Liberals are holding a meeting in Port Hope later this month. Tickets for the occasion are available f rom Mr. S.B. Rutherford. Canada Grade A Eviscerated Frec-sh Chickens "Fresh Cut" Backs Attached Chicken Legs LB. 65 Lb. 89 Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolis Lb. 1.23 -Fresh Cut" Backs Attached Chicken Breasts Lb. 95 Pride of Canada 16 oz. Triple Pak Lunch Meat Pkg. %1.09 CORN ISH'S Attention Fariner s!!, Reasonable Prices on SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel SMotor Oul Phone 668-3381 -Collect 1517 Dundas St. E., Whitby DX UEL 0DII For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY 11,ed Me 80 n e ,peaon - MAIN S1, ORONO. ONT. *983-5009