<W I I 4i11 4 - Orono WVeekly Times, Wednresday, September 2th,i1977 Pubiccamapaign open for new a rena A fund raising cornpaign to raise $263,000 for the con- struction of a newv arena- comrnuni ty centre complex la Orono will get underway this coniing Monday. Preparation for the carnpaigni will peak on Sunday when ail canvassers will assemble to receive al pertinent informration relat- ing to the construction and fînancing, of the complex in Orono. Aceording to Mr. Charles Gray, co-chairman for the Fund Raising Cornmittee the within two weeks. This area will include those residents on either si de of the f ourth line in the former Clarke Township ranging north to the tenth' concession and west to the Darlington -Clarke Town line. The area for 'the initial canvass will not include the area directly west of the Regional Road frorn Newton- ville to Kendal nor will it include the Kendal area. These areas will be conisider- ed at a later time for canvas. The cornmittee expects to in the immediate Orono area (Continued page 2> PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTIONS REDýu4EI) $3,000.00 In speaking with Mayor Rickard on Tuesday he stated that figures presen.ted on, Moniday eut the public sectors subscription for the new OronQ arena by $3,000.00. The local f und raisinig committeeawas looking at a sum of $263,000 to be traised locally for the arena. The sum now rests at $260,000.00. The total amount of the overail project may fluctuate due to the uAndeterinined amouint needed for interim financing. At the present -Urne this is ,estirnated at around $30,000.WO. BINGO0 GETS GOOID SUPPORT - < Kinette club house tour The Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club is holding its 4Ith ann.rual Fouse Tour. Once again we have sone beautiful homnes to show you. Alilour ho-mes are in Newcastle and tea will be servedi at the Anglican Church. Keep a few hours free on Saturday, October lst and corne to our House Tour, Tickets available frorn any Kinette or phone 983-5140. Oppose use of St. Saviour 's church news St. Saviours will ho01d their Thanksgiving service on Sun- day, October 22nd at the 10 a.rn. service, we the church will be decorated for the harvest. On Saturday, October lst St. Saviours and St. George's, Newcastle will hold their annual walk-a-thon fr0om St, George's, Newcastle to St. Saviurs, Orono. Lunch wiIl be served at St. Saviours. On Suniday, October 9th, our lay readers wil take the nuclearreactors"ice at 10 a.rn. These are- .M.Don Tansley and Peter The Ontario Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, an assernbly of citizen's groups, has filed a request in which they dlaim that use of Nuclear Reaïctors rnight have a cata- strophic result. An accident with a Candu reactor they state could cause widespread and lasting contamination. The Candu reactor is used by Ontaoyro to generate electricitcy for the province which will be used in the new Darlington generating plant located west of Bowmianville. The group cdaims that Chrisornalis. Also St. Sav- iours fail bazaar will be held at the I.O.O.F. Hall on October 15th at 2 p.rn. .And on October lth we will have a evening service at St. Sàviours at 4:30 p.rn. with a pot Iuck supper at the I.O.O.F. Hall folowing the service. presented misleading inf or- mation on the Candu Reactor to those in the province. The report is to be presented to the Royal Commrission on electric-power planning on It was a great day for two Constable Stratcýhan. The stu- young Orono Public School dents won the opportunity students whio on Tuesday being winners of the Orono afternoon ha d the opportunity Public School bike rodeo held to take part in a tour of the last Wednesday afternoon. area with Constable Strat- The rodeo was promoted by chan in the O.P.P. cruiser. Mr. Crawford and Mr. Simser Karen Carnegie, grade 3l of the Orono School along with (lef t) and Steven Merrick, representatives from the grade 6 (right) are above Newcastle Detachment of the ready for the tour with 0. P.P. Costs rising ifor school sites The Northumnberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion is to review a resolution to be presented to the next board meeting concerning the costs of school sites. If the resolut- ion mieets wýith the approval of the Board it is to be sent to al school boards ini the province and municipal couincils. It was noted that the cost of land for school sites has been increasing in such centres as the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durhiam- with figures reaching $65,000 an acre in the Region. t was also noted at-the mneeting that sub-divisioïi agreements do caîl for an allocation of five Per, cenit of (Continued page 2 1 V week with~ Yin the hall. er 4th. The ,en books along with uno Public Library by esident of the area for novmng to Toronto this s the books are a good iovations late in Augu~st th the addition of uew rriving at the library -orating, AYASSISTANT iarni West was recently to Ontario Treasurer, rn Davis. Ashe has told peed 1Up the process of )r the inunicipalities so * the affairs of their Donna Lowery (left) and Laurie Yeo sign up to take part ini the- walk with Mrs. Fran Luna. [to City council is stili considlerîng the ng the Grand Prix in the city along the ear. This proposal was before council of A decision has yet to corne from council. >TOPIC y' McKeough announced a eut i n ts to municipal councils and board fromn ,is being discussed at local levels of -egion of Durhami has the wcrd out that ut to the bone for 1978 with only a rnodest wed for the coring year. The Ganaraska )ry has been3 advised that the 1978 budget ver that of 1977. The Northum.ýberlanid a nd Education are studying the effects of tLhe ince. Somne relief rnay nowj be ini order for Âated of course with sorne service cuts. n Ipra Bank of Commerce will ty-fifth birthday doing business in, Oronio November. The bank oipenedl its doors in ard Bank 75 years ago to be 'taken o)ver by rerce anid more recently known as the 1Bank of Commerce. Mr. Gunter states form of recognition of the 75thi birthday no comnitments of reduced lending The stamrina and determin- ation shown by the walkers in Saturday's Walkathon, prove once again the cornrunity spirit in and around the Orono area. 0f the '70 walkers, 68 cornpleted the 13 mile course, even though rai, drizzle and a cold wind made it a ratheir unpleasant day for the Walka,- thon. The first participants left the Park at about 8:15 ar.n., while the last one struck off abocut 9:05 artn. Duffy Harnre, Joey Peeters and1 Dave Shetier cornpleted the course rnost quickly, retuýrn,- inig at approximately il11 a.m. Everyone had comnplet- ed the course by 2:30 p.rn.ý 0f the participants 8 v ýre adults and 62 were teenagers and cbildren, the youngest Of which was a 7 year old. Even though Donnia Hutton and Hilda Gatcheli drove the route constantly ail day long, they had only 1 passenger. Alil others were determnined to finish regardless of blisters, sore feet and legs. Apples clonated by Freds Fruit Mar- ket and drinks were provided to the participants. If ail the pledges are collected, a ittle over $2,000.- 00 shouldi be realized. Of this, $1,500.00 wvill be donated to the Arena and Comrnunity Centre Building Fun.d. The ch'reckpo)ints were cap- ah-ly hlandled by Lloyd and Darla owry lertha Buch- ,man, Wanda McNeii', Audrey buckley, Betly Merrîik, Don- ald Henry, Luchle West, Dianne Brachvogel, Faye Burnham, Marg Gorman, Geri B-ailey and rat Irwin. Many thànks to these dedi- cated people Who gave up their Saturday to help make this venture a success. A big, thank-you also to ail the sponsors who generously sponsored each walker.' Those participating in the Walkathon. were: Kenny Bai- ley, Paul Williamns, Stephien Murree, Sandra Sernplonius,- john Sernlonius, Christine Semplon jus, Gary Semrplon- ius, Kevin West, Colin West, Marvin Lunn, Patti Lunn, Larry Lunn, Ron Clapdorip, Sherry Forbes, Jackie West- brook, Sheila Boughen, K&ten and Scott Irwin, Shawni Rob- inson, Sherry-Lee Robinson, Shelley-Anne Robinson, Hiel- en Rob~inson, Guy Brachvog- el, Jimmy Brown, Janice Gatcheil, Brent Gatchell, Beth Gatcheli, Kelly Buckley, Ria Hamre, William Van Seggelen, Duffy Harnre, Joey Peeters, Wanda Hutton, We- dy Hlutton. Jane Buchanan, Steven Merrick, Nancy Brid- ger, Gilbert Wood, Betty Ann Wood, Steven Clapdorp, Spen- cer Willamns, Dormie Chard, Lori Yeo, Donna Lowery, Donna Scott, Angela West, MJike F'erris, Jenny Lewins, Cathy GrnaMichael Bail, Paula Bryenton, Aniita Zeig- ers, Cindy Nelson, Sonya Brachvoge], Darlene Denniis, Maurice Nesbitt, Dorotlhy Robin-,,on, Kathy Shieridan, Lori McN iRndy Teinnant, Rick MLýartin, Lorna Clyclis, Kirn Patterson, Dave Shetier, Caroline McCparthy, Nancy Hood, Stephanie Hood, Jackie Hood, Lori Lycett. indret donate rarian, ng sorne rE this week en late in s and redE control rs