Tinmes, Wednesday, September 28th, 1977-7 WORK WANTED WORKIWANTED FRSAECOMINING EVENTS Ear piercing service. Peter' Sutherlantd Great Dane puppies, Phone MOVIE Phone 623-5747 for appoint- 576-8477 or 576-4436. Walt Disniey's, "The Incre- ment and information." Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5522 For prompt, £teous>, efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRE'SENTATIVES Bill Gradly 983-5149 William Turansky (kendail) Christa Wi nterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914i John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. FRANK< LIMITED 234 Fing St.FE. ROWMI.ANVItLLE Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Fasia TrougIi - Shutters Window s - I)oors - Awnings 3 ':1-1:198 For 'ree Estimiate Nou llandlfing Vinyl Siding- FURNITURE AND UIPHOLSTERY REPAIRS STEVE'S FURNITURE SHOP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furniture- refinish- ing. Antique and modern. STEVE JOHNSON 983-9630 SWIMMING POOLS FOR SALE 1977 Models slightly scrat- chied in transport. Fully.. warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Suggested retail price $1,295. Now avail- able at $1,288. No payments until 1978. Immediate deliv- ery and installation. Caîl collect anytime 1-416-663-9508. SWIMMING POOLS TORENT .Will lease and instaîl for homeowner, family size with aluminum swimming pool with patio. Choice of styles meeting ail fencîng regulat- ions on a one, two, or three year ental basis with option to own. No paymients tili 1978. Try before you buy! Caîl collect any time 1-416-663- 9508. ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE CLOCKS Modemn watches, and 400- day clocks repaimed. Ail work guaranteed. Repairs done by Swiss-trainedwatchmakers. Free estimates available, Hoopers Jewellers Ltd., Bow- manville. 623-15747. BYAMS PLUM BING - HEATING Sales and Service 24HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GU LFFINANCING Low InteIreut-Rates Phone: ey232650~~ TIME TO GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY SPECIAL 30 lb. Pail $21.00 FRESH HONEY (First Hiarvest is from Sweet Clover) B3RING VOUR OWN CONTAINER $75 PER LB. Conitiners avaîlable at cos, ARNOý 0TT URESI9D ENCE, MainluStreet, Orono (Brck Hoiuse, -opposi te: entran'ce to Pa,'rk)l PHONE 9397 21, 28,ap 28, 5, ac. 1 FOUND 1 small grey and white femnale terrior, on Highway 115. Please caîl 623-4431. 28, ac. Individual looking for ride to and fromn Bowmanville High School between 7 and 9 p.m. Mondays onfly. Leave message at 983-5510. 21, 28, ac. O~ Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontarlo dible Journey", Orono Town Hall, Saturday, October lst, 1977, 7:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 ail ages. 28, ap. COMING EVENTS Durham Northumberland Liberal Association Annual meeting, 8 p..m., October 5th, 1977, Port Darlîngton Marina, Bowmanville. Everyone wel- corne. 21, 28, ac. COMING EVENTS The Great Pine Ridge ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. SRADIO -HI-FI WESTINGHJOUSE RCA ELECTROHOMAE ffî CUSTOM FRAMING Camneras and PhoDtogra phic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville PqUMfrPi NG OUT SEPTI'C'TANKS ,-LAu DE- HARN E SS PhOnge 78,62552 COMING EVENTS St. Saviours Faîl Bazaar, Saturday, October lsth, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono. Tickets for draw on crocheted afghan and grocery hamper available at Midtown Confectionary, Orono. 28, 12, ac. COMING EVENTS The family of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood invite relatives, friends and neighbours to a tea celebrating their 5Oth Wedding Anniversary at Trin- ity United Church Hall, Bow- manville on Sunday, October 2nd from 2:30 to 5:30. Best wishes only. 21. 28, ap. COMING EVENTS Kinsmnen *Bingo, October 4th, 1977, 7:30 p.m., Orono Oddfellows Hall1. 28, ac. COMING EVENT$ The family of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Brooks is honouring their 5th Wedding Anniver- sary at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Poster Rowe, 145 Ade- laide Ave. East, Oshawa, .Ontario, on October 9th, 1977, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Family and friends invited to cail. Best wishes only. 28, ac. COMING EVENTS The lbon. lona Campagnola, Minister of State for Fitness and Amateur Sports, will be the, guest speaker at the Durham-Northumberland Liberal Association's Dinner, October l2th, 1977, 6:30 p.m., Royal Canadian Legion, Port Hope. Tickets $9.00 per person. For tickets contact Sid Ruth- erford at 983-5472. 28, ac. Fail1 App les Mac ntosh Ba rt Iett Pea rs Fresh Vegetables Sweet corn PickIiihg Cucumbers Peaches - PIums Mafpie Syrup - Hone-y FR E D-S F ruv fit Mafr ke llighway F15 SQufli of Orono HELP WANTED Live-in babysitter requimed. To discuss details phonle 983-9643. Needed immediat- ely. 21, tf. HELP WANT1ED ELEMENTARY TEACHERS The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education requires qualified suppiy teachers for Elementary Oral Frenci and imnmersionl Fre- nch programs. Please submit written applications stating qualifications, experience and references to: Mr. D.W. Patterson, Superintendent of Planning, The Nortiumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2. 28, ac. HIELP WANTED TENDERS SNOW PLOWING Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Friday, October 14, 1977, for, snow removal and sanding of school driveways and parking areas. Appiy in writing stating the type of equipment and the numiber of units available together with the names of schools in which you are înterested in servicing. M:A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box -470, COBOURG, Ont. K9a 4L2. 1 AM4, 1 Highvvay n5