OronJ' Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 5th, 1977-3 Villeneuve to drive Ferrari at Mosport On Sunday evening Mr 's, as the Penny Sale at the fair, Joyce Major of the Orono a bake sale and tea, used Hlockey Mothers presented a hockey equipment sale and cheque in the amount of $3,000 various draws on a Christmas te the chairman of the Cake and Afghan, cameras Finance Committee of the and the annual NHL draw,' new Orono arena, Charles were held to raise the funds Gray. donated on Sunday. The The funds have been ac- presentation was a kick-off cumulated from a number of for the meeting of canvassers projects held by the Orono 'who were being briefed prior Hockey Mothers in aid of the to meeting the public this new arena fund. Such events week. Counc il approves arena prOject Newcastle Town Council On Monday night authorized the signing of an agreement with the Durham Central Agricul- tural Society as well as passing two by-laws which, with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board gives the green light to proceed with the new Com- mnity Centre and Arenia in the Village of Orono. execution of the agreement for the leasing of lands from the Durham agricultural So- ciety for the purpose of building the centre and arena. The lands referred to are ýimilar te that of the location of the former arena building at the fairgrounds in Orono. Counc. Bob Dykstra had it noted in the minutes that he was concerned over the length of the lease, 25 years with two 10 year extensions. He felt it should be a longer period of time. The agree- ment was passed for signing. A. second by-law gave authorization te establish the Orono arena as a community It's not too ofteni that a rookie Formula One driver signs on wvith two World Champion race teamns in the space of one year. But -Gilles Villeneuve, 25, of Berthier- ville, Quebec jus.,t oid. Last year about this time, it was Team Mý,cLaren,whc won the 1976 World Champ- ionship with James Hlunt of Britain, that came knocking at Villeneuve's door, contract in hand. Less thian a year later, the prestigious Ferrari team ask- ed for and got Villeneuve's release from týhat McLaren contract and signed himi on Tuesday, September 27th to joîn Carlos Reutemann of Argentina on the Prancing centre and the establishment of a community centres board of seven persons, two froni councîl, two from the Agricul- tural society and three other members. This board will conduct the affairs of the community centre, arena and outside grandstand. At a previons meeting in Orono council had agreed to appoint two members speci- fically from the Orono Ama- teur Athletic Association. This was not considered in the final draft of the by-law. Members of the board are to be nomninated at a public, meeting and then appointed by counicil. A third by-law passed by council on Monday nighit authorized the construction of the complex in Orono with an estimated cost of $930,800. Of this sum $74,750 comes from the Town, $105 ,850 from Community Centres grant $14,600 f rom Agricultural grant, $475,250 from Wintario and $260,350 from public subscriptions. Counc. Bob Dykstra said he had diffîculty with figures in bylaw which had risen from $777,300 at the last meeting of council to $930,800. "It floors me," he said. 1 agree stated Counc. Gray. The treasurer explained the total cost of the project pointing out that the $777,300 figure being the contract for the arena building only. Other costs relating to engineering fees, purchase of land and developmient of a parking lot, interim financing, construc- tion of a new horse barn and demaolition of the former arena and grandstand had brought the total cost te $93o,800.00. lHe assured coun- cil that it was these figures that were used in determining the grants as outlined. Counc. Dykstra asked if the fund raising committee were aware they had to raise a sum of $26M0,00. He was told that the commîttee was aware of the total sumn. The hy-law authorized the signing of the contract for the construction of the arena subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. The Durham Central Agri- cultural Society meet on Monday night when that group signed the agreement pertaining to the lease of land for the construction of the community centre, arena and grandstand. Horse team ifËom italy next year. Vilnuve'sfirst appear- ance ini the hright red Ferrari w-ilI be alongside Lauda, and Reute.mann in the Labatt's Grand Prix of Canada at MsrtPark on October 7, 8 and 9th. The contract with Ferrari brought an end to weeks of specualtion surrounding Vil- leneuive's future in Formula One racin2. Gilles Villeneuve's fîrst racing experiences came on snowmobiles, which he raced successfully in both Canada and the U.S.A. for several years. In 1973 he started racing Formula Fords, before grad- uating to Formula Atlantic in 1974. He finished that season driving with a cast on his leg, the result of an accident at Mosport. He won his first Canadian Championship and Dave's Plumbing Heating E Iectric Industrial-Commercial Residential I786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono Charles Reid Oronoý's Licensed Auctioneer 'Valuator Specialize in Farna Furniture Sales Gonsult me for ternis and dates Phone orono 983-5914 the American Chamnpionship in Formula Atlantic in 1976, winning nine out of 10 event.s he- ý,rtered, The Labatt's Grand Prix of Canada on October 7, 8 and 9 is the l6th of 17. world chamnpionship Formula One races. Other events scheduled during the weekend include a Robert Bosch VW GoId Cup Super Vcee race, an event in the Honda-Goodrich. Chal- lenge Series, a Scirocco- Bilstein Cup race, as well as pracÛ ce and qualifying for the Grand Prix on Friday and Saturday. The Labatt's Grand Prix of Canada with a field of 25 cars will start at 2:30 p.mn. on Sunday, October 9th. Tickets are $12.00. For a race dlay tiktand for complete ticket infor mation c-al M osport's special ticýket brne at <416) 781-976;3. Orono E Iectric fle-rb a-Id Gerry Duvali 983-510 ELECT7RIUCAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HlEATING Efectrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RAIO -HI1-Fi WESTINGHJOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Servie ,I&I *8U**DIVEmI R with purchase of new Àdàlt For.a i mited time only you B o& w il pet asrowblower attach- ment free w th the purchase of m o i& " certain new modal- Bolens tractors. Wth a Bolens snow. UIIi~~IU e~~ blower you can. move a lot of snow and slush - f ast. If you buy your tractor now. you can do it freeOon't wait. Rolph Dominion Hardware Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207 :pà