rooWeekly Times, ýWedtSsday, October 5th, 1977-7 Just outside Queen's Park Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke OXFORD I Brick layer-Stolemna sonlsLtd. IORONO, ONTAR'IO PIIONE 9835,609;E &mmm.mcomm ,William C. Hall, B om Chartered Accountant Phon*e Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SfURDAY Comiplete Service for CARS - TRUCKS - FARM T RACTORS AND FORE IGN CARS Arc and Acetylene WeIding Licenced Mechanic on duty at ail times Class A Mechanic - Class B Bodlyman Class H Licenced Deisel Mechanic Safety checks on Cars, Dump Trucks and Motorcycles HOIJRS: 8:00 a.m. -8:00 p.n. (Weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (SalurdaYs) Cloned SCmndavu Sunday Evening Service Informa] 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, October 5, 1977 Christian Youth Group 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Teens: Everyone welcome. This youth group replaces Sigma C and C.G.L.T. KIRBY UNITED CHURCHI M orning Worship 9:45 a. m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 Tennant Fuels Ltd. Phone dm b ." PEOPî WMO ARE ALL WkAPPED UP IN TSIEMSELVES MIKE VGRY iSMAU. f*.OKAG&S !U I" 40 4~ Orono Towing IGENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono uithdraws r-ing S.E.A.P.) withdrew last weel from the first public environ- 'mental hearing in Bowman- ville concerning the proposed nuclear refinery to be located at Port Granby- The group has been headed by Mr. John Veldhuis of the Port Granby area. k1The panel for the hearing was told by S.E.A.P.'s law- yer, Roger Paul, that S.E.A.P. was withdrawing from the hearing hncause its request for $350,000 from the government to prepare a report had not been recognii- zed and no mronies becamne available. It was said thal mornes were needed to hire experts to prepare a brief. The lawyer also said that the hearings would bc meaning- less without their contri- bution. Eldorado Nuclear Limited had spent $1 million for their environmental impact study of the proposed refinery. Upon a request for an adjournment of the hearing the chairman, John Klenavic said there was not time for a postponement as 45 organiz- ations and indivîduals dîd want to make presentations to the panel. The chairman for the panel said that the hearing had three purposes:- to clarify points not under- stood about the refinery; to identify deficiencies in S.Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCHI Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:ý00 Rev. Allan Hialdenby B. A.L. Th, Auction. Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antiqlue NORM FAULKNER Stouflville 640-5691 EARL GA1JSLIN Stouiffville 640-3079 Doug Mloffatt (former M.P.P. Durham East) Since the election last June, there have been a number of important government act- ions which effect the resi- dents of Durham East. With a faîl sessions of the legislature to begin in October, there will, no doubt, bce more such items. It is my intention ta try, each week, to report to you some 'of these and perhaps give the background (if 1 know it). While this first one attacks the Davis govern- ment - it is not my intention to do this in the columns. Your comments are welcom-e - you can drop me a fine, care of 31/2 Simncoe Street South, Oshawa. Last year in its. annual report , the Northumberland- Newcastle School Board stat- ed bluntly that taxes on property were raised because the payments for education from the province were several thousands of dollars less than the anticipated. The k -Eldorado's statement -and to identify publie éon- cern. Klenavic said the panel pwould be' recommrending go, n go with modifications are no' go as far as the project was concerned.- Y ofdo Coîborne, manager ofthe Refineries at Eldorado tsaid the plant ,would produce 9,000 metric tons of uranium hexafluoride for export each year. It is expected that there will be 350 emiployed to build the $80 million plant at Port *Granby and that the plant will tbe a permanent force of 150 employees. Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. will answer a number of questions that have been raised about its application by represent- atives Of various Ontario Ministries this coming Thurs- day. A number of citizen groups have opposed nuclear growth such as People Again- st Nuclear Developmenit Everywhere who stated that a report of the Federal Depart- ment of Fisheries and Envi- ronment to the Porter Com- mission pointed out that radioactivity does flot distri- bute evenly and that pools of tritium had been observed off the shore of Pickering with some high concentrations in some areas. A Michael Phillips support- ing the refinery suggested that the xaste from the plant and others should be buried in Canada 's Pre-Cambrian shield rather than at Port Granby. Jeff Gold of Darling- ton chapter of S.E*AP. was also opposed to the location of the plant and disposai area Iand said if such plants are to be built they should be well away fromi populated areas. John Veldhuis presented a personal submission in which he saîd Eldorado had not demonstrated afly national need to build the refinery. He said other countries are now building fewer refineries. He saîd the land was needed for growing f' ood, not storing waste. He pointed out that he lived close by and that the refinery would disrupt his Way of life;nd that of others i Ille area. difference mneant that mor( mOneY had to be ra isec locally. This was a rathet remarkable statement bec- cause- school boards and municipalities i Ontario are generally loathe to criticise any action by the Provincial Government. This board was not alone in its dîfficulties as a brief glance at the Durhami Board's figures show it also had to increase property taxes because fewer provin- cial dollars than promised were delivered. Several years ago at a conference in Edmonton, al the provinces agreed that they would not pass along more dollars to municipal- ities than their own revenues increased, This was extended by Da.rcy McKeough to mean that no fewer dollars than the Provinoe's increase would be passed along. This worked well until Darcy changed the' rules in 1976 and again in 1977. MýcKeouigh's latest budget statements means to you and 1 that before they have a nickel extra to spend on local needs and to meet rising costs, Ontario's municipal- ities will have to raise 1978 property taxes by ab average, of 8 per cent j ust to pick up the short dollars Darcy w.on't give. What's it mean? There wiJl have to be somne layoffs by municipalities and school boards. Unemployment we don't need! There will be somne needed services cut. Sýome necessary items will be dropped and the costs held over for another year - when probably prices will be even higher. This usually includes preventive maintenance. Pro- perty taxes wi111 probably rise anyway just to keep operating at a level we will tolerate. 1You know, I can't under- stand how the Davis govern- ment expects local councils and school boards to get along with their jobs when they can't have a secure forecast for the next two years <at least) of the amount of money they will receive. Hlow can you plan nec'essary public works from one year to the next? What sense does the Re gion of Durham's 20 year plan make when no one has any idea of incomre amounts beyond the next yearI The plan becomes a guessing game - with only one loser - the taxpaying resident. Food usually cores in kilograms and grarns TaPing-Spray Ceiings Plaster Repair Painting Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO rMANGARS GARAGE 85130Milst,< )c n Orono