6-r no eekîy Timnes, Wedniesday, October l2th, 1977 1IUNITED CHJURCH Minister Bey. B.E. Long î B. Th. ORGNIS &CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas De-well Sunday, 0Otober 16, 1977 ORONO UNITED CH URCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Anniversary Service -1: 15 a. m. Guest Speaker - Mr s. L. Gifford, Widow of the former Mayor of the ity of Oshawa. Guest Soloist - Mrs. Rosemary MUerkley. Special anl- themns by the choir. Evening Service 8 p.m. EKIRBY LUNI1TED Ch URCHl Morning Worship 9:45 a.m Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 iClarke girls active Iwith ba sketball1 Auction NService Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffville 640-3079 points with Shelly Richards 4, Carol Selby 3, Kim Richards and Colleen Moffat two apiece. The Clarke girls played an exhibition game in Cobourg on Tuesday and on Thursday will play at, Donevan in Oshawa. SENIORGIIRLS The Clarke Senior Girls basketball team were decis- ive in a win over the Bowmanville senior girls with a score of 58 to 28. Kathy Taîsma topped the team with 20 points followed by Jane Staples with 15 points, Eileen Corby 8, Barb Lempen 7, Na ncy AllUn 6, Lori Clark, and Kari Hillis"one each. The Province of Ontario will commit $165,000 during the next two years to assist the Region of Durhamn's industrial development pro- gramn Housing M\,iister John Rhodes said. He made the announicement during a visit to Durhamn to participate in thie region's indlustrial Affairs Day. Thefuns will consist of a $60,000 contribution this fiscal year and a further $105,000 in fiscal 1978, and are made availabl)e thtrough the pro- vince's regional priorities budget, a. fund established to assist local municipalities Our Firepl aces DO NOT Smoke I Brc la \ r Soàmasos t*ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 98:1-5606i; Chartered Accountant 1 Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATIJRDAY Complete Servi ce for CARS - TRUCKS - FARM TRACTORS ANDFOREIGNCARS .Arc and Acetylene Weiding Licenced Mechanic on duty at ail urnes Class A Mechanfic - Class B Bodyrnan Class H- Licenced Deisel Mechanic Safety checks on cars, Dumnp Trucks and Motorcycles HOU RS: 8: 00 a.m. -8:00 o.m (Weekdays 8: 00 arm. - 2:00 p.m-. (Satu.,rdays) Closed Sundays MANGARS GARAGE ?83-5130 Mi Il St., orono0 implemnent provincial devel- opmnent strategi-es. Total -cost of Durham's regional development promn- otion will be $220,000 with 25 per cent of the cost being ,picked iqp by the region. Rhodles said that this assist- anc is in response to the announced objective to mce- rease growth1 and emiploy- meýnt opportunities to east of the Metropolitanl Toronto. The housing minister point- ed out that Ontario has already conitributed more than $40I miJllon in rinterest- free loans foýr residential sevintrough the Ontario Housing Actiîon Program, and $1.7 million for servicing industriai land. In addition, the province has announced that MNinistry --of Revenue offices will be relocated in downtow,,n Osh- awxa, and that the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, will colnstruct a major warehouse, facility in the region. I OonoTowing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 OrQono Founding convention to be held by NDP The Clarke Junior Girls basketball team in two recent games took a wîn over Vanier and suffered a loss with the Bowmaniville Juniors. The Vanier game played at Clarke High School was a 43 to 34 winfor the Clarke girls, -with the majority of points coming on lay-ups. Heather Sawyer topped the game with eighteen points while Tammy Bougheni netted 12, Carol Selby 6, Shelly Richiards 4 and Kim Richards 1The top player for Va nier was captain Kelly Leavitt with 16 points. In playing the Bowmanville Juniors last Thursday the Clarke Juniors were forced to drop a 24-19 garne. Heather Sa wyer at Clarke netted 8 appointment of represenita- tives. Guest speaker will be Penny Dickens, Ontario N.D.P. Provincial Secretary. Allthe fish and chips Syou can cat,$15 Tuesday\ and Wednes- days. Mom's Kitchen Main St., Orono k983-5310 The founding convention of the Durham Region Area Council of the New Democrat- ic Party will take place Saturday, October 15, 1977 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Steelworker's Hall, 125 Ablert Street, Oshawa. The Area Council wîvll comprise 'the Provincial Rid- ings of Durham York, Dur- ham East, DuLrhaým West and Oshawa as well as ail affiliated local union in those ridings. The purpose of the founding convention is to set up on a regional basis, a viable coun- cil to ai'd idin-gs and unions with individual problems as well as help in organizational and educational under- takings. A steering conmittee and a constitution committee will be elected to carry on the day to day activities until a regular executive can be elected., Attendance is open to al individual and affiliated members of th-e N.DP. Let- ters have been sent to ail area local unions requestingý their Hlighway 1115 South of Orono N St. Saviours Regular SndyWorship Sel-vice -1il',OOiva.mn. Bey. Allan Hîa)denby Provincial gr-ants for industrial plans NOTICE 0F APPLICATION by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle To Dispense with a Vote of the E lectors TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation-of the Town of Newcastle intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval 0of an extensi on to the Public Works Building at Hampton at an estimnated cost of $235,000. which amount sfhal be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 20 years. 2. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertakin works. Any ratepayer may, withîn twenty-one days atter the f irst publication of this notice, send by post prepa id to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, at the' ad'dress given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shaîl not be required and' may approve of the said works, but before doing so it.may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 5th day of October, 1977. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town C jerk, 40 Tempera nce Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Li C 3A6 Faîl Apples Mac Intosh Bartlet t Pea rs Fresh Vegetalbles Sweet Corn, Pickling Cucumbers Peaches - Plums Ma pie Syrup - Honey F RE D'S Fruit Market