;-Orono W2 Tel ile, eneda.Ocobr 1 )î 197- Hfor -tic ultu ral DIS1.TIl Hed thsear, Satulrday, October lthatiratowith Farrn & E sae Sales E A RL GA U SLN Stouffïle 640-3019 AN(lI1CAN CHURCD ýHUC Regulr una rip B. ALTh. ORGA,ý'NIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewpl Sudy0ctob)er 23, 1977 ORO NO UNITED CHURC H Sunda'ýy CurhSchool 10 ar.. %Morning Wormship il :15 arn1. Sacrament of Bpîm llbe ohserved Sunday evening service 7:45 pî.. U.C.W., General Meeting 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 2th Main Hall KIRBY UNITED CIURCII MorningWMorslïip 9:45 a.m. Dial-A-Thougcht 983-9151 17 societies answering the moll caîl, 130 in attendance. Every society reported the lîst of speakers and judges we. have hadî the past ye-ar, and some reote pecial projects, like Fenln Flîsdonating $2,000.- 0' tothirnw library. We were v ery privileýgeýd t(o haeMr. and Mrs. Hlerb areGuelph, present as Mr. Markle is our brand new O-HA. president' 1977-78. Mr. Clarence Tink, our district director capably chaîred the meeting and Ms Aileen Cititicks, Bobcaygeon as sceay M11rs. Jean McFiggin, 'Cobî- ourg, gave a very delightlfnl, ipictorial "Weddiag of Miss Daihia", complete with musi- cal backgro-und. The officiat- ig clergyman w1ý,as of course n-one other than 11ev. Jack-ia- the Pulpit. The ladies of St. Andrews Uited Churchý served an excellent roast beef dmnner. incidentally this church is p)ictured- in the new 1978 Unitedi Church Calendars. Our first speaker of the aeroawas Mr. Ross Parlette of Cobourg, who has an 80 a-cre farm- and formlenly workýed wvith Eldorado Nue- lear in Ottawa. Farmîng with a maj' or concern for health foods and nutrition, Mr. Parlette bro-ught us a very varied i iinto the worlEd of' ed(ible herbs and weeds, V itamn C to be fonnd in aLbund*ace inthe rose lips. "Aad -he shahl be like a tree Planted by the rivers - of water, Thbat bringeth forth its fruit iii it's season". Twenity-three yeaî's ago on Ocoerlth Hiurricane Hazel bit Ohe Toronto area. Eighty- three -people lost their lives. Thirtýy-eight families on, Ray- more Drive were swept away by the Humber R'iver. One baby on Raymore Drive was rescued ,and it was econsider-- able timne before th-ey7 knew its namei-u and located the grand- paruents ini New Brunswick. TheP Kendai ladies were serving a baniquet, to Our basebaîll ads wo adwon the WiliamC.HlBCom Phone Newýcasle 987-4240 ALI, DAY WEDNESDAY and SATIJRDAY Our Firep laces DO NOT Smoke 0* FaI * - Ný The use ofraihst overcomegalsosadth use of garhic and parsley to lowerbloodpressres. An astnishing fact of garlic juice to erase warts. Juices from the elderberrys mixed with honey makes an interesting health drink. The common weed, lambs quart- ers, found in our gardenis in spring is very high in Cal- cium, as also spinach. Mr. Parlette- displayed some interesting squash, seedis, ec and boys and girls d& not throw- away those pumpkin, seeds, when you cut your halloween pumpkin. Highly nutritionis when eaten raw or roasted. Beautiful floral arrange- ments were cleverly designed by Mrs. Ralph Tapp of Toronto. The crescent design, achieved with broomn and miniature Pink Ca rnat ions, the L shaped d!esignj with foliage adsaloag roses. -The largetriangle arrange- méat, featuring an interest- ing black container, -used yellow mums. A lovely Christ- mas arrangement-used can-, dles, white mums; and nib- bons. Mrs. Challice, Orono Soc- iety, thanked Mrs. Tapp for hier artistry. Incidentall y, the latter arrangem~ent was won byý Isabelle for having the mnost pennies in her pýurse (40). Those, attending from Orono Society were Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, Mrs. Myr- tde Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Challice. New s championship. Ail the lights went ont just as everything was ready to serve. The banquet had to wait till the men located gasoline lant- erns. One came from the home of Mr. Art Low. The high wind blew down a lot of giant trees and took roofing off severaf barns, destroying comnpletely the Sees aa A numnber fromn Kendal attenided tihe Shiloh Anniiver- sary. Next Sunday, October 23 rda is Kendal Anniversary witîh Rev. Earl Nichol, B.A., B.D. now of Toronto but for mnyi years a missionary in Kore a as our special gnest speaker. He bas taken groups. to the Hol)y Land. The male choir will provide the music and leatd us in our hymo.,is. The' service _ il! be at 2:30 p.m. and wýe are hoping for a full churcýh like they had at Shioh The funeral of Mr. John McKelvey took place on Tuesday afternoon fromn the Morris Funeral parlours with the Rev,. B. Long of Orono, taking the service. John was bora at the famnily home on the seventh fine sixty-seven years ago. Ile attended Kî'rby public sehool and worked on the good roads of Durhamr and Northumberland Countey for twenty-five years. He retired a few ears ago. His sister Marion predeceased him two years ago., This bas been the wvetiest fail since 1945. Farmers who have corn planted on low land can not get it harvested and OrOno Jr. Churh onOctoer lth. The cOm!petJiinat this meeting xia or the !best Tbhanksgiving arrangement. Sxprizeswere awarded, In the Junior group: 1. Wayne Atkins 2. Wendy Hutton 3. Todd 1Hutton 4. Corinne Býoekee In the Suinior gop 1.DeieCaic 2. Sheila oghn Mrs. Zegers, provided mat- erial for each member to make a plaque using seeds. Next meeting will be Nov- ember 8th, and memnber-s are asked, to, brîag cones of' varying sizes, prune and peach stones, etc. REBEKAH NEWS CoI, nied from page 1) covnrof .this special occasion. Please note, there will not be Christmas cakes for sale this year. The Past Noble Grandsý Club 62 will be beld Tnesday. October l8th, 6:30 p.m. at Sister Irene Murray's home. Lodge was coe and a delictons supper waýs served by telnhcomnmittee. Fralimited time only yctu wiIget a snowblower attach- meýnt free with the pu rchase of certain new modef"* Bolers ýà tractors. With a Bolens snow- jblower you can move a lot of ýLýýe snow and slush - at. If ou bu yurtacernw, o a doi re on' a d.1,9-OG8 PT2 Rolph ominio Harwr Orono, Ontarîo Phone 983-5207 No 28 F-avorfite -To6 inch Pot Ho0les i 11ing Top 1 -Pipe Lollar 6 inch -26 inch WoOd L'ength -Fancy. Seroll ap)pearanee -Al Cast Construction $2 190%9 26" high x 36" long x 17" wide THE PARLOUR STmVE All cast iron with flat black finish and nicide window frame. Deluxe thlm pack includes nckie foot rail, top rail, swing top- and urn. Front and side Ioading for topo in efficiency as a heater or a fireplace.Swing top exposes two ceokîng plateS. Tt weighs 197 lbs., is 31" high, bas a 24"xl5" top andl a floor spread of 20I". Burns coal or woýod. $169,(00 Economy Fireplace Set INCLUD ES. SCREEN FIRE SET WOOD HOLDERZ only $46.50 Hleat Shields:$ 17.95 STOV E $33.75 Base Boards Fireplace Cleaning Kiît Contains twosouin that whVIen used as direc-ted wviil restor'e the Original lustre t your fireplace or stone. OnIy $5.99 Oronos Fuel -f LuMaPbeýr Ltd. Lumbr &Buidin Suplis -Fuel Oit- ("OilFurnaces 98-967Staion St. & Hwývy. l1,3, Orono . ..... . . ..... . ......... . . . ... . ....... ....