,es, Wednesday, October 29th, 1977-7 HELP WANTED Live-in babysitter required. To discuss details phoe 983-9643. Needed immediat- ely. 21, tf. Monuments and FamiIy Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought fromi us, a neigh bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Comipany 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5522> Fer prompt, eous, efficient service when buying or seiling and for the largest selec tien of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRE'SENTATIVES Bill Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (kendai) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725' W. FRANK 234 KÈng St. E. BOWMANVILLE I '1 IOrono Io wing Phone 983-5249 Orono WORK WANTED Peter Sutherland xitiîtm mProd. '.d,-.Soffit -Fasia Tr4o1v iI - Shutters Widnoýs - oors -Awnings \ow lia nding Vinyl Siding FUIRNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS STEVE'S FURNITURE Sl1OP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furiture'refiniish- ing. Antique and modemn. STEVE JOHNSON 983-9630 Expert EarPiercing PRE-CHRISTMIAS SPECIAL Han Piercing, $8.00, no appoîntment necessary, plus 10 pe r cent off first purchase of earrîngs. Gif t certificates availabie. Hoopers Jewellers Ltd. 29 King St. E., Bowmanville. 623-5747 ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE CLOCKS Modemn watches, and 400- day dlocks repaired. Ail wonk guananteed. Repairs dene by Swiss-traîned watchmakers. Free estimates available. Hoopers Jeweliers Ltd, Bew- manville. 623-5747. WANTED TO RENT Wanted, barnn"fer rent. Phone 623-6898. 12, 19,26,2, ac. SPECIAL Ail the fish and chips you can eat, $1.85. Týuesday -and Wednes- days. Mlom's Kitchen Mlain St., Orono L983-5310 Orono) Electric Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IHEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI WESTINGIJOUsE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Servie COMING EVEP Durham Hast Pr( Conservative Asseci nual meeting and el efficers, Wednesday, 26th, 8:00 p.m., M.. Schooi, Hampton. Je, President Ontario sive Censervative ion, guest s peaker. COMING EVEI U.C.W. Generai IM October 2Oth at 7:31 the main hall of th Church. Everyonev COMING EVEI Announcîng Sunc vice, Kendai United October 23rd, 1977,' Speaker Rev. Earl( M.A.,B.D., Toronto. music by The Maie COMING EVE] Orono Horticultura. Annual Fait Sb October 27th, 191 S8:00 p.m. Entries for con wili be received in Y. Orone United Chur 6:30 p.m. te 7:30 p.r note the change in Everyone is cordi ed te corne and exhibits. COMING EVEI Red Cress Bloi Ciinic, November2 1: 30 - 8:30 p. m., Lion Beech St., Bowmnar 19 COMING EVEý Heather Social Clu and Tea, Saturday, beru3d, 1977, 2:00 e.M. There will be ne Christmas cakes for sale this year. 19, ac. COM1VING EVENTS RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean, Orono will welcome their relatives, neighbours and friends on the occasion ef their 5th Wedding Anniver-, sary at the Oddfellow's Hall, on Saturday, Octoben 29th fromi 7 p.m. Best wishes only. 19, 26, ac. COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALE GRIST MILL AUCTION BARN Newtonville, October 2lst Friday, 7: 00 p.m. Seiling the contents fremn the.home of Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, Orono. Inciuding frid- ge, steve, beds, washstands, dressers, quilts, blankets, bedding, linens, trunks, oak buffet with side china cabinet, drop leaf table and variety of chairs, frames, lamps, quan- tity of fancy. glass and old dishes. earthenware tea set, tools, T.V., easy chairs, also Hi-Boy chests of drawers, fiat back cupboard, wall phone, 3 pc. and 5 pc. bedrcoom suites, new homemade quits, and variety of other articles and antiques. Termns: Cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros., 786-2244. 19, ac-. FLORIDA - TEXAS CALIFORNIA For details contact: TRENTWAY TOURS 1LTD. P.O0, Box 772, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7A2 Phone Toil Free 1-800-461-7615 12, 19,26, 2, ac. NOTICE Dr. AF. McKenzie's office will be closed October lsth te *23rd inclusive. 5, 12, 19, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Herbert Froste, late of Orono, Ontario. Ail persons having daims against the estate of Chartes Herbert Froste who died February 2nd, 1977, are heneby required te send full particulars of such dlaims te the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1977, after which date the estate assets wiil be distributed having regard only te dlaimps that have been receîved and the undersigned wiii net be lia ble to any penson of whose d aimnis she shall net then have notice. Elizabeth Freste, Executrix of Estate of Charles Herbert Freste, Executrix by her solicitors, 1Lovekin and Ew,,ert, Bamisters and So"ic-ito)rs, Box 9. Newcastle, Ont. LOn 11-10i 5, 12, 19, a c. :NTS COMING EVENTS rgressive AUCTION SALE ,iation an- Saturday, October 22ndt ýlection of 1:OOpý. y, October The property and equip- j. Hobbs ment of Bowmanville Memor- err Non jial Hospital, to be conducted Progres- on the east sie of the Associat- Hospital on Lambert Street. Including 14 H.P. MTD Trac- 12, 19, ac. tor with blade and mower, 15 :NTS H.P. feed pmnp (208, 360 deeting on phase,, 30 gais. per min.), 3 M PM in anby30 in. electric ranges (3 p.mUnte mos. old),j 18 cu. ft. freezer (3 welcome. mos. oid), refridgerators (l 12e1come. commercial), beds, mattres- ses, tables, variety of ceiling :NTS and bath fixtures, bins, type- day Ser-. writers, calculator,,dictating id Church, equipment, refridgerated 2:30 p.m. counter top display case, hot le Nichol, food servers, trays, blenders, iSpecial, butter suicer, coffee urn, air- Choir. compressor (needs repair), 12, 19, ac. Steel canes, O.R. tables anc î:NTS lights, steel partitions, crib, al ocity desks, SS sink and work îl Soiety bench ensemble, and numer- >howo.usohrie . )77 In ousorims l ilb 1 mpettions Intucase o r, sal 1i:l0b M'ain Hall, p.m. Terms cash. Auction- rchfrom eers. Stapieton Bres. 786- m.e Please. 2244. 19, ac. date. COMNING EVENTS iaiiy invit- TRENTWAY TOURS view the SPECIAL XMAS DEPARTURES 12,19, ac. te :NTS TEXAX - 16 day, depart Dec. od Denor l7th, 1977 2nd, 1977, FLORIDA - 16 day, depart ýns Centre, Dec. 17th, 1977 iville. DAYTONA BEACH, 9 Day 9, 26, 2, ac, (night travel), depart Dec. 25, :NTS 1977 ub Bzaar DAYTONA BEACH, il Day ib Bazaa (ne night travel), depart Dec. Dee- 23, 1977 F . all at As well as many winter tours NOTICE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Come in and meet the new ewners at Tree Top Nursery and Garden Centre, Hwy. 25, 2 miles south of Bewdley, entrance off Hwy. 7. Give your home a new lift next spring. We have a huge selectic'ý of tulip bulbs, as weli as Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffodils, Crocus, Scillas, Snowdrops and other miner bulbs. True to life coioured pictures to help you in your selection. Aise printed instructions for Novice gardener. .Remember there is stili time te get those shrubs and shade trees pianted for next spring and summer. IMeet the owners bar- gain, Potted Mums, only 99 cents per pot. Phone 797-2291. New business hours:' Tues. to Thurs. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fni. - 9 a.m. te 8 p.m. Sat. - 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. Sun 10 a.m. te 5 p.m. Closed Mendays. 12,19, ac. Building a House? or remiodelling your present one? Then cüntact: Floyd Nicholson Oreno 983-5049 Squash by the bushel - Ail Kinids, 75 lb bag Potatoes $4.95 OPEN ALL WINTER Highway115 South of Orono IRTHI SAIRGENT- Wayne and Fernl are pleased to announce the arrivai of a son, Steven James, weighing 5 lbs., 15 oz. on October 9th, 1977 at Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. -Cow- man and nurses on 4F. 19, ap. BIIITII AM%,STRONG - Russell and Sheila are pleased to an- nouce the birth of their son, Jonathan Bruce, 7 lbs., 7 oz., on'October 7th, 1977. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Bairstow, Oreno, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, R.R. 3, Port Hop e. 19, ac. CARD 0F THANKS Our sincere thanks to our famiiy, relatives and friends and te St. Saviours A.C.W. for making our fortieth Wedding Anniversary such a, memer- able occasion. Charles and Hazel Stapleton. 19, ap. CARD OF THANKS St. Saviours A.C.W. would like to take this opportunity to say thank-yoii to ail those people and businesses of Orono who donated to their fait Bazaar. Aise a big thank '-you to the citizens of Orono who supported this event. and made it a huge success. 19. ac. PUMPING OUT SE PTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS (Formnerly Bert Tomkins). IPhone 786-2552