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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1977, p. 1

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yor Rickaird of the Town Central Agricultural grounds cil and the Agricultural most of the cernent work wi cateturns the first in Orono on Wednesday Society w,,ere on hand for the be completed within thle ne r the start, of a $930,fOOO afiernoon of Iast wveek. Many ceremnony. it was learned on ten days when at that timie t nunity Centre and Arena from.ý the commui-nity with Tuesday of this week that block work for the walls wv Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, Otober 26thl, 1977 Toc recommend no action, re Estates Iand transfer Counc. Bob Dykstra, chair- man of the Planining Adminis- tration Comimittee of the Town of Newcastle told a meeting of over forty on Wednesday niight that lie would recommend to the -committee that the proposai. to t'rade lands in the Orono Estates between the Town and H-omie Smith, not proceed. Dykstra was quick to sayý f ollowing his statement that there were legal ramifica- ions now inthMe procedure of the trade of lands. "We must do what i' s righit by law anid I want' to erciphasize bhsc h T1he meetin)gwa called to discss ith local citizens andô residents cof the Orono Estates the Pr.OPOSai now -pas-sed by ccouncil and signedb'y Hoern Smith that certain landls in the Orono EstateS be traded between the Town and Homne -Smith. Counciilihas aiso ag- reed to rezone a parcel of ]and on ,ti)hè wvest side of Robin's Road being transferred to Homne Smrith lso thiat it could be usedfo a conv,ýenience sto)re, a coffee sho..p and one a partümen t, In the traýnsfer the To)wn 'wouid receive Lot 21 now owined by Ho'me Sihand used by residents and cild- ren ini the Orono Estates as a wkwyfor schooi purposes and travelling by foot into_ the village. Two other parcels of ia!nd coming toth Town in the trade are Wooded areas àlong the regional road and act!ordiing to a hand -out by the T vnunsuited f'or develop- The main opposition to the 'deof lanids wNas the fact Sthe parce! onl'y on the itsidie of Robin's Road w'as to be tised for a cormmercial1 developmnent. Thiis proposai vias strongly objected toc by ail those in attendance at, the meeting. tee for the Board of Education Mr. George Howden, Town said he took objection to the planner, presented a report in statement that children would which he recommended the be bussed if the walkway was transfer of land and the use of closed and possibly to schools Block F for commercial other than Orono. H1e said purposes. He listed which in planner George Hlow.den had his opinion wvere advantages not contacted the Board in of nio trade which incltîded this matter and was providing there would be no increase in information with nio sub- traffic, noise, or liter within stance. Mirs. Pat Peake saici the E-ýstates. He aiso said the residlents-ý in the sub-division residents could have a pýark or would be glad to have their playgrounid developed on children h)ussed to school and Block F. Hle also pointed out a had thought this over the past inmber of disadvanitages of yeairs. She also said thaýit there Po trade and listed that lot 21, was; no concern -if the walk- noew a walkway, would bewa was closed although developed and thius cut the later in the meeting said she estates off from Orono; would like to see the walkway children would have to be kept Open. bused to school, possibly not Mr. George Portýer, a resi- )inOrono; ýthe Town w,,oud lose dent of the Oronro Estates, commnrercial assessment; summried up the opinion of do1wntown Orono would !ose those in, attendiance statingIl somre triade and two parcels, of that t-he sub-division wvas a lanid could be subJect to healthy subDdivisio)n, having developmnent pressure's and concern for one another. He possible environmental, damr- also said over the four years a age. good relationship had been WlamCarman, local trus- Continued page< HomeSmi'th in speaking to Mr. K. Meipoon, representing Home Smith, at thL& meeting in Orono tas? Wednesd.ay con- cerning the transfer of land bewen the Town and Homne Smnith, he said, the company would now wait and see what develops. He stated that the company hias signed the agreement passed b"y council in July 1977. He said the proposai was broughit forth at a meeting at the Planning Advisory com- mnittee in 1976 we a number from the Oron.o Estates were presen.t. He said he would ha-ve to refer to his notes of the meeting but he thought that seven wvere then oapposed to the tr-axsfer wvith nrne in favour of the proposai. Mý,el- poon said the proposai vias made to Homne Smith by ,ithe Town and that Home Smith did approve of the transfer. It was pointed out by Mr. Mleipoonr that the Town wvas getting a g-,ood deal. 11ie said that Lot 21 (wakwy) was a serviced residentiai lot an-.d of a mnuch greater valuie than Blocýk Fwihis not serviced. 11e also said that in the area residential landwa also of morele than comnmerciîal land. dill ext he PCs appoint delegates At the recent special meet- ing of 'the Durham-Northum- berland Federal Progressive Conservative Association, the following delegates and alter- nates were elected to attend the National P.C. Annual Meeting being held in Quebec City, November 3rd te 6th. Delegates: Bob Fair, Port Hope; Marion MWanders, Clarke Township; Joel Aid- red, Scugog and Bruce Rob- ertson, Port Hope. Alter- nates: Joe Swveet, Da rilîngton; Shirley Robson, Darlington; Scott and Ceci! Fennel, Newv castle. Alsp attending fromr the Riding als a Provincial Dele- gate at large wili be Kay Wetherall of).1Port ;Ho-pe. Sneakprve Plaza Sbuite Theatre loyers3 had a real treat on Mjonday, October l7th at the general meeting of the Bowm ianvîlle Dramra Workshop, PaaSuite's director Jean Sheridan, asked to expiain what a director's job enitailedi, brought her cast and pro- demnonstrate to an enthusiastic audience, just, how,, a play is put together. At the sam'ne time, jean took thle opportunity (to introduce the mnany other people who are necessary in order to put on a play. B5owýmanlville Drama Work- shop president Pat Rundfle, welcomed the new faces. it is hoped that others in the area Who are knterested in finding out what goes on In, a littie theatre group, will plan to attend future meetings. The group plans to hold several Meetings per year which will offer programs of general interest. One of the itemrs of business Continued pa1ge 1 commence. $37,000.00. A meeting of In the meantime a canvass canvassers is to be held this of the community for funds Sunday evening when the ($260,000) is underwvay with a resuis of the canvass will be reported sum to date of noted to that date, Leskard Rd. resîdents have iîttile to cheer The rown of Newcastle a genieral nuisance with noise counicil on Monday accepted 'and dust. They had suggested two recoffimendations from in'their petition that trucks be the Public Works Committee made to use other routes relating to concerns expres, away from the Leskard road. sed by residents on the The concerns of the resi- Leskard Road north of Orono. dents was turned over to the Residents along the road Public Works Departmnent had petitioned council seek- who on Monday reported to ing assistance to eliminate council of the action of the the danger of gravel trucks comnmittee felt could be using the Leskard road. The taken. residents spoIke of excessive The Town of Newcastle is to speed, danger to childreni and ContinLled page 4I This Saturday evening the dlocks are turned boack one hour as Standard timne comnes into effect. The last duty before gojingc to bed Saturday n right or Sunday mýorincg as thie case ACCPT$15,38TENDER FOR H1AMPTN WVORKS BU'ILDING Ccîl as accepted a tender of $9,3.Ob ic Cont1ractors Limitýed for thbe e lntrcio fa new vworks build"ing in Hampton. (ONSIDERING NDP CANDIDACY It has been reported that John, Veldhuis o« Newtonville is coýnsidering the caýndIidacy for the federal NDP but no firmi decision haýs been moade. Others considering thie nomnination is Fred McLaughiin. The noiainmeeting is to be held somet,,ime ineay December. AITTEND D AY' AT FOREST CENTRLE Th'irty teachers and ten pr-incipals fromn the area atitendCed a fuli diay Tal the Ganaraska Forest, Centre last week when an oUtline of the ed.ucationial program w ias preete ý 'Miss Kelly Ballantyne, camp co-ordinator as wvell as a tour of the forest an-d 1the forest c--entre faciflties. The first iass will take residence for a five day period in miid Nov,,ember. LOOKS FOR NDP LEADERSHIP O)shawa's IMPP Mike Breaugh announced last1 week that he would be a candidate for the leadership of the Provýin-ciatl NDP party1w7 ch s beingvcte 1yStpe Lewis. Breaugh ha's won two Provincial elections representing Oshawa by \vide margins. Two others are seeking the position. RESTRAINTS IMAY SLOWV GOVERNÎMENT INISTRY MOVE TO OHW A tight budget in Ontario may slow up a move for the Mlinistry, of Revenue to Oshawa until somnetime in 1982. The governmnent of Ontario announceci a inove of Ministry to Oshawxa earlier this year as a trend t0 somne decentralizat ion of som-e go-veroment services. SIGNS TO) COIME DOWN Council gave approval Monday th!at "Town o.f Newcastle,' sigiis be taken dovin at the Town's budaison Wgbwas 2,!5 and 115. There is aIso to be a sign designating Kendai at Durhami Road No. 18. s" 2

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