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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1977, p. 2

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2-rono Weekly Timies, Wednesdav- November Znd, 1977 Orono Weekly Times Second Class Mail Registralion Numnber 6W6 Published Every Wednesday' vat the offrce of Publicatio)n Main St reet,. Orono ROY C. Forrester. Edito,- Fric atro. iet~n WHY SO SECRET Last week another confidential report, this time relating to the Town of Newcastle staff and counceillor increases for 10,77 in salaries and remunerations bit the headlines. t appears that the increases, in most cases rieaching at least ten per cent and upwards to 22 per cent, wvere passed in a regular council meeting under an item classified as a confidential report and not even after acceptance by council was the matter made publie. Conce. Don Alun who states he was opposed to the increa'ie when it came up in committee said he was unware that tad passed through counceil. If a counicil member mis' , the content of a confidential report then it does become somewhat of a serious matter. t is strange to understand why this council continues ,o operate with an air of secrecy and to document many council reports as confidenial reports, and there are a number sliding through the agendas, neyer to corne before the public. There is no reason to cloak pay maises to staff and especially to council members with a black robe. This kind of action only leads to furtber suspicion of council's action and to wonder what else is contained within the confidential files of the Town. It certainly does not create an atmospbere wherein the general public and taxpayers can have confidence in their municipal leaders. Why should the Mayor and counicil members not let it be known they are supporting a ten per cent increase in their own salaries? Will they hide a -substantial increasenext year? Wby should the taxpayers flot have knowledge of the Town's business? For comparison, sucb information is not withheld by the Board of Education, wbicb tables full reports on salary negotiations wben accepted by that Board. The public can demand no less. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY MISSED teWitb thîs country suffering, as do many other parts of teworld, an increasing number of unemployed due to soft markets it does appear to us that botb labour and industry missed a golden and Cristian opportunity in the Inco case to support a plan to share tbe wealtb of the company and to keep some off the list of unemnployed. Witb announcement tbat somne 3,500 are to be laid off by Inco ip February 19783 both in Sudbury and in Tbompson, Manitoba the Trudeau government in Ottawa suggested a reduction in the work week to possible four days thus enabling tbe industry to maintain their level of em-ployment and erase the cause for layoffs. The federal government was even going to assist to maintain the, saiary range of the employees. This proposai was knocked by both the labour unions and the company with arguments tfhat hold no logic. The proposai by the governiment could well be called a Christ ian solution to this one case of increasing unemployment. 41 amn my brotber's keeper' should stili be in vogue yet i.t is not recognized by either labour or industry. If such a program xas carried out in ail such incidents where an industry w,ýas being affected by s>off markets it could bave a great effect in keeping the emrploymenýt list low. Unfortunately labour especiallîy and industry to a degree are only interested in one thing . . . the top dollar. They are not concemned with the mass of people or unemployed and as a resuit the spr-ead between the 'haves' and 'have nots' widien. Also we would have thought the idea would have been accorded some support by Broadbent and the N.D.P. The proposai contains a strain of socialism an-d deait wtba majority of people. Lt was a sharing of the wealth. But, no, the NDP like labour were rigoid for seeking govemment support of which the ajority could only be termed 'lip service'. The .NDP have been most disappointing. It is quit e evident, thatotid of the federal govemnment, noc one wants to equitably share the wealth of this nation nor make any sacrifices to gcet us back on the right track of sound econom-ics. Opporfunities are g-5oing by the board every day sucb as the Inco case and -we just do flot make the sacrifice to be our brothers keeper. AN OVERWORKED DEPART'MENT There is littîn douýqbt that the Planning Department of the Tow;n of Newcastle witb- a staff of two bave been grossly overworked and no one could hardly object to the action of council to) strengfhen the department, witb additional working, staff. Councillor E.R. WVood'yard did however during a brief debate at the council point out the fact that the dep artmnent was being forced to handie plans of sub-divJions and other work w ýhic-h wouldnot me dow Sports (Jelebrates 1Fif ORONO 0.MW.H.A. MIDGETS! Orono Rideau Demolition, Midgets lost to the Peterbor- ougbi Petes Minor Midget ý Club by an 8-0 score Monday, October 24tb at Hampton. The Orono boys stayed with the Petes for two periods, but the third uine and better condit- ioning was the difference. Pat Williams and Mike Mitchell played a strong game. Regionai News TO JOIN NDP RACE Mr. Fred Mcbaughlin, a 34 year old elementary schooi feacher at Janefville bas sfafed thaf hie will be a candidate for the NDP in the federal riding of Durham- Nortbumberland. Mr. John Veldhuis of Newtonville has also hinfed that hie may also be a candidate. The NDP are to hold their nomination meeting on De- cemnber 1sf in the Bowman- ville Memorial Club bouse. PRO VINCIAL GRANTS DOWN HALF MILLION The province of Ontario i not being so generous in providing grants for the coming fiscal year. word bas been received that the Region of Durham will receive $500,- 000 less in Provincial grants for 1978 than compared with Mlr. and Mrs. Jiesper Dean 1977. of Orono celebrated witb their Municipalities will also be family and friends throdgbout affected by tbe change in the tbe area their fiftieth wedding grant systemn being brought anniversary on Saturday eve- about by the Province. ning in the Orono Oddfellow's schools in such as the Courtice area. This council bas a duty to set priorities and to shelve proposais that do not fit wîtb the priorities. Council bas to accept a lot of the blame for the overworked sitdation, and we believe it was this that Councillor Woodyard was referring to. In an after-council interview Mayor Rickard admitted, to a degree that council was overloading the department and said that developers do not come to bim anymore as hiefbas been using the word 'No' when he thoinght it was appropriate. "They must be going somewhere else now", lhe said. Council bas to start saying 'No' for even witb an addition of two to the department it will soon end in the position it now, rests. Hyàdro money for garage?%â, The Town of Newcastle will ask the Ontario Municipal Board and the Ministry of Housing to transfer moniles received from Ontario Hydro to be used for the construction of a garage addition at Hampton. Tbe Town will seek the transfer of $150,000 fromn the fund to assist in meeting the tendered price of tbe garage, $195,138 which was awardedi lasf week to Mirco Contract- A R ors Ltd. Ontario Hydro paid tbe Town an amnount of for road allowances which were witbin the 1200 acres- owned by Hydro for the Daýrlingcton Generating plant just west of Bo,;mranville. For those SONS LIMITED PLUMBING& HEý-ATING 24 Hour Service New lInstallations Atrtns-Repairs Speciailzng im Hot Water Heating, Forced Air Hting 1 CrOÈý,,981-52 committee mwoui attend at a mnee Novemrber l3tb Canvassei asked to contKacý ftieth Wedding Anniversary m Hall,.'A party-like evening in business in Orono with the ir - with tea, cards and dancing Orono Bakery and especially it wýas enjoyed throughout the the days of delivering bread ig evening by the many in throughout the comimunity - attendance, many recalling with ho rse and sleighs during Isthe da ys when the Deans were the winter months. Near riot erupts H11allowe 'en night in Bowmanville Altbough everything was quiet in Orono on Hallowe'en this was flot the case in other centres of the Town of Newcastle. Police reinforecements and paddy wagon were rushed to the Town of Bowmanville to bring under control a crowd of some one bundred people liming the streets and pelting two police officers with eggs, apples and stones. Seven persons have been cbarged in this incident witb causing -a distirbance to obstructing police and to mischief. If has been reported thaf fifteen extra police had to be brougbt into Bowmanville fo bring the crowd under control somnetime around midnigbt. In Newicastle Village the f ire department received four fire calîs. In Newtonville a large bonfire was'started on the street and calîs also had f0 be answered to Burketon. Fire Jim Hayman of the Newcastle, fire department bas said if was the worst nigbft le bas known for at least ten years. ORONO ~EN A F U N D NOTI C E who bave not yet bjeen canvassed the fund raising dd like to note that the canovass is continuing an'd Je reached ithin the next tLouple§ oýf weeks. ers are being asked to completle their canvass anld ting being held in the Oronlo Town Hgall on Suay lat 7:00 p.m, rs havî%inlg olm compfleting their canvass are tl' Charles Gray whecre assistAance can he provided. Il

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