arrangements, bouque ts, cor- Artistic arrangementssaesetc. Minnie Zegers expressed the thanks of the -iii h lî llt ho wsociety for her most interest- ing and informative talk and The Faîl Flower Show held long time members of the the appreciation of the aud- last Thursday evening attrac- horticultural society. A pre- ience was most evident from ted a large group of enthus- sentationi by Adele McGill tE> the enthusiastic applause. iastic gardeners. The exhibits; were excellent and Mrs. Penny Fairbrother, who jud- ged the show, commented very favourably on the art ist- ie quality of the many flower arrangements on display. A gift to mark their 5th Wedding Anniversary was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean by Eileen Bul- linL7s- Mr- andi IJrs- Dean ,are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor marked the occasion of their recent marriage. Mrs. Dick Vanderstoop, Lawn and Garden Centre, Newcastle, was the guest speaker for the evening. Using the large selection of materials she had brought with her Mrs. Vanderstoop demonstrated the art of using dried flowers for flower President Isabelle Challice invited everyone to visit the "Country Store",- featuring apple eider, squash and other vegetables, and to enjoy the tasty refreshments provided by the luncheon committee. A beautiful display of Munis at the Horticultural faîl flower show. McGill: Class 1 - One Potted Geran- ium 1. Minnie Zegers 2. Frank Zegers 3. Isabelle Challice- Class 2 - One Coleus (or foliage) 1. Myrtie Wood Class 3 - "Your favourite house plant" 1. Wes Wood 2. Myrtie Wood 3. Lorna Atkins 4. Ann Evans Class 4 - "Autumn Glory" - an arrangement Using Mums and Driftwood Orono_ -Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 2»dL 1977-5 1. Minmie Zegers 2. Nellie Baird 3. Isabelle Challice Ë Class 5 - "Thanksgiving" - an jo B idn arrangement using fruits, flowers, etc. Co toco 1. Minnie Zegers C nrco 2. Isabelle Challice 3. Nellie Baird Brick - Block - Concrete Class 6 - "Dried Excitement", an arrangement using Stone Work dried flowers and suitable container. 1. Isabelle Challice 2. Nellie Baird 3. Minnie Zegers Class 7 - "Haliloween Fiesta", your own interpretation but including some natur- al materials 1. innie Zegers 2. Frank Zegers 3. Isabelle Challice Class 8 - Container of Munis, one variety 1. Myrtle Wood 2. Don Evans 3, Minnie Zegers 4. Cyril Baird Class 9 - Container of Munis (mixed varieties) 1. Hilda Coatham 2. Ana Evans 3. Don Evans 4. Myrtle Wood ÇOQiWE I Taping-spray Ceijings Plaster Repair Painting Wally Lucy k 983-5518 ORONO, Carpentry - C.abinet Work Floors - Tile 98:3-5441 Orono mm j O.Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5946- Orono, Ontarjo tng Hallowe'en Orono Hlorticultural show Orono United Church. at the receit lheld in the basement of the Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-550-7 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2: 00 to 8: 00 p. m. Satin-day 10: 00to 5: 00p. m. Orono, Ontario Phone 6231-3377 162 King Street East Bowmanville LFRESH &DRIED FLOWER AeRRANGEMdENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME BEV. & AL. ANDERSON