6-Orono Weekly Times,, Wednesday, November 2ad, 1977 Up and Down the Book Stacks ADULT The Irrational Season by Madeleine L'Engle (Christ- ian meditations) Paneling by Byron Wels (a "How to do it"-book) Orono E Iectric Hlerb and Gerry Duval 933-5108 ']ï ELECTRICAL CONTIRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING S.. - CVOLOUR T.V. RADIO -i-Fi WESTINGHOýUSE St S avPO us Reguflar SwuayWrsp service - 10: 001)m Rev. Allanr Haldenhy UNITED CHURCH Orono Pasto)ral charge Miister Rev. B.E. Long BM. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR Mrs. Kennedy Gray Suýnday, Novemiber 6th, 1977 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Mgirning Worship il :15 a.m. Evening Service 7:45 p. m. Wednesday 7 p.m. Youth for Christ, Upper CE. Auditorium. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 American (2owboy by Caleb Pirtie (the life and times of the cowboy described in words and art) Goodbye, Columbus Hello Medicine by Michael Mey- ers (the author's foray into movies and medicine, both at the same time. Humor- ous reading) The Investigation by Doroth y Uhnak (unusual murder story) The Malaspiga Exit by Evel- yn Anthony (romantic spy novel) JUNIOR Crystal Clear the story of Diamonds by Vctor Argen- z'o. Medical Talk for Beginners by Robert Curtis Winning by Robin Brancato (a young mhan is paralysed and his fight to overcome his handicap) Miss Ptckerell to the Earth- quake Rescue by, Ellen MacGregor EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Dinah the Dog with a differ- ence by Esta de Fossard Feelings between Kids and Parents by M. Conta T'he Little Bee that couldn't buzz by LaVenia Szurgot Madeleine Hadley. If you have ever visited an Art Gallery and wished you could buy one of the pictu res, now is your change. The Art Rentai of The Robert McLau- ghlin Gallery, Oshawa, is making this opportunity available to its membership and the general public during the month of November. The November Exhibition, Show and Tell, is a collection of works- by artists of the Region, the province and the nation, which will be on display for public enjoyment, but wilI also be available for rent or sale. John Kasyn, Doris MeCar- thy, Rolph Pryne, H-arold "William C. Hall, B. Comm.- Chartered Accountait Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATLRDAY Our Fîrep laces DO NOT Smoke *OXFOR B I î lEMC oe umýw PHON Ca nem-r î -; f 6 w"zMwý m For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1,2 The last haîf of the month of October has been perfect. Most days the temperature has reached 16 C. or 61 F. or more. The cellars are full of apples, potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables that have been "plucked Up" as the Bible says. To0day the garden is being ploughed ready for next year planting. The carpenters are gettin-g the new houses on the sixth âne closed in and s-hingledi. With so mnany fine new, homes being erected along the sixth uine perhaps we should change the namie to "Sixth Avenue", like they do in Nqew7 York. Kendal United Church Wo- men attendied the Regional Meeting of the Oshawa Pres- byterial at Newtonville on October 25th. The guest speaker was Rev. Roger Maggs the Oshawa Hospital Cha plain who is supported by the missionary and service funds of the various churches. He said there was often fifty operations a day in the hospital so he could not visit ail of themn but hie tried to visit ail those that requested a Town and York Wilson a re a few of the nationally known artists represented,. Regional artists Jim Bell, Ron Eccles, Earle Keatly, Janet McGhee,' Neil Newton, Maureen Rem- ington and Laurine Sage are a few of the regional artists who will have works in the show. There will be examples of works in ahl media, including Eskimno prints. This show will provide anyone with the opportunity to own or rent a picture of your personal choosing at a price that is right f or you. Selling prices will range from $100. to $1,500, with rentais raning upwards from $4. monthly. AIl purchasesi and rentais can be taken home immediat- ely, and new works wili be added to replace pfieces soid or rented during the exhibit- ion. Art Rentai' Volunteers wil be available- to heip visitors during the exhibition. You are invîted to visit Show and Treil often during the month of November. The exhibition wiil be in the three galieries from November 2 to December 4, 1977. The open- ing of Show and Tell wiii be at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 2. Service Farmi & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouffvj lie f40-569i EARL GAUISLIN visit. Most of us are very- fearful of a major operation, spiritual help is very wel- corne. Children are often bewildered by a death in the family. The hospital chapiain can help. Terminally iii patients are visited regularly by the chaplain who has taken a special course to assist hlm in dealing, with these special cases. The next day, October 26th Mrs. R. Elliott, Miss C. Stewart, Mrs. D. Gosson, and Mrs. G. Cathcart attended the Fun Fair of the Women's Institute at Hampton. It was to raise money for varlous courses. They made over one hundred and eighty dollars. Newtonville had a very fine Anniiversary on Sunday morn- ing, October 3th. The singing was led by the men's choir and Mr. Denzil Dale of Oshiawa chose as is subject, "A living message for today", basing his illustrations on the twenty-third psalm. Next Sunday church and Sunday School will be held in the Kendal church a t 11:15 a. m. Then the U.C.W. bazaar wili F.R. Tennant Fuels Ltd. Phone 983-5693 be held Saturday afternoon, Noverhber l2th. Mhen making apple sauce be sure and beat it with your electric beater to make it smooth. Rastus - Yessuh, 1 done found out that honesty is the best policy. Sam: How come? Rastus: Remnember that-dog I Orono, Ontario stole last week? I tried to sell< hlm for two whole days and~ nobody would give me more\- than a dollar for hlm. solI took hlm back to the owner and collected the reward. She gave me five dollars. Correction frorn last week. Molokai is the island of the leper colony in the Hawaiian group. For a imited time only you wiII get a snowblowýer attach- ment frea with the purchase ot certain new -nodd** Bolena tractorC. With a BoIens snow- blowei you can move a lot of snow and slush - fast, If you buy your tractor now, you can do tl frep. Dont wait *MoeGa thr-",jCf CXL -a..Oc Ottdd ,207 Phone 983-5 KENDAL NEWS Gallery,,paintings for sale or rent Rolph Dominion Hardware Enjoy Souper Luncheon Specials Noon to 3 p. m., Monday - Friday HeIpbýp Yourself To our homemade Soup of the Day As much as you wish Then choose f rom one of our four daily luncheon specials, some examples of which are: Turkey mushroom casserole, homemade lasagna, open-face chicken salad sandwich, or Octoberfest sausage with homemade sauerkraut. Luncheon specials include the "help yourself" soup, choice of an entree, appropriate vegetable or sa lad, homemade tea biscuit, a variety of desserts, tea or coffee. The pr ice - j ust $ 1.95 per person And you may enÎoy a sip of your favourîte brew with your lunch at just $.50 per bottie (plus sales tax) Nqew Dutch Oven Hwy. 115 at Taunton Roaci The new "Copper Boiler" Ipunge will open next week. Corne in and erlioy musismc you cap, select, a T.V. game or two, colour T.V., hearty snacks fotr late night hunger pangs, and alI withý the best bargains in, drink prices around.