lo-Orono Weekly, Times, Wednesdav, November lth. I177 I Sam at Queen's Parkt Pilot projeets for petty offenders 1 arn pleased that my efforts were successful ini making the Oshawa-Ajax area one of the seven centres where the Ministry of Correc- tional Services wilI be con- ducting a three-year pilot- projet to get petty offenders out of jail and into community service work. Entitled, the Cornrnunity Service Order Program, this PUMPING oUT SEPTIC TANKS C LAU DE riAR N E $S (Forrnerly Bert Tornkins) Phone 786-2552 project will apply to persons convicted of nmor by-law, traffic or alcohol violations or petty theft and vandalismn. So rather than sending these offenders off to jail, they wvill be obliged to performi community services such as mainteniance work for a senior citizen or cleaning out a ravine. Such services will be chosen so as flot to denv an employment opport- unity for a legitimate wage earner. These commLlnity service jobs would be performed during the offender's spare time. Anid should he or she fail to do so, a stiffer jail sentence would be imposed. Savings to taxpayers would be substantial. Supervised probation- of a non-violent offender is estirnated to be $2.5ü a day, whereas keeping the sanie person in prison skyrockets the price to $40 a day. The new plan is already undlerway ini our area and lias the endorsement of judges and social service workers. As Correctional Service Mini- ster, Frank Drea said, "We are still handing out senten- ces of 50 and 100 years ago." 1 believe that many of our jails andJ correctional institut- ions are overcrowded with people who coulci be better rehiabilitated through this new system rather than being locked up for a short period of time. Andi if the programn proves to have some positive aspects to the rehabilitation process, it will then be determined whether or flot it should be înitiated throughout the province. Speaking of law and or der, 1 had the pleasure of accmn-. panying and introducing the Attorney General of the Province, MIN'r. Roy McM\urty, at the Durham Law Associat- ion dinner on October 2Oth. The dinner proved to be a great success, particularly listeing to the M,,inister's comments about participat- ory dmocrcy. t was also a saluite to our Area Crdwn Attorney, Brute Affleck. Cr"'edfit should 1be pgiven to the solicitLors and cler ks and judges ,inte area who attenîded themeetngand special akoldeetto Bob Alexander, the President of the Durhamî Law, Assoýciat- ion, and Ron Swartz, who weeinstrumental in organiz- ing such a fine evening. Goýod luck to Ted Howell, our new Crown Attorney for our Region. u G/n iFOR HOME I eresIPhone 623-5444 F.B.I. Pure Fresh Pressed Appmle Juice i= 80-oz. RETURNABLE BOTTLE ONLY $ 2 Plus D.poslt ~«S Home Delivery Only IF IT'S Q* a IT'S GOOD Plese!Suportfor our Childrer, To-rn:rrow Town of Newcastle at 8:0 p.. in ouncl chabers A.i Po leran