6-rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 9th, 1977 SPOTS ) Orono school boys' soccer c Kirby and Clifford Tate scored and the assist was fromn Robert French. Again the score was 1-O. The whole teami played well. These players would like to thank Mrs. Yeo for driving and Mlr. Witheridige for offic- iating the games: Terry Beauvais, Steven Ciyens, Ste- yen Mýerrick, Clifford Tate, Rtobert French, Richie Dupe, Stevýen M'vurree, Guy Brach- vogel, Donnie, Brough, Doug Doxtator, Danny Co3wan, MWurray Dennis, Scott Yeo, Kenny Bailey. by Stev-en Clyens and Steven MVierri ck. Orono school giîrls-' soccer The Orono School boys Bailey, Paul Rosseau, Mur- soccer team are pictured ray Dennis, Scott Yeo, Terry above. Top row, left to right Beauvais, Steven Merrick, are Brad Stapleton, Kenny Danny Cowan, Steven Mur- ree, Clifford Tate, Doug Brown, Guy.Brachvogel, Rob- Doxtater. Front row, left to ert French, Steven Clyens, right, Donny Brough, Jifnmy Erie Dreslinski, Richie Dupe. The Orono girls soccer teamn had an excellent season. We would like to thank the drivers Mrs. P. Irwiin and MIrs. J. Forbes for taking us to the other schools. The first gamne we played was against Newcastle and we lost 2-1. The goal was scored by Sandra Williams. We tied Newtonville 0-O. We defeated Kirby 1-O. with the goal being scored by Loni Lycett. We also bea tLockhart 1-O. The goal was scored by Paddy Breen. The students and positions they played are: Sandra Williamns, Centre For-ward; Kim Patterson, Outside For- ward; Lori Lycett, Inside Forward; Paddy Breen, In- side Forward; Janet Ir-win, Outside Forward; Darlene Dennis, Outside Forward; Soniya Bracbvogel, Right Haif Back; Suzanne'Allen, Centre Half Back;, Sherry Forbes, Left Haîf Back; Deanna Bottrell, Lef t Defence,, Deb- bie Vanderveernl' Right Def- ence; Karen Irwin, Goal. AIl the girls enjoyed a successful season. Cut capital works MIr. Hancock stated that the school had been purcýhased by the Town fromr the local Board of Educatiion but that as yet a clear- title had not been received due to somne technicality that the property was only to be used for school purposes. -The Ministry, he said, has agreed to allow thle transferý of titie for, mulseum purposes as well as school purposes. Mr. Hanfeock expects that a cil, the Museum Board, the Clarke committee and possib- ly some from the area resident;s. The proposai has yet to corne before council but is expected to corne before the mid month meeting of coun- cil. It wvas pointed out at the mneeting on Monday that a grant wvas possible frorn H-eritage Caniada. The council of the Region of Dufrham has approved a postp Iremenït in the Regional works capital prograrn by a total o $2.8 milion. This t'as ret mm, nded to counýcl by th public works conmmittee. It was fei't that the works did not conta-,in any priority at this time. The largest works postpon- ed was the Corbett water pollution control plant ln Whitby for a sumn of $1.4 million. Other projects post- poned ,vas a watler main on Lamibs Lane in Bowmanville for $30,OOO as well as water-. mains on Church, Scugog and Sturrock streets, sMO IMM Orono, Ontario LFor a liîted time only you wilI get a snowbower attach- ment free with the purchase of certain new moder- Bolens tractors. WVith a Bolens snow,- blower you can move a lot of snow and slushi - fast. 1f youý buy your tractor now, you cari doit free. Dont wait. *Modes S - "I 420 (XL moeS lotnld Rolph Dominion Hardware Phone 983-5207 This year we have had four soccer games. We won two, tied one and lost mne. We had a lot of f un. The first game was against Newcastle and we lost 2-1. The Orono goal was scored by Terry Beauv- ais. The second game, Orono pl'ayed an excellent gamne against Hampton and tied 1-i. Again Terry' Beauvais scored. On October 28ýth we went to play in Lockhart and we won i-0 and Terry Beauvais scor- ed with a great pass fromn Steven Clyens. Kenny Bailey played a good gamne in goal. On October 3lst we wenit to v w 'q