SPORTS j Orono Weekly 'Times, Wednesday, November 9th, 1977-7 Expandefacilities Oshawa ski club t washrooms. The club will now -have a total of three chalets, one on the standard hill, one (the original) at the Junior Hill and the new chalet northb of the west tow. E Iectric Hlerb and Gerry Duvali ELECTIRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical, Appliances T.V. - COLOU R T. V. S RADIO -HI1-FI WVESTINGIJ OUSE RCA ELECTROHME?ý Guaranteed Service The above photo shows their positio)ns for the next supported by forty mnembers, Thursday evening from Octo- three avid members of the rally. The club, which is meets every Tuesday and ber through May. Orono Badminton Club taking Voplunte%ers used for control at M"osport. An inquest on Thursday and to be resumed on November * l7th ln Bowmanvile into the death of Christopher Edward Mudge, 28, who was killed at Mosport in a headon collision on June 20, 1976 following the completion of the Labatt's Formula 5000 race was told that only 30 volunteer secur- ity personnel are used at the track to control crowds of up to 50,000. The inquest is being qon- ducted by Coroner Djr.:D- Mosienko of Bowmanville. Mudge was a passenger inaa car driven by Ian Johnson, 36, of Toronto which was in collision with a vehicle driven by Michael Barry, 20, of Stouffville. N. Leslie, head of security at Mosport on June 20, 1976, informed the inquest that in bis opinion at least fifty security personnel were need- ed to police the track let alone the entire grounds following the race. He also pointed out that numbers of the volunteer securîty leave when the race is over. During the race security is maintained by race marshall provided byl., the Canadian Race Commun- ications Association but are finished when the race con- cludes. Steve Chiasson told the inquest that he had gotten out of the Jaguar in which Mudge was kîilled just minutes before the accident when he became Tennant Fuel Atoms Novemnber 5th, Port Perry at Oronio Port Perry 5, Oronio 4 Goals scored by Stephen Murree 4, assists by Greggc Vey 3, Guy Brachvogel 2, Paul Rosseau, Robert French, Keith Vey. Great gamne Stephen Murree. Much improved play by Roger King. Port Perry scored 5th goal with eighteen seconds to go. Keep up the good effort guys. Orono Midgets The Rideau Demolition Midgets, gained a split with Newcastle midgets last week winning 5-4 and losing 4-2. On Monday, October 3lst Newcastle defeated Orono 4-2 at the Darlington Sports Centre, Steve Clark played a strong game socring both Orono goals. Darrell Zoschke and Dave Sumsrum each had an assist, with Dave Sumnstrumn playing a strong game on the defence Ln Bowmanville on Thursday, Nov- ember 3rd, Orono picked up its first win of the season by defeating Newcastle 5-4. Steve Clark had bis second two goals game this week, other goal scorers were Pat Williams, Darrell Zoschke and- Mike Mitchell whose winning ogal ca-me on a power play with less than 3 minutes left in the game. David Huttoni played a strong gamne setting up 3 goals, other asîsts went to Pat Williarns,. Jeff Westbrook, John West and Gary Bridger who was very sharp in the Orono goal. O .M.H.A. Bantams Oin Monday, October 3lst, the Orono Bantamns were hosts to the Oshawa Red Wings for their weely home game. The Oshawa boys handed Orono a real halloween trick in the score of 5-0. They ciet three goals in the first period, added another in the second, and two more in the third. Our boys just couildn't get on track )this gamne but on Thursday night, '11-Novernber 3rd, they bouniced back to give Oshawa a real tustie at the Children's Arena in their homne town. Paul Reed slipped in the first goal unassisted but Oshawa came back with, two to end the first period. Pauil Reed blasted in a perfect pass from, Steve Stec and AI Webster to tie it up. VThen the Red Wings came back with two more before Paul connected again for bis third goal of the night, this time from Warren Nichols and Paul King. Ken Prescott openied the scoring in the thirci sneaking in the rebound of Terry Heciges and Paul King. The score remained tied for the rest of the hard hitting game until with just 53 seconds lef t Oshawa scored on Don Mitchell to take the win 5-4. Jim Mloffatt and Kirk Carr also played hustling hockey. nervous of travelling on the track. Ian Johnson, driver of the Jaguar said et no time did he see signs prohibiting private cars on the track. Neither Barry or Johnson heard warnings from the public address system to stay off the track. The inquest will resume on Novemnber l7th in Bowman- ville when a subpoena is to be served to the president of Mlosport to attend. Orono Hair Care PERM SPECIAL during Month of Novem ber .on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays $16.00 - $14.0 $260O- 180 $2.O-$24.0 10 per cent discount for Senior Citizens PT"hone 983-9256 MAli St. North, Orono Work is well underway on the expansion of facilities at the Oshawa Ski Club and a]] is expected to be ready for the first faîl of snow this winter. Two new T-Bar iffts have been installed at the hili and replace two former rope tows. The one new T-Bar lift bas been erected along side the former T-Bar lift at the bowl with the other twinning with tI. former lift on the Standai Hill. The club now bas a total of five T-Bar lifts each having a capacity of 1,200 skiers an hour. The construction of new chalet is also well udra at the hill and is located oni the west hilI. When completed the chalet wil ave two leveLs each havinig 2ý,500 square feet. t will include efating facilit- ies, fireplace, suin deck and A Civic Service 0f REMEMBRANCE will be held at Bowmanville Cenotaph on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER l2th, 1977 10: 45 a.m. Ail veterans, service clubs and organizatýaions- and the eneral puiblic are niedt ttn.W repcflyrequest that mierchants wil co-operate in closingthr places of businesýs during thfis' special REem-embrance Service. fil te0)et ýof ramn, this Remnembrance Serice willlbe held iii the Town IHall Auditorium Servicez wiII also belheld as foll1OWS: Newtonville - Service at: Cenotaph, Friday, November Il. 1977 at 11:00 a.m ,Newcastle Village - Ser-vice at Cenotaph, FriNovýemnber 11, 1977 at 1: O)rono1 - Service at Cenotaph. Sunday Novemiber 131, 1977 at 3:00 The we'ek 01 NoVemI'berý 7th, 1977 throughSarayNoe desiguated Poppy WVeeýk jin te 1own of Newca-,stîe. 'q A L ym rî7E- [À F &-TTER YoURSEIF