8-O)rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 9th, 1977 Durham -lJunior award nigoht Over 200 enthusiastic 4-H Agricultural Club memnbers, Junior Farmers, parents, -H1 club leaders and donors of awards attendied the Banquet and Presentat.ion of Awards Night at Carke igb School on Saturday, dctober 29th. The programn was under the direction of the President of the 4-H Club) Leaders Assoc- iation, Neil Alun of Orono. Neil expressed his thanks on behaîf of ahi those involved in thie program to the donors of the many awards and the financial assistance in mak- ing the banquet possible for the 4-H members. Mr. Ken Knox, Supervisor of Youth Extension for the Ontario Minîstry of Agricul- ture ind Food in Toronto, was the guest speaker. Ken mren- tîoned the importance of the 4-H movement in training young people for the future. Head, heart, hands and health are part of the 4-H Club Pledgce, but at the same time, other factors are ail part of beîng a good citizen. There were 12 agricultural clubs in the area in 1977. These clubs were: Beef, Dairy, Port Hope Calf, Swine,~ Sheep, Conservation, Rabbit, Veterinary, Farm Manage-. mient, Field CrTops, including forage, grain and corn sect- ions, Landscape Gardening. Any youing person -who is 12ý years of age on January lst, 1978 and will not be over 20 in 1978 may enroil in the -H agricultural club program in 1978. Presentations were made to the winners in, the various clubs by the donors. The winne-rs of the County Milk Committee Trip to visit Parliament in session in Ottawa on November 18 and l9th were: Faye Langmnaid. Colette Taylor, Dennis Vel- lowlees and Doug Larmer. This group will travel with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose of Newcastle to Ottawa and wbile there will be guest ln the Parliamentary restaur- ant, of MNr. Allan Lawrence, M.P. The Canadian Imperial Banik of Commerce bas for the past 20 years presented a watcb to the outstanding boy and girl in 4-H. This is based U.C.W. regional meeing The two 1977 Oshawa Pres- 3 special reports (a) Report byterial United Churchi Wom- by expertise Marjorie Ferries en autumn Regional Meetings of General Council at Calgary were superlative to every in August; (bi) Citizen and phase of the programs. The Soc. Act. Comm. Fr. and theme, "Comf ot Ye, My visiting by Alice Sheffield People" was followed thro- wbo used as slogan Porridge ugbout each day. The meet- is slow to boil and bard to stir, ings Monday, October l7tb at Corn Flakes are prepared and Brookini U.C.. had 171 ladies ready to serve and she attending fromn 34 locals and displayed the beautiful1 Kor- Tuesday, October 25th had ean Women's sbawl; (c) Bob 137 representing 28 local and Ann Dickson's steward- gnoups. U.I.P.'s attending sbip report stressed theïriotto wene Bay of Quinte Confer- "Live-Love' as well as gîving ence Vice-Pres. Evelyni Red- Time, Talent and Treasure. path and Press Reporter Cra Westminster U.C. and Maple Patterson, Bursary Susan Grove U. C. W. led tbe worsbip Saywell, Janlet McGregor's services which were reverent mother and aunt fromn Bow- preludes for the messages manville. Chairing the meet- fromn the guest speaker Rev. ings wiere Vice-Pres. Joyce Roger Maggs, Oshawa Hospi- McLean and Euna Killens at tai Chaplain wbose compas- Brookin U.C inate and sensitive person- ville Ù.r v was revealed wben be wiords 3ined bis specialized min- as Hospital Chaplain RE~lhe fis the gap the sesý, Doctor miùsses by Su ig, interviewing, La (Jime, listening (a Litact) and that per- info jicb tbat transmits A Èjioseness in timne of Qui i 1provided encour- wýas, 'bIns audience as he MCG rman is whene tbe super,,id many bospitals Hous(i rm of tbe Churcb sing-S financial aid is ston. i He said, Jesus Joyce pains and God is Currie e- of suffering and of tle 2 patient and family term an 1,apains and nurses needs of nands at igb tension lands and o .ýi~s He admitted he bad to remove th ýe-seÏediffi- personal upsetting momnents culties. from challenges whicb were The afternoon,, sessions bad not witb God-gýiven strenigth. on 4-H and community partic- ipation over the years, plus an interview. MIr. Carl Zinn from the Bowmanville Brancb of the Canadian limperial Bank of Commerce made the pre- sentations to Annette Taylor of Enniskillen and Paul Larmer of Blackstock. Any- one flot now in the 4-H Progra m, should contact any of the club leaders or the Ontario AMînistry of Agricul- ture and Food, 234 King Street Eaist, Bowmanville - Phone No. 416-623-:3348. Wayside permits through Ministry' To expedite the process of issuing wayside permits, a recent Order in Council delegated the authority to issue a wayside permit to al District Managers within the Ministry of Natural Resour- ces. Under the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971, section 1 defines a "w'ayside pit" or "wayside quarry" as a temporary pit or quarry opened and used by a public road authority solely for the purpose of a particular pro- ject or contract of' road construction. The District Manager may issue the permit subject to any terms and conditions which -in his discretion he considers adviseable. includ- ing terms for rebabilitation and security. If a project or ""110 V t i 10thANNVRSR 7 SATURDAY, November 12 Graduate Reunion-The re wiII be a reception for grads and their spouses at the College in the afternoon at 2 p.m. with tours of the new facilities and a Durham Lords Basketball game. A 1 Oth Anniversary Dance will take place in the Jubilee Pavilion from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. featuring Peter Appleyard and his orchestra. SUNDAY, November 13 The Off iciai Opening of our New Athletic and Activities Building is the highlight of our tenth anniversary celebration. Dr. Harry Parrott, Minister of Collèges and Liniversities wilI officiate. There wiIl be a performance by the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra and tours of the new complex with special sports events. The ceremonies begin at 2:00 p.m., and citizens of the community are welcome. MONDAY, November 14 OPEN HOUSE-at the College's Main Building including the new sports complex, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa-froi noon to nine. The general public is invited. Corne and see what a Comrnunity College is aIl about. There is something for everyone. Special Displays by ail our College Divisions-Applied Arts, Business, Technology, Health Sciences, Adult Trairning, as weIl as by ocr Continuing Education Students. Exhibition games in the new sports complex. Durham Conference Centre Dispiay, contract extends beyond one year, he may renew the permit for a furtber period as is considered appropriate fo the completion of the job. Since being delegated this authority, the Lindsay Dist- rict has issued 32 wayside permits to accommodate gra- nular requirements for road construction contracts, and other governmernt projects. You 100-% cari measuoe Up