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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1977, p. 1

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Juil WVeekly Times, -Wednesday,ý Novemnbeî 3 1977 NO FURTIIER :1 M 0DEVELOPMIENT ON be c a u f 'ieii s .111CHURILL AVENUE x C C c A AIV !N ORONO eequ.-i u w - AlxCarruther, a popular re.sident of Garden HlilI and tbe district passed away on Friday in the P1eterborougli civic Hospital following an illness which first sbowed op this summen-r whene was attending the Queen's Silver Jubilee ini England. He bas been a patient in Peter- borough Civic Hlospital for tbe past montb. H1e was two wveeks away from bis 7Otb birthday. The deceased was a former mnembe',)r of the legislature sitting on tbe side of the governm-ent, the Progressive Conservatives. He first atten- ded tbe legislature in dune of 1959 and represented tbe Durbam riding until bis retirement in 1975. Alex Carrutbers is survived byý bis wiife, Yvonne of Garden HllI and tbree daugbters, Marion (Mrs. La.rry Man- ders) of Kendal, Karen (Mrs. Scott Doberty) of Garden Hill1 and Catherine (Mrs. Roger Wilson)ý aIse of Garden 1Hill. Alex Hugli Carrutbers was born in Alvinston on Decem- ber 2nrd, 1977 receiving bis elementary education in Hope Tewnsbip and bis secondary education in Port Hope. Later lie attended Teachier's Col- 30 years followed tbe teacbing profession before taking Up active politics as tbe repre- sentative for Durbam County. 1Prior to enterîng tbe teacli- ing profession Alex worked in CCM in Weston and also worked on in tbe Garden Hill area. For thir- teen years lie tauglit in the Pine Grove School in North Hope and tbe following seven- teen years was principal of the Dr. Hawkins Public Sehool in Port Hope. Duringi this period lie serv- ed ten years as vice-pr-esidént of t1he Progressive Conser- Le;skard r now in Tyrc Lt w,\ould now appear that a solution which appeared to partially solve a truck traffic on the LeskardO rdad bas not so!veýd the problemn but only replaced it to another area. fil speaking w,ýith Mayor Garniet Rfickard of tbe Tw of Nvcsteon Tuesday lie said tbat lie had just been informed that residents in Tyrone wýere nlow circulating a'petition objecting to truck traffic tbrough the Hlaiet. Residents of Leskard road some weeks age througli a petition to council objected to truck traffic on tbe Leskard road with the result the Town asked the O.P.P. for stricter ,,tîzens Ili Council approvedi a report from tbe Director of Public W'orks wicb in effect stops furtber developmnent on Chur- chill Avenue in tbe Village of Orono. Churchili Avenue is locatedt north of the Orono Public School, It was being asked that Churchill Avenue be con- structed further to the east to allow additional development on the street. Tbe director of public works did not -appro-ve of tbe extension as tbe street comes to a deadend and drops off at the eastern boundary. WEATH!ElR 1,INDER'S NEWCAS,-'TLE WATER INTAKE ISALTO Weather fhas placed a haît on the installaion of the lakewae in-'take pipe into Lake Ont!ario in thie Vilage oIf Oronio. Thie project wi!ll be started up again in the sprinig of 1978. Some 10 feet of pipe bas been laid iin th,!elake. In thie meainimenegta tions cninebetween iMr. Fenneil anld the iRegion ofe Durhiam f lor pr'operty 'to construct ithe pum-ping station for the Newcastle system. n' 1 Monday Mr. Fennecil said the Region was initerested'in fromn 1.5 to 21 arres Mtthe lakefront for thce station. plan ready to go T'Le Senior Citizens devel- opmenît west of Orono is all but ready to, proceed. On Monday Counc. Woodyard presentedLa motion to col-uncil wbich was approved in which the matter of the deeding'of the road to-the Town an d the setting up of a by-law be considered by the Town Manager and Mr. E.R. Love- kmr and if necessary the Mayor caîl a special meeting to make final arrangements and pass thie by-law. Mr. R Lovekin informed cunci-wl that the register of deeds bad received the deed for lands being transferred to) the Towýn from the Ministry of Natural Resources. These lands are now used as a roadway and before develop- mient of tb~e senior, citizens comý.plex, can proceed must be incorporated in a by-law esta!lisbýing the lands as a miunicipalroad. M.Lovekini stated' that b)uilding permits could not be îssued until sucb !lime as the road was properly dedicaited bybya. Counc. Woodyard said that hie lhad been phon,,ed by Mr. Staples of Orono that the Senior Citizens Lodge group bad until the end of' November to clear 'up al! matters in order they could get funding for the cmlx Mr. Lovekin saidc this may be so but feit that CMHIFC wouldiclw somne adt ntim"e. t was also- pointed out at the meeting that the rznn of the lands had been apprOv7- ed by the Otario Municipal Board . ,ro noSanta 'co ing vative Association and six years as president. He was also past master of the Ontario Lodge A.F. & A.M., Port Hope past master of LOL, past preceptor, royal black chapter. Mr. Carruthers was a most popular member of the legis- lature and especially in the riding lie represented, Dur- ham. He was elected on four different occasions in the riding, 1959, 1963, 1967 and 1971. He served as cliairman of the legislature's select eommitte.e on~ aging frorn 1964-67 and a member of thé select committee on electien laws in 1968. He also serveclas cliairman of a committee studying al-terrain vebicles as well as being a member of tbe select committee on education. He was deputy government whip in 1968 and chef wip in 1970. Since retiring fromn politics Mr. Carruthers bas been active in bis community serving on varlous commit- tees as well as beiýng sa member of tbe executive of the Ganaraska Region Con- servation Autbority. * rucks mne enforcement of thie speed hlmit on the roadI and asked iîf trucks could not be redirected to other roadis. S'ince that time it now, appears that somne trucks bave taken a, different route only to antangonize residents in the Tyrone area. There, appears no solution to the problem and it bas been pointed out that the Leskard Road is consI ructed to better suit truck traffic than roads in the Tyrone area. The Tyrooe petition is expected to lie presented to the iiext meeinig of council, the first Mlonday evening in December. Reath asks for better identity water Beath, chairman of thie Regionlal Municipality of Durhamn, spoke te Newvcastle ( Continuied page 2) Trhe Orono' Chamber of. moved to the Orono Park. ai ike.0f oureaSana wdur-b commerce is sponsoring a Plans are now underway ]i aigni ppaacedr dayv for Sa nta in Orono. In the preparation for Santa's visit ing the course of the activi- past the chamber bas beeni on Sunday, December lltha sponsoring a skating party at with activities starting at 2:00 s i e the Orono arena when Santa p.m. in the Orono Park. D o"g Ic n made his annual visit. Due to We understand that an the fact that týeearinno outdoor cook-out will be held costs i mnt c r longer eit h vnL along with other activities for C, dîfferent form, has been both aduits and children A proposai approved byT ________________________________________ counicil on Monday to îne- rease the cost of dog licences A was debated by Coune. Allun ]MÊM E Mwho feit that a fifty per cent NO GREAT AUDIENCE FOR POETRY increase was a personal vend- It appears that Orono and area does flot provide a large etta against dog owners. A audienceefor poetry. Last vveek Mr,arbour oEdmotoni singlet licence has ineresTe. presented readings of bis poetry at the Clarke Library on from $10.00 to $15.00 if paid Thursday evening witb an audience of three, one from the prior to February ist, 19 7 area and two captive fromn the staff. A simnilar promotion in and tii $18.00 if paid after Ajax however was flot that much better with an audience of February îst. seven.- .- -1 NO GREAT AUDIENCE FOR POETRY ILt appears that Orono and area does not provide a large audience for poetry. Last week Mr. Barbour of Edmonton presented readings of is peetry at the Carke Library on Tbhursday evening witb an audience of tbree. one from the area and two captive from tbe staff. A similar promotion in Ajax however \vas net tbat mucli better witb an audience of seven. ('HAIRMAN TO REPORT Council of the Town of Newcastle* on Monday gave approval for the chairman of the Planning Administration Committee, Counc. Dykstra, te report te residents of the Oronio Estates the final decision of council regarding the miatter of interchange of pro)perty in the su)b-dïivisiont. t was reported las, week, that the proposai for a commercial developmrent will not proceed and for a sumn of $15,000 the Town bas purchasedl ail land formnerlyone by Home Smitbi in the development including lot 21, now used as a pathway to and from the Villa-ge. OUTDOOR0f ARENA FOR ORONO The council of the Towni of Newcastle gave permission for the use of the Orono Park this winter for tbe development of an- outdloor rink. A request wasncmade by a groýup in Orono headed by Mr. Ron Reed wvas given permission on Monday te proceed witb their endeavours. TOWN T'O SEEK FUND RAISING INFORMATION At a recent meeting of the finance committee of the Town of Newcastle the treasurer and Town Manager were authorized te report at the next mfeeting of the committee on monies tbat are available from the fund raising committees reiating te arena construction. Aise representatives of the Town on the Museum Board are to report and advise on the matter of financing the purebase of the old Kirby Schooi. A by-law designating tbe scbool as baving architectural and biistorical value was aIse given tbree readings and thus. passed. FUND REACHfES $105,575.00 The building fund for the Orono arena complex has now reached a total of $105,575.00 muade up of $49,091 in cash and $56.484 in pledges. INQUEST ADJOURNED The inquest into the death of Christopher E. Mudge wbo died in a twe-car collision dune 2tb at Mosport bias been adjourned te December l2tb. Coune. Allun balked at the increase and said it was far above wbat is being allowed by tbe Anti Inflation Board. Counc. Woodyard pointed out tbat the Town was running into more costs over dog control resulting in a need for Miss inda DeJonge, dau- glter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit DeJonge of Orono recently received ber diplomna in Fashion NMercbandising fromn Shaws Colleges in Toronto. Miss DeJonîge acbieved lion- Decemiber 12th c e be present on greater funds from- licences. He aise said tbat costs of a licence bad dropped if dogs were eitber spayed or neut- ered, $8.00 prior te February lst and $10,00 if purcbased after February lst. "We are tyring to cut down' on the number of dogs in the municipality", lie saîd, "as well as balancing tbe bud- get". Counce. Taylor stated tbat costs were rîsing and support-, ed the increase in tees. He~ also noted tbe decrease for spayed and neutered dogs and said it was a 'pay as you go' service. Counc. Dykstra aIse said tbe operation sbould pay far itSplf ours in the course. The college was founded in 1892) and bas becomne one of the largest co-educational colieges in Canada offering courses orientated te careers in business and faslhions. . . ........

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