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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1977, p. 1

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Orotio Weekly Trimes, Wednesday, November 30th, 197 Costs more to lîve in Clarke Friday afternoon Mayor Rickard at a neWs conference preseated figures to the news media which showed that the average home owner in Clarke Township and Orono paid considerable more in taxes than dd the average home owner la Darington, l3owm-anvllle or Newcastle Village, From bis figures the average home owaer in Clarke or Orono pays $69-(10 more than ln Darlington, $128.17 more than in Bowman- Ville and $241.20 more than the average home owaer in, Newcastle Village. The mxay- or-gavelittle-hope that ther or gave little hope thnat there would be any change ia this îneqalityï, unt-il such im-ie as the Province begins tCo use ma.rket Value assessment to calculate ta"es or until the tranisîtinal grants rua oula 1979. The miayvo's figures aIse, showed that home own-rers in Clarke andl Orono have had the lgreatest increaýse in taxation over the past four years under the regionial government system. This inc- rease has been $257.49 or 58 per cent during the four year period. Mayor Rickard points out that la his opinion the equalizing factor used by the province to set equaized ass9ssments throughout the f our wards in the Town is not fair. He also points out that the Town had no jurisdîction over the setting of the factors as it is the sole responsibility of tbe province. During the past election 'the Kriby Senate was concerned ový,er the inequality of taxation in the Town and tbat home- oiwaers la Clarke paid a greater portfon of the taxes tban those in tbe oth' er wards. Since that time the Ton as met,-,,ith representatives cf tbe Province's' Treasury Bra-neh but with no cag yet coming iforth. Ln speakîng with ayor Rickard he said tbe Treasury B oard ba s said tbe'y would see Uf something ouW, be done internally te help e-ven out the inequalit y. An, inter- (Continued page 2) Lo etrate Orono s kate r does for drpoutsweiI in Belleville for reputsM-iss Stephanie Hood, 10, a The lowest rate of drop-outs memnber of the Orono Figure has been recorded se far this, Skat;ing Club placed first in year in the Northumberlandcli er flight of the Junior Ladies and Newcastle Board of, skating competition held in Education systemr which may Belleville last weekend. As a be attrïbuted t, the pooir resul.t of this placement- employment picture across~ Stephanie will compete in the the nation. The directer 0f. Eastern Ontario finals being education, Mr. Frank Thorn, held in Trenton on the has reported a dropout per~ weekend of December 9 to 11. cent of 1.7 per cent compared & with 2.2 in the early part of- students in the schools are in 1976, 1.9 per cent in January, guiieral staying on. and 2 per cent in April. At the end of October the The 1.7 per cent figure, total enrolmeat 3n the Nortb- represents 133 students fronm umberland and Newcastle the presen't SChool system. It system was 2,291 students, bias also been pointed out that With. 13,'360 enrolled la ele- it is the younger student in mentary schcols, 7,799 in secor.darýy schools that aIe~ secondary schools and 132 ia dropping out and tiiat odeir trainable retarded schools. LOCAL PIGEON FANCIER A WI'NNER Mr. Barclay Crezier cf reno was a re-cent wianer at the Royal Winter FaWinl Torento in the fancy pfigeon, division. 'WANTS MORE 1NDFOq2,1e1TION The federal Enrvironmtrenital Assessmenit Panel bas asked Eldo)rado Nuclear Ltd. for more specific information on, seven points r7elatiýng to their proposed development lai Porýt Granby Fîurtlher information is being sought on the ratioriale of the project, consideration cf alternate sites, pr,-oject dsrpin a managemnent, en_îvîroamental data reqiiiremneats, m-onitoriag programns and impact cf the plant la theara LOOKING FOR AOHRTHIRE'l'O FOUR INCH1ES 0F SNOW According te Mr. Dick Rutherford, manager cf the Oshawa Ski Club, there is still a need for another three te four inches cf saow before the club will open for skiing. Work is progressing on the construction of twe new T-bar tows at the hill and it could be a number cf weeks before this work is comnpleted. Devl's Elbow ln the Bethaay area opened their operation over the past week-end. Thie question remains, how long will this snow last. THE FIRST WHISK OF SNOW A scant blanket of snow over the week-end hrougbit eut a few snowmobiles and at least f ive such vehicles were nloted in the Ganaraska Forest on Sunday along with a few motor bikes and many walkers. PURCHA-/SE LAND FOR FIRE HALL Mayor Rickard bas noted that 2.5 acres bad been purchased on Trull's rond aorth cf Nash Road for a new Courtice Fire Hall. The purchase price $35,0N.00. At a meeting last week with Courtice residents andý a comimittee cf ceuncil he made the suggestion that perhaps lot monies held hy the Town could be used te help with the construction of a commrrunity centre in the area possibly as an addition te the lire hall. "I just threw this out as a suggestion", said the Mayor. Early Saturday morni-ng a thief or thieves broke into the Orono T.own Hiall stealing the pendulumr from the Miaster Clock as well as lifting two fire extinguishers and two fire exit light fixtures. The stage drapes were aise pulléd from their tracks and thrown outside the bujildin.g. The enitry wvas mnade some- time prior to 2:27 e al! dJock-sin the building camne to a hait due to the theft of the master dlock pendu- lum. The master dlock as well as the outside tower diock and other inside dlocks were a gcif t to the former Township of Clarke in 1935. The gif t was from the estate of tie late Mary A. Harris. The dlock system at the Town Hall, according to Mr. H. Mercer, who bas lookecd after the works since its installation, is unique i the area. Ife stated that only ln Cobourg was there a similar system in operation. The dlock and system was madle in England and Mr. Mercer feit that little could now be~ done te put the system back into operation unless, of course, tne pendulumn was returned. Other working parts cf the miasIe-r dock are stili intact in the myain auditoriumn of the Towni Hall. The Master Cloc-k bas gîven excellent service for the past forty-two years and kept good time tbroughout the period. There bas been some diffîcul- ty with the out-side works ia the tower ckc but this had ncthing te do with the master dlock. The tower dlock bas hadý somre mechanical pro- blemns cf its owa. Lt bas been poînted outithat the master cdock governed ail the dcks in the Town Hall even te the tower diock. The master' dock was housed la a locked cloýsed-ia cabinet in the main auditor- iumn of the hall. The thief broke the glass removing the penduluai but leaving other parts cf the dlock intact. Mr. Mlercer points out that the whole systerri eperates off a 24 volt battery and wlth the exception of mechanical workiags in the tower dlock ail was la excellent condition. Some years ago the dlock used te chimfe out the heurs due te noise and h.idipendi- bility the bell wAs discoaaect- The break-laiis beiag laves- tîgated by the Ontario Proevin- cial Police. !51F,ýF~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1! -- ý, . ,1ý - -, - ,- --- i 9

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