4-O)ronlo Wel imJ)enedv ecenilwr 7th, 1477 SPO ýTS c to judge the difference. Trophies and awards pre- sented at th-e meeting -ýwere as follows: The John Stark Memorial Trophy was presentied by Wayne Sta-ýrk to Steven West. Th e trophy wa,5s accepted by junlior West ink his soni's, absence. The Iloy Sleep NMemorial Trophy was presented to Shi rley Robinson for hier work with the club arnd was received by hler husband, Bob Robinsonf. SmalIl plaques wr present- ted v) managçer Pete Maar- tense and to co--ach Johný The Labatt "lyesof the Month" awardis wr rn ted te John Robinson, Doug Taylor, Erie Moore and Steven West. The mnost vaJuabIe player award was presented to Eric .Moorewh during the iast season rang u an envia'ble record in his pitching duties for the club. He was the top pitherofthe league. (Con)tlinued page 5) - e e Litte LaherNail Works $14.85 Hlot Shave$87 Styler î-Dryer- Compact $29.65 Hair Dryer $I26,95 Junior West accepts the John Stark Memorial trephy for son Steven. The present- ation is being made by Wayne Stark. PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARN ESS (Formerly B3ert Tomkifls Phone 786-2552 Or.... Building 1Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Oconlo Eagles hold b' trE av, ne, foi tIo pi sit gr annual meeting The Kendal Eagles Base- even though the club did nlot iii Club held their annual have such a successful year eeting on Saturday at on the field. ýrownsville Commnunity Cen- Mr. Mort Hallowell in .e. Following a delicious addressing the gathering ask- ast beef banquet the annual ed is audience to refleet on wards were presented and a the past and to vîew the ew siate of officers elected present to determine if r, the club for 1978. change should be made or if Bill Robinson, president of any change is desired. Hle e club welcomed those asked if the club wanted to resent and thanked area develop for a championship ierchants who made pos- or to play for entertaininent ble the publishing of their both for themselves and for ub's most successful pro- the fans. If you want change, 7ramn of years. He aise thank- he said, you must acquire the ,l the fans for their support habit for change. H4e said he was not promoting change or even maîntaining the status quo but rather hoped to stimulate thought for the future of the club. Hallowell referred to a new entry in the league for 1978. IIa't Leave He pomnted out that Newcastle was to f ield a team in the ILt.e Chan"e league and that this would Be sure your homne is truly have some piuses and minus protected by a good policy for the Kendal club. He said Cail us now the entry of Newcastle will Mil Ison I nsura nce create greater interest in bal Agencyfor eve-n Kendal fans, should Offie: ornr o Chrch increase fan participation Offce Cornler ofChSret and that a rivalry should and 83-5e032 Stee stimulate bal in the area. On 1the other hand he said Kendal could loose players to the new club. The speaker said he would like to leave one thought for on Specials the club, 'Grant me the knowledge to accept those u r s e 1f tiniv ecag hs things I can, and the wisdom Philishave - Super 12 Crazy Baby B lio Electrie &49% Curling $By9 Razor $44.y9 Iron $99 Chanel for Men Chanel No. 5 Atter Shave. Cologne Perfume, cologne, soap and gift sets powder and gif t sets Yardley Gif t Sets Arpege and Coiognes and Aftershave My Sin by Lanvin His and HersI Manicure Sets by Westport 2.99 -4.99 Tmx Watches by Premier 11.95 - 29.95 Decorator Christmas aloM i r i r r Ceramie alo irrMro Plates $5.95 by Ciairol $19.*19 A wide selection of cards, bows, giftwrap, table MAIN Sl. OflONO.Ot4t *.983-509 ctoths, napkins andi place mats byCilton ****....,...... p ax for Men Souper Lunchec HeIp Yot * .- to ourii two soups-of-thie-day, al you want. Then chose one of our four daiiy speeciais, enjoy de-ssert, in inish w iith tea or coffee .fromjst $19 AInd take a look at ouir iew COPPER BOILER'ROOMA INEîWDUTCOWEN i ;.115 at Tauntoni Rd-, Orono Clarke Public LI BRARY PHONE 983-5507 Moýnday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2: 00 to8: 00p. n. Saturday 10: 00 to 5: 00 p.M. Orono, Ontario 14