cah Baz aa once agamn the big day for 1Heather Social Club is past. Thanks to ail who donated, bought tickets and attendJed the bazaar, it was, once again, a success. Salad bowl set, made and donated by George Dunlop, won by Mrs. Rypstra, New- tonville. Hair cut and blow dry, donated by Cheryle, Orono Hair Care, won by Kimn Sherwin, Orono. Decorated cake, made and donated by Audrey Walker, won by Eleanor Tyrreil, Orono. Quilt, won by Roy Barrabaîl, Sheets won by Aima Watson, Apples won by Julie Gray. The quilt was made and donated by Past Noble Grands Club 62, apples donat- ed by Mrs. Evelyn'Glanville. On behaif of the Commrittee 1 wish to thank, very sincer- ely, ail those who donated ail the beautiful things to make such a good bazaar. Also a sincere thanks to ail who worked so hiard on Saturday. Hope to see ail officers and members out for the Christ- mas party, our next regular meeinig, Tuesday, December 13, a t 6:00 p. m. Oron Wekly ime,, WdnedayDecembher 7th, 1977-7 big winter Safer sombln starts wïih a driver traîin course. youngsters aged 12 to 15 and persons 16 and over who don't have arn Ontario Motor Vehicle Driver's License. Graduates receive a proficiency certificate that must be validated as a snowmobile operator's ticense at any MTC driver examination centre for a $ 2.00 fee. For fuit details about the OFSC Driver Training Course, contact OFSC Driver Training Office, R. R. # 1, Jordan Station, Ontarjo LUR iSO Telephone (416) 562-4922. Free Handbook. Get a free copy of the new "Snowmiobiler's HandbI-ook"-wýithý snowmiobiling regulations, safety tips, trait informnatiorn, signs, tann course information, wind-chill factor chart anId ot'her usefuitemsnI.-from- anyI MvTC drivecr ex,,amination centre or liceinIîg Office. Available mIidi-Deccmber. O James Snow, Min ister of Transportation and Communications William Davis, Premiier Province of Ontario Snlowm-obiling hasr becomie a way, of Ife fo-r many Ontarians, because it'sa healthýy,enoae sport. Also, it's often a necessityý in remote areas or duiring emi-ergencies. Now you and your f irlanleamn sno(wmob)Iilinig skills from the experts, through the Driver Training Course offered by the Ontario Federation of Snlowmobile Clubs (OFSC) in conjunction with the Onerrî Safety League and your Ontario Ministr of Transportation and Com mun icatrions. TAh e ure sdesignd for This is what Ontarlo recommends for snowmnobile safety.