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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1977, p. 8

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8-Orono Weeklv T'imes, Wednesday, December 7th, 1977 Seek developmnent west Bowmnanvîlle The Durham Region plan- ning and developmnent depart- ment last Tuesday at a meeting held in Bowmanville stated they would miuch rather see future develop- ment take place hmmediately west of Bowmanville rather than as proposed by the Town of Newcastle to the north and east. The department was reporting on a special study made on lands wÀ,est of Bowmanville and now held by developers. This land was set aside as a special study area some one and a haîf years ago. The a rea conta ined somne 1300 acres. The land is located west of Martins Road, north of High- way 401 within the northern boundary two miles north of Highway 2 a nd with a western boundary of the Maple Grove rond. The area would contain developmnent for a populatiod of 6,000 to 8,000 people. It was pointed out at the meeting that if the proposai was accepted by the planning committee and by the region- al councîl development could be started as early as 1980. It was stated at the meeting that the area west of Bow- manville was the most logical for development due to close- ness to transportation an~d ense of service. The depart- ment favoured this area for development over the north and east sector of Bowman- ville. At *the present time Bow- manville development is ai- Most at a stand stili and wil' remain so until such time as the new Soper sewage treat- ment plant is completed sometime in 1980. At one time the development firm of Milan and Milan had propos- ed they would bear the cost of a treatment 'plant for Bow- manville to allow develop- ment in the west. This offer was turned down by the Town of Newcastle. Winterîze drîving Each year at this time a number of motorists become involved in automobile acci- dents because they fail to winterize their vehicles ,and even more importantly their driving. If you haven't already done so, the Ontario Provincial Police urge you to equip your vehicle for winter. Lack of traction and poor visibiity There was five inches of rainfaîl in November. This has been the wettest year in ninety-nine years. Letters fromn our friends have come with remarks like, "We have just finished digging the last of our potatoes out of the niud". Let us hope that beca use we have had so mnuch ramn there will be less snowfall the coming winter. Kendal was a busy place on Saturday night. The Orange- mnen were holding a dance in the Hall and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow was holding a Piano Recital in the United Church. There were forty-two numn- bers including those by a younig violinist, J. Danbe and the guest pianist Eric Lamb- ier. Ail the children put on ani exceedingly fine performance and they and their teacher Mrs. L. Farrow are to be coagratulated. This writer enjoyed the duets Nadine and Sharon Stapleton sang, "Go tell it on, the mountain", and "Mansion over the hilltop". Gwenyth Ard and Mary Lowery sang, "I don't know who holds tomorrow- and "Silver Belîs". Over Hlil and Dale was played by Shelley and Lance Payne. "Warblers of the Forest" was played by Gwenyth Ard and Lance Payne. 0f course we ail enjoyed, "Frosty the Snowman" by our Kendal kiddies. Mlany of us are rather confused by the new road sîgns. We see speed limit 50 kilometers and our speedo- meter is in miles. Simrply nultiply the first digit by six. That is 5 x 6 equals 30 miles an hour. If the speed limit is g0 km. multiply eight by six and you get 48 miles an hour or are the major causes of winter mishaps, therefore, ensure you have good snow tires for traction and to obtain the best possible vîsibility make sure you have a good pair of windshield wipers, an ice scraper and your defrost- er is functioning properly. t is also essential to adjust your driving.during the win- ter months. Take time in the about 50 miles an hour. After the events Saturday night we were rather surpris- ed to see so many out on Sunday morning. 0f course the Sunday School were practicing for putting on their annual program next Sunday morning at 1: 15. Rev. Tiz- zard announced that there would be a pot luck dinnier following this program next Sunday morning. The scrip- ture reading was St. Luke 2:1-20 (the Living Bible) Verse 15 says, "Let's go to Bethlehem. Let's see this wonderful thing that has happened". t was emnanuel God with us. They ran to the village to find out. This was an entirely new idea. God a baby meek and lowly. H1e changed the time fromn B. C. to A.D. Jesus gave us a new idea of forgiveness and love. Christmas means more than presents. They say the Shep- herds brought a lamb as their gift to Him. But his gift that day was lîfe eternal to ail who come to Himn. Everyone is weicomne next Sunday the eleventh to hear, the children's programn and enjoy the pot luck dinner at noon. Long ago people were very proud of the "pony express" Today we have the "ox-cart express" running between Orono and Kendal. The Orono Weekly Times is put in the Post Office Wednesday. Lt reaches lçendal Monday mor- ning. To a -..vel eight miles by the "Ox-cart express" it takes four days. Lt, travels two miles each day. Visitors last week end with MIr. and Mrs. John Westlake were her sister and husband MIr. and Mrs. Jack Mesher. morning to clear the windows of your vehicle for improved visibility and when roads are ice or snow covered avoiding accidents depends on your ability to control your vehicle. Avoid unnecessary quick ac- celerations that could resuit ln ioss of control. Slow down for corners and downgrades earlier than normal and leave extra room for stopping. Winterize your vehîcle and driving und have an accident free winter this year. C.J, Strachan, No. 5202, New Years' Eve Party and Dine and Dance to the Country Strings. Reserve Now at Forum Restaurani ANDTAVERN Hwy. 115 r At Your Service .. Wakefield Insurance Agency Fire Auto Life Home Pension Farm R. &P. Attentioon Farniers!! Reasonable Prices SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel SMotor Oul ~ J ~ Gasolinp phone 668-3381 Collect 1517 Oundas St. E., Whitby DX FUEL 011 For Prompt Courteous Service CLUSTODAY T he Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-Law No. 77-82 Being aby-Law to designate the Old Kirby School of Architectural and Historic Value.' WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, authorizes the Couincil of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate real property, inlcuding ail the buildings and structures thereon to be of historie or architectural value or interest; and WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has caused to be served upon the owner of the lands and premises known as Old Kirby School, situated ut the junction of Highway 115 and Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, n)ow% in the Towni of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to he published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipalty once for each of three consecutive weeks; and WHEREAS the Old Kirby one roomn public school building and property have a very significant historical and architectural value and interest to the Town of Newcastle and its people la that it is of original framne* construction, wjll be 100 yenrs old in 1978, and is one of the last remaining one room school houses i its original state, in the Town of Newcastle; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation bas been served upon the Clerk of the municipality; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. There is designated as being of historic and architectural value of lnterest the real property more particulnry described in Schedule "A" hereto, known as, the Old Kirby School at the junction of Highwny 115 and Concession 7, former Township of Clarke. now' Town of Newcastle. 2. The Town Solicitor is hereby a uthorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered agninst the property described la Schedule "A" hereto in the proper land registry office. 3. The Town Clerk is hereny authori'zed to cause a copy of this by-law to be served upon the owner of the aforesaid property and upon the Ontario Hleritage Foundation and to cause notice of this by- law to bc published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Newcastle. BY-LAwi reau a thrst and second time this 21st day of Novemiber A.D., 1977 BY-LAW rend a third time and finally passed this 2lst day of November A.D., 1077 GB. Rickard, Mayor J.M. Mclitroy, Clerk. Schedule A -AL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality o)f Durham, Provýince of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot Twenty-five (25) la the Seventh Concession of the Geographic To wnship of Clarke, Formerly la the County of Durham, contnining by, admeasurement 2.7.38 acres, be the saine more or less, the boundaries of the snid parcel being more particularly described as follows; PREMISING thnt ail benrings herein are astronomic derived fromn Plan 10 R 56.5; COMM1,ýENC"ING at an iron bar planted ln the Easterly imnit of snid Lot 25 distant 131.87 feet mieasured North 17 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West therein fromn the South-Ensterly angle thereof according to said Plan 10 R 565; THENCE South 70 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds West n distance of 146.27 feet to an iron bar plnnted at the point of, intersection with the Easterly limit of King's Hlighway Numbers 35 and 115 as shown on Said Plan 10 R 565; THENCE Northerly nlong the lnst-mentioned limiit, being the Easterly limits of the lands designnted ns Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, according to snid Plan 10 R 565 on the following courses and distances: North 15 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West 445.52 fret to an iron bar mnrking the beginning of a curve to the right, said eurve hnving a radius of 1835.08 feet, nnd a chord equivalent of 409.11 feet mensured North 09 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West; Northerly along the said curve an arc distance of 409.96 feet to an iron bar marking the end of the snid cur-ve; North 03 degrees 05 inuttes 30 seconds West 201 feet to an iron bar; North 72 degrees 32 minutes East 10.14 feet to an iron bar planted ln the Ensterly limit of snid Lot 2.5; THENCE South 17 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East nlong the last-mentioned limit a distance of 1106.03 feet more or less to the POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT.1 This is Scehedule "A" to By-Law No. 77-82 passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 21st day of November, 1977à. G.B. Rickard, Mayor J.M. McIllroy, Clerk. Kvendal News

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