-9 -O)rono Weekly Tintes, Wednesday. I)ecemiber l4th, 1977 C hI* s tmas 10s aelteq urne1 for1 sharirKl Chri'stmas ýjoy shines in us ail The spirit of Christmias-it mieans m iany things to many differe2nt people, yet it is aive and real in spite of aîttempts toeicmi, bringing to people alI over the world a timne ofjoy, a feeling of brotherhood and a sense of rene-wal-of friendships, love and hope. Christmas for somie is a deeply religious experience. For others, Chrîstiai n an non-Christians alike, it is a joyous tirne to gather wîth family and friends, to send ca)rds and letters to Ah thosewe may have neglected in the past year, and to shop for ahthe lovely presents that wîll sit temptingly under the tree -until Christmas, Day. Most spreial i Iitou can make Indeed, the Christ mias gift list is a very special part of the loving Christmas spirit-it's somethingdifferent from any other ls ofrinames in the world. t may be large or small, filled in vit-h everything from the practical to the extraordinar y, but every Ilist of Christmas plans is a very personal expression of friendship and love. No mere'shopping guide, the Christmas gift list is an, important extension of the joyous spirit of Chdstmasw itsef-a time for caring, shaing, a time to s.top anid refiect on a year's worth of memnories and thDse w,,ho Made th-em special. 1As we wnite down the namnes of the friends and relatives we wish to prc- sent wîth our holiday packages, we recal ail of the qualities of each per- so isted. Chrismsi the- time when ever!y pre- A list this persona], this loving and thoughtful, re- quires a great deal of plain- ning. needless to say. sent must be 'speciaL, every package filled with delight. To find such gifts in- volves more than a casual thought. In a sense, the Christmas shopper places himself ahead to Christ- mas Day, to the moment when the wrappings are undone and the ibbons scattered, in hopes of finding just the r-ight item to light up a face and widen a smnile. The aniswers mPay corne to us as weie to work, while cleaning the attic or reaiding the Sunday pape-r. Suddeýnly we remnember thie look on mother's face the day she spotted that special blue dressý. . or the littie hints thýat dad' s been dropping Ail along for a new rod and tackle... or the extra attention the y'oung ,tomboy-tuirned- teenager has been paýying Io her wardrobe and the ,way junior' s been spotted practicing w-ýih- a tie in front of the it irror. We remember a friend's favotite color, or fra- grance, or how mauch she admaired a certain style, We e ven i1n-zercept Santa's letters on their way to the North Pole in the hopes of keeping up with St. Nick iu spreading Christmas jo y to the chtldren! caring Tre' sdecoration refleet shared joys! Christmas is -a time of fam- ily tradition. And the most important of alil famnily tradi- tions is oýften 'the family Christmas tree. Time spent dJecorat,îng the tree-and thel orniaments chosen-reflect a famrily's taste, style and heritage, and tend an even greater spirit of sharing to the Christmnas sea- son.ý With so man-y baubles, trinkets adornaments available, how does one de- cîde what . 'look",ft, famnily t ree shocld Ihaiv e? ne Vwa y tol approach theprec is by cho)osing! a singile theme around which tree-ornamnents are chosen a-nd then hand- made by memibers of the famn- ily. Tree dlecorations made fromn eggs, for instance, can be creative, 'fun" orna- ments to miake. ýFgg-shell Sant-ias" are easiliy miade by piercing oie end of a iraw egg wiha needie, the othier end wiha slightly ticker- prong. Fo remiove the egg's con- tents,Nblow ito fthe smaller hole; thýn dean and dr-y the egg. Using inidia ink, draw a cýircle abouýt onie inch from the top of the egg. Paint the area above the line reçl, for Santa's "a. Add another circle, approximately 14i inch below, and drwin spots f'or his cap's f'ur trim-ýminig. Using red or pink paint, draw Santa's rosy face, leav- ing a small white area at thie bottom for Satnta's "bear." Hang eggshehl Santas usinig a twist tie from a plastic bag, inserting each into the smal- er hole in Santa's cap. There's an old Ukrainian custom for tree ornaments made from egg shels, a tradi- tion dating back many years and featuring elaborate de- signs. Empty the egg's con- tents by following the in- structions above. Then, usirig water colors,. fine fine markers or colored pencils, create striking patterns ,and animated faces. Other designs may include copying your favorite cloth CHRISTMAS MAY BE the whole famil's ho)lidlay, but for children, it's the ntost exiciting inte of year. And with personally-engratved] Lilikins kwiinklinig orna- ments front Lillilan Vernon~, children can. help) start a iiew family traditioni as thiey haq.g the solid brass orna.. ments on the tree.. pattern right onto the egg. By applying a thin layer of glue to the egg, glitter, bxaided yarni and bits of cloth may also be used to add a cre- ative, personal flair. But no -matter what the theme or ornaments, ail tree decorating ideas are merely a way of "personalizîng- a Christrnas tree. An inexpen- sive collection of Lillikins fromn Lillian Vernon, for in- stance, give a tree a glittering effect, and~ can quickly be- come a family tradition or make excellent gifts. Available in most fine de- partment stores or through the mail, Lillikins are made of solid brass and other fine metals, and are personally engraved at no extra charge. To give a Christmas tree a strictly traditional look, dec- orate it with edible orna- ments: dried fruits, hard can- dies, popcorn, cranberries, and of course, candy canes. If you're lucky-and can ,keep the children away- they'll last right through Christmas Day! WHIILE VISIONS 0F» SUGARPLUMS, DANCE IN THEIRHED ... Santla Clatis shares withlîwo admrirers a failfiar yuid4e favo,(rite before begin-ning his annuîial vti ion the night lbefore ChriStmuas 19774. (Photoortsy Santa's W'ork-shop and the Wela Cor,,) to dlecorcate tree and tlil#Iale Spahi , acr ni, ga-,Illi II, tomi ..they may fot !be,, standard Christmas fare, buýt a clever laydyfom urpstat New Yordhas found that c they cani be served up as a- n prtt oliday eoatos Designer Constanc Spates Uses assortd pastas ýçU%&W A wo curae decorations that range frmfanciful tree or- nUe)st a pureC and sý11impe ange. Shc's enejin nde a Boedeenanaher bhasic ingreientsare Just ard andElmr'sGlue-Ail. Readý her t'ips on how, to ma!uke theseC holiay trimmingshen An gl:U sea12" Ec styotom cnefor the bop., a 3" bailFor t hehead. Cut off the tip of cone, and gli!e bal i, J in place. Cover body wth hin spaghetti (do't worry tha the 10" spaghetti is too short; the preCtty collar and border,Mm of pasta shelis and bowties, will Cover the gaps.) Uise ruffled pasta like -nmafada", fo decorative center strip. PlASTA TOO PRETTY TO EÂT': Deightfai do-iit- Hint: work mn sections. yourself holiday decorations can corne front the a"plig Emer's glue genier- kitchen shelf when >'ou gluie îpa8ta 1to ardboard oar ousy to cone as you go. sty-rofoa1ît, or even ýtrin]g il Ill in garlands1ý for dIle r. On ai, ue igt-cloedYou ca gîve ié a sparling fiIlilh wih Krylon mýra fa bricforfae; smt-oth paints, or Iease it natural, like the charning angeL. and secure with straight pins. their long edges with strps of p edesuti m ade fr-onm a Glue on features cut from mrasking tape. Stand them up crdboaid box. Spray-paint felt. and fold so tape is inside (ex- to match y our- table setting. Glue on rice pastfoAr hair cept for lst edge, which wjll OnanentWHS: Malke strings and make halo fromn bejoined outside.) of pasta tub>es. sprayed caedboard, covered vith Coiver with spgti. ia Bright Gold or coIors. Add pasta- bow-ties and with decoraewth pasa bow rines, pendants of large pasta 'ys" of spaghetti. shells and ck'screws. Glue shells, with tassels of -""y Tree:- Cut four triangles of on wooden bals for feet and, pasta tubes StrUng together cardboard, and join along if desired, add matchig and tipped with pasta shelis.