8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesdary, December 14th. 1977 A popular outing- on Sundav -Wagon rides into the Orono Tree Nursery proved popular for, young and old alike on Sunday. The Worlun-,atE - aawyw ocetre gp intvis-e and sa-'wh'orsýe n one 293- ise -vt 4"îwopeniing o(-P, erate n!araleor wth- taper ctonVise pegs hbold wîdo or awkward objecfs ,Fi oldf sîcs z. luînm rme 10 388 6 . . 59.99 2t ~ 4 Accessories foi use wii, yur lpowver 3> oufemae10.,-)38ý92 .199 4'? Gripmaýtelî05 38-,84 ...599 SAVE $12.00 onthîsCor,înaion Offeri1 Youget 3/4- p[delue router w 11dubl însuýtlafed motor, akand pînio D,epthcnto Wîf wecbsgids.14"rg see i:t, carryîngi case plus -pue ruuîeýr bit sel Routieî if .74.99 Routýer bit set 14.98 Buy bath and Save $12.00 800 5ý567 77.97 6Finshing sander ki. Yo;gel salid-r~ spatule iaand sandîng oaper Patccer! yîng case 105-3876 . . 27.97 7 Drli klt.YOU get ý8" 1twýo-speed cdrîll wîtb e însulefed otor pllus drill bits, sandung dîscs, etc., ,\vPryfhling sibown uprry7- ng case 105-3332. 8 Jig saw kit. ',ou get two-speed fig, saw 8wîth double irsulýated motor plscîrcte cuftng ettachmnenf and peck of bledes Hendy Car rying case. 1ù5-3850 , 29.77 Deluxe 7','," circuler saw. Feetures dou- ble insuliated motor, bevel and depth aIdjustmfents. Wrap-around steel shoe for suppot. Wth 7'i(" blade. 105-3264 .. 59.79 iln Circular. saw bades. Three blades, 71/4" 1, se You gj ef combination, plywood and crossouc.t blades 105 3493 -Pack .. 11.79 1lDluxe ~"dril.Featuires variable speed action plujs reverse Douible îni-sulted motor 1!05 224 . . 29.77 ,2 Cordless 1/4' Jrill. Tketinwhr Chiargr ue d 63 ' 37.99 m< Delýuxe -belitsander. Profssion l[lîf MU fo -,eeint resulfs Doubleinute mrrPrecîs on balan!Hrced, no tîlîng or gouy_ ng, o fontconrols105290... 79.95 .14 AVE$5.2 onthî CominaionOffer! Youi gef deluxe Variable speed jig se-w; bevel cufts to 45', plus sfarfer pack of jigsaw blades. Jig sew.39M9 Pack of 5 blades 2.29 BUY both and Sae.$5.29 800- 5559 . 36.99 Pnces subject tachange wîthout notice. oi0LPH Do-minion HARDWARE MAIN ST., ORONO 9350 983-5207