1o-orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Decemiber 21st. 1977 Coroner's jù'ry told death may have been prevented In a report in the Oshawa Times dealing with a coro- ner's inquest it was reported that the death of a 47-ear-old Scarborough man may have been prevented at the Bow- manville Memorial Hospital if routine emergency proced- ures had been properly fol- lowed by the doctor in chiarge of the case. The man was a heart attack victim. According to the report Dr. Gary Webb, chief of Wellesley Hlospital's cardiology depart- ment told the inquest there were numerous alternatives /available to attfempt the revival of the patient after his heart stopped in the emer- gency room- on October lth. After eleven minutes of the patients arrivai at the hospi- tal he was pronounced dead by the attending physician, Dr. James Cunningham. Webb is reported to have said that the patient, Russell G. Grant, wasn't given a chance to live., Webb also told the inquest that he could not understand why Cunningham, had not proceeded with ahl the pre- scribed treatment since the nur-ses had the means - drugs and machines - set up in advance for the patient. It was reported that Grand a dmitted himself to hospital and complained' that he could not breathe. He was taken to the treatment room where he was given oxygen and had his blood pressure taken. Nurses wheeled in a 'crash cart' wiceh contains drugs and machines set up specifically to treat cardiac arrest pat- ients. Webb sazid the nurses on the job had done their work well. He also added that if some of the practices had been followed it wýas not guaranteed that the patient would have survivedl but added that usuaill the suc- cess rate was about sixty per cent. Following the hearing the coroner's jury made a film- ber of recommendations: that aIl emergency room staff, including doctors and nurses, be trainéd and knowledgeable about the basic life-support systems available in the hospital; tha t key emergency staff, the people designated to daîly handie heart attack victims, be trained in life- support systems according to American Heart Association standards; that hospital, staff have inhouse training courses to learn about these stand- ards; that the public be made aware of the care available for heart attack victims in hospitals; that the Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital Board of Directors upgrade heart attack systems in their emnergency department as well as forms and charts recording a heart attack case;'that the hospital sh ould make on-going medical edu- cation mandatory for staff before their reappointment to hospi tal positions is consider- ed. ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE MAI N ST., ORONO 983-5207 At Your Service... WakNefield Insurance Agency F iir e A uto Life [ Homne Pension Farm R.SP. ANDTAVERN Newca stle 9742 CANOCO0 PETROLEUM LTD. Hwy. 115 and 35 THIE DOLLAR SAVERS Reg. Gas Diesel Fuel. No-L ead 79.9 75.9 Gas - 85.9 W.W. Antif-reeze Per Case - 4-1, Gai. Container - 6.42, Per Gai. 2.52 U-Car Radiator'Antifreeze Per Case - 4-1 Gai. Cont. - 16.58, Per Gai. 4.76 10 W 30 Gulf Medallion H.D. Oil 24 qts., Per Case -,26.76, Per Qt. - 1.60- S. T.P. Oil Treatment 24-15 oz. tins Per Case - 40.66, Per Can - 1.88 S.T.P. Gas Treatment 8 oz. Tins per Case - 21.93, per Can - 1.07 S.T.P. Gas Line Antifreeze 24-6 oz. Tins per Case - 8.45, per Tin - .53 S.T.P. Snowmobile Oil 12-20 oz. Tins - 13.48, Per Tin - 2.15 Drop in and Gas Up and Pick up the Dollar Saver Specials or eall colleet and place your order The above prices include 983-9480 Ont. Sales Tax . j i ËI 1 - -- 987-4226