Another donation presented Irwin of Alice's Place, a Mr, Walter Stapleton (left) to the Orono Arena Building restaurant on Highway 115 treasurer f or the Orono Amnat- fund was presented on Wed- north of Orono. The donation eur Athietie Association. nesday evening by -Mr. Stu of $50000 was presented to On Wednesday night the Orono Fund RaisingComt tee for the new Orono Arena held a meeting in the Orono Town Hall at which time tIhey discussed procedures to be followed with monies now lield by the committee for the construction of the Orono Co mplex. Mir. Charles Gray, chair- mani of the committee, stated that thIe Town of Newcastle was asking for funds that were available to be given over to the Town as soon as possible. It was pointed out that Wintario graints would be applicable to the funds now in the local treasury. There was some discussion on whether or not Wintario grants would be available on thre pledges which as of last week totalled to $57,158.00. Thec committee decided they would send to the Town a, sum of $50,000 in cash and will send over the total of pledges if thre Town can obtain Wvintario grants on the pied- ges. Mr. Klaas,-, DeGroot, Town treasurer, has said that pledges may be used for Wintario grants at this time and that it Wyould only require a statemnent from the commit- tee that so mudch exîsted in pledge formi. Thre trea!surer said it wouild be dilfficurIt at this thimeto estimate the to)tal Wintario grants as som-re would be on the basis of $200 for $1.00 while others would bie based on $1.00 for $1.00. Tjhe committee now holds somte $112,000 in cash and pledges and Mr. DeGroot sad this could mean a sum of $200,000.00 in Wintario grants. The cash from the committee and the Wintario grants could amount to $250,000.00 which would help the Town greatly in their cash flow position. ~'~- The commyittee on Wednes- day night agreed to turning over pledges and cash if it would assist the Town in financing the project. GENERAL MEETING The Orono Arena Finance Comrmittee plan to hold a general meeting on January l5th at which time they will reassess their position as to the fund-raising project. t was pointed out on Wednes- day that at least ten canvas- sers had not reported back to the committee and that these ca nvassers wNould now have to be contacted to see if they had or intended to carry out their part of the canvass. As a resuit a considerable number of residents in the area had not as yet been canvassed. Mr. Gray said that it now appeared that the canvass in itself would not raise the necessary amiount of funds and that new projects would have to be considered. The purpose of the January l5th meeting wvould centre on new projects. t wais pointed out however that the complete canvass of the area wvould have to be completed. A circular or fact, sheet will be circulated throuighout the area prior to the Ja nuary lStb meeting. Mr. Gray announced that the United AuItomobile Work- ers had donated a sumn of $1,500.00 to the arena fund, a similar amounit as donated to other new arenas being con- structed in the area. Counc.-wants block information, Couinc. Bob Dykstra stated at thie recent meeting of c ounicil that he noted that Primo Ar-go blocks were agin being used in the costruction of the Orono arena. He pointed out that at a recent meeting of council when discussion centred on the use of Newc,,astle blocks and Primo Argo blocks- the Mayorý said he -would investi- gate the problem facing couincil and report back to, council. "We have neyer had. this report", said Counc. Dykstra, "and I am concern- ed ,just how this is progres- sing". Counc. Dykstra said he had reports on the tests of the Newcastle blocks but had neyer seen a report of tests on the Primo Argo blocks. Fur- ther it appears that the Newcastle blocks are more economnical from reports we have to date. Counc. Woodyard said this matter was discussed at the last meeting of the building committee and it was a recommendation of the engi- neer and contractor that they return to the use of the Primo Argo blocks. He also said as far as he knew there was a running test on the Primno, Argo blocks. Counc. Holiday said there was no doubt that Auto-Clave blocks were superior blocks as they were made under controlled conditions. He said however he did not know if the Newcastle blocks would be suitable for the construction. We have emiployved a consult- ant to, protect our interests and it sho.uld be their deci- sion, he said, 'm in no position to make a decision', Counc. Dykstra again stat- ed that council did not 'have the information that %vas supposed t o be brought before it. The building committee of the Orono arena agreed somne weeks ago to use th;e Auto- clave blocks as recommended by the engineer and contract- tor. The Newcastle blocks have been used for somne interior wall construction. Lear: to swim s:fely the Red Cros ay this winter. <rona Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 2I1st, 1977-13~ Woodlya rd ca1ils f or Winners assessment committee Trhe wfinners of te(-n Figure Skating Club Dr-aw The Town council on Mon- day gave authority for the appointment of a comittee- by the Mayor to approachi the Ministry of Revenue concern- ing equalized 'assessmnent within the Town of Newcastle. In the past it hias been stated that the equalizing factor bas been the cause that such areas a- Carke Town- ship are required to pay more than their full share of taxes withî'n the municipality. The request for the commit- tee came from the Treasurer for the Town. E.R. Woodyard mnoved thnt the Mayo. appoint three mnembers of' council to the commi-ittee to also include the Town Manager and the Town Treasurer. The resolution lso inicluded that, Sam Cur- eatz, -MPP. mnake arrange- ments for the meeting and be present during the discussion of the equjalizedl assessmelnt for the Town. Counc. Dykstra asked that the committee include a miember of council from each of the wards as any change will affect ail wards in the municipality. are: Afgýhan - Patty Lunn, Orono Voucher from Jan's Flower Shop - Mrs. E. Schmidt, O-shawa.ý Christmas Cake- Kathy Zych, Orono. HAMPTON GARAGE TO ENCREASE IN PRICE The Hampton Garage addi- tionl will increase in cost by $5,941 .00 if the Town -Manager finds the addition to the contract is necessary due to somie parts of the construct- ion being left out of the specîfications. Counc. Bruce Taylor point- ed out that the underground electric service had been omnitted fromn the specifi- cations as it was previously unders'tood that Ontario Hy- dro would look after this installation. It has since been found that council miust accept this charge amounting to $5,808 and an addîtional charge of $133.00 for glass in à door. Counc. Dykstra pointed out that in tendering for the project the tenders hiad been close and wondered if the change would have made any difference. Counc. Taylor stated that ail had bid on, the sanie specifications. TU RN OVER $3O0,OOO TO TOWN Ed Mejor, a mrember of the Newcastle Village Arena Fund Raisîng Committee tur- ned over a sum of $30,000.00 Ïin cash to the Town of Newcastle couincil on2 Monday. He also presented a letter of commit- ment to council ini the amnount of another $30,000ý.00 bringing the total to $60,000.00. to be used by the Townýt in the construction of the Newcastle Village Arena. PLAN FOR FINANCINGI KIRBY SCHOOL A report -was received by council prepared by Counc. Hollidlay regarding the finani- cing of the old Kirby School. In the report the counillorý's proposai set an equal amount of $6,500.00 from the Hleritage Foundation, Wintario, donat- ions and a grant of S6,500.00 fromn the Town o)f Newcastle. The Museum Board :ls to be notified of this arrangement. Council Briefs Orono commîttee turnîng over $50,000 PUBLIC NOTICE TH-E MANAGEMENT 0F CANADA'S NUCLEAR WASTES The House of Commons referred to the Standing Committee on National Resources and Public Works, the document entitled, "The Management of Canýada's Nuclear Wastes". (Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1977 - Cat. No.: W123-12/77-6 ISBN: 0-662- 01167-8) Organizations, Associations and individuals whow\ýish to submnit a brief, specifically imited to the subjeci of radioactive mnaterial emanating fromn nuclear power stations, should do so postmarked .no later than January 20, 1978 to the following: Clerk of the Standing Commrittee on National Resources and Public Works, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario Ki A 0A7 Hearings wiIl commence at the beginning of Februàry 1978. AIl briefs will be considered by the Committee and some wiitnesses will be invited to appear. q47 Ferniand E. Leblanc, M.P., Chairman, STANDING COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL RESOLJRCES AND PUBLIC WORKS. I MIN MMI