14-orono Weeklv Times, Wednesday, December 21st, 1977 For D IMORE LAYOFFS General Foods in Cobourg intend to lay off a furtber twenty as of January 2nd, as a resuit of the sluggisb Canadian economy. The company bas approximately 105 employees on lay-off. The company employs around 1000 persons. ONE KILLED ON TAUNTON ACCIDENT Jean Love Holmes, 79, of 81 3rd Street in Bowmanville was killed in a two-car collision on Taunton Road at Scugog Road on Thursday morning of last week. Holmes was a passenger in a car driven by Charles Payne of the samne address. The car was in collision with a car driven by Harri Sagur, 34, of R.R. 5, Bowmnanvile which was travelling north on the Scugog road. Both Payne and Sagur were admitted to Bowmanville Hospital but released. FIST CONTRACT Negotiations are underway for a first contract between Delta Faucet of Canada Ltd. in Bowmanville and Local 222 United Auto Workers union. The company is to respond to the union position on January 3rd. The base rate now is $-1.60 an hour. The plant is one of three in North America making Delta faucets. REGION TO SPEND $250,000 FOR PROM'ý,OTION The Region of Durham council bas passed a resolution to spend $250,000 over the next two years for an industrial promotion scheme. The province is to pay $165,000 of the totall cost of providing a first advertising scheme for the Region. EXPECT 254 HOMES CLEANED 13F MARCIl Th~e Atomic Energy Control Board expects to have cleaned up a total of 254 homes in Port Hope by the end of March 1978 which have proven to be cotaminated witb varying degrees of radiation. 7t is expected t.o have the complete job done in Port Hlope by the end of 1979. About 62,000 tons of contamninated material bas now been taken out of Port Hope and tranisported to Chalk River. ENflEAVOURING TWINNING David Grey, deputy-reeve of Hlope Towniship bas suggested that the Township of Hoppe endeavour to twin witb a Town ship in the province of Quebec. H1e bas volunteered to follow up on the suggestion which could result in corresponidence between two) centres and possible inter- visits. t was last year that the Kirby senatýe made an endeavour to cor-respondý withi a simyilar- commnunity in Quebec. Although the Kirby letter bias been in the bands of officials in Ottawva for, the paýst nfine moentbs tbere bas-been no contact and it appears tbat the effort was for 'not'. MUSIC LANIGLESSON Tuesday miorninig students at the Orono Public Scbool wxere treated to a fine lesson in music when Mr- Crawford brougbt his electric piano to scbool playing botb music and giving instructions on its operations. The scbool will also bold a mnini Christmnas party tbis mnorning Wednesday at assembly at the scbool. PARTIAL RENOVATIONS Counc. Bob Dykstra was somnewbat upset over wording of a master plan of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority regarding the old Hampton, mili. The plan used the word 'partial' in, referring to restoring. Dykstra wanited the word remnoved stated tbat the Town would give ail support for total restoration. lIe did say bowever tbere would be no0 way tbey w,Àould spend $1,500,000 on the project. The word 'partial' remained in the document. Counc. Dykstra bad now asked the Town Manager to look into the mnatter of restoration costs and possible assistance for tbe project. WON'T DELAY DARLINGTON PLANT Environment Minister George Kerr bas said in the legislature that he will not caîl for an environmental assessment bearing regardîng the Darlington Nulear Hydro plant even though the station does not have to be on streamn until 1985. Willim C. all, B. Com Jobnir De V'ries, Bowman- section of Kemptville College. (ha rtered Accountant ville (left) and Carl Lowery, The Kemptville annual a- ý Orono (ri4ght) are sbown, wardis banquet was beld at receiving tbe McLean Found- tbe College on November0 Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ation Scbolarships, presented 22nd, 1977. Botb DeVries and by Mr. Gary Pickard, Head of Lowery are to be congratu-AL D Y WE N D Y the Business Management, lated.adSA IR Y Glq«en Rae Dairy Solýd Announcement was made this week that Glen Rae Dairy in Bowmianville and serving tbe Orono area bad been sold to Beat rice (Ontario) Limited (Ideal Dairy Divisioni. in making tbe announce- ment MIr. Bob Stevens, recent owner of the famnily dairy in Bowmaniville, said tbat tbe business bas operated in Bowmnanville foýr the past sixty-five years. t was stated in 1912 by bis grandfatber, Robert Ray. Frons 1948 to 1968 Messrs. Ross C. Stevens and Bob Stevens carried on the business as a partnersbip. During -the past nine years Bob Stevens bas been the sole owner- of tbe dairy. During 'this nine year period sales bave increased by thirty per cent to a volume of 45,0 pounds of milk products a day. At tbe present time the firmp bandles fifty-eight dîf- ferent products and contain- ers for tbeir products. Glen Rae not only served this area but also an area in Cobourg and Lindsay. Bob Stevens said that the sale would give mucb greater security for staff wbo bave al been retained by the new owner including Mr. Stevens wbo will remain as supervisor of the Bowmanville outlet. Beatrîce Foods operate ten sucb plants in Ontario. Elleen, Jerry anai Michael NOONEÀ'S Hotel & Restaurant Hwy. 115 Phone 983-5536 ,~ 1 w mmmm 1 'Il 1 1 % ý.. 1 w! ffl-eý MW > - -- ýl ., . . - - 1 , Hwy. 115 Phone 983-5536