8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 2lst, 1977 Rebekah Iodge christmas party Tuesday, December 13,1977 was the occasion of the Heather Rebekah Lodge Christmas party. At 6:30 p. m. 26 sisters and brothers sat down to a very delîcious aDXSER VICE STATION. Highway 35 and !15, just north of Newcastle I * Featuring. * Premium Qualitv Product i At the Most Reasonable Prices Stove 011 & m Diesel 011 Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 AND ALSO POP SHOP* andthank you for shopping at Gould Photo Shop Ld. turkey dinner. The tables were tastefully decorated with Christmas flowers and red candies with a favour at each place. The Christmas tree with sparkling tinsel and lights added to the festive atmosphere. At eight o'clock a short meeting was held in the lodge room with Sister Betty Major, presiding and Sister Violet Suteliffe, Vice Grand, assist- ing. Sister Mae Allen, Record- ing Secretary, reported that calendars had been delivered or mnailed to all members alIso lodges in District No. 7 East. Birthday greetings were extended to Brother Gordon Watson and Sister Laverne Barrabaîl, and the previous meeting night Sister Mildred Raîney received.greetings. After the closing of Lodge, Brother Gordon Watson show- ed movies of former Christ- mas parties. t was interest- ing to note the changes in the ones present and sad to thfiik of the ones who are with us no -more. Santa Claus and a very young petite Mrs. Santa arrived and delivered a gif t ta each one. Punch and candy were passed and on a happy note with everyone wishing each other a happy and healthy Christmas, the even- ing came to a close. The next regular meeting of Heather Rebekah Lodge will be held Tuesday, January 10, 1978. JiJ * Çad vie igot..adg/ad wishes rigaut as we extend aur sne gret- * ngs for a very merry Christmas ta ail. * Orono Hydro Electric m * commission ROV'%L PH DO0MINION 0 HARDWARE MAIN ST., ORONO 983-5207 m 0 -Mýe ýý -1, ý"m